After Cao An submitted the information about his film in the second round to the competition committee, the relevant information was soon made public.

When netizens saw this scene, they were immediately excited.

Because Cao An’s genre this time was eye-catching.

Science fiction!

And it looks like a big-budget science fiction film. No one in China has ever made such a movie.

Guo Xiaoai’s “Fortress of Magic City” doesn’t count.

Except for the “Fortress of Magic City” which is barely worth watching, the others are all a mess.

So netizens don’t recognize his boast of being the first science fiction blockbuster in China.

Now Cao An has come out and said that he is going to shoot a big-budget science fiction movie, which immediately makes the audience look forward to it.

After all, Cao An’s reputation is there, and he has never boasted.

What if Cao An succeeds?

Then the audience will have a treat.

“Fuck, what is this? Director Cao is actually going to make a science fiction film.”

“What are you surprised about? Cao An is still making science fiction films in Hollywood.”

“It’s different. The post-production of “I Am Legend” was all done by Warner. Looking at Director Cao’s “The Wandering Earth”, it should be a domestic product.”

“I have to sigh at Director Cao’s ability to name. Wandering can actually be linked to the earth.”

“How to shoot this? How can humans drive the earth?”

“I am dying of laughter. Cao An is really bold. Can you handle this kind of future science fiction film?”

“I don’t think Cao An’s choice this time is good. He is good at making some small and beautiful movies, but I think he is still a little short of this kind of grand narrative.”

“This time Cao An will definitely fail, I said!”

“I have a feeling that Cao An’s movie is likely to be like Guo Xiaoai’s “Fortress of the Magic City”, telling the story of literary youth love in a grand background.”

Unlike the mixed reviews of netizens, Fanxing is very excited.

None of them thought that Cao An would fail in this movie. Now they are thinking about how to participate in Cao An’s movie.

“The Wandering Earth” is a big production at first glance. Being able to participate in such a production is a kind of luck in itself.

But when they called Cao An, the answer they got was: “I haven’t written the script yet, and many characters have not been decided yet. Don’t panic, wait until I return to China.”

Zhang Yimou’s studio.

The assistant told him the information about Cao An’s “The Wandering Earth”.

This time he didn’t have any emotional fluctuations, “I will take it step by step this time and not toss it around.”

“I heard that Kaige is going to shoot a big-budget Tang Dynasty movie. Let him compete with Cao Xiaozi. I won’t participate.”

After the last failure, Zhang Yimou changed his mind this time.

He prepared to take it step by step this time, return to the subject matter he is good at, and prioritize to ensure promotion.

And after reading the information about “The Wandering Earth”, he knew that the production cycle of this drama was very long, and it was very likely that Cao An’s movie would not be finished until his own movie was released.

According to the news he learned, in this round, apart from Cao An, only Chen Kaige is going to make a big production.

So these two people are likely to collide with each other.

But these are not what he needs to consider now.

He turned to his assistant and said, “Spread the news that I am going to audition amateur actresses for my next movie.”

Recently, the name of “Cao Girl” has become more and more famous, making many people forget that this title first came from him.

He decided to set the record straight and let the audience know that when it comes to the ability to train female stars, he, Zhang Yimou, is the predecessor.

The title of “Mou Girl” will surely shine again.


Chen Kaige was sitting in the car preparing to meet with Xiangzhou officials. He wanted to attract a huge investment for his movie.

At this time, his assistant told him the information about Cao An’s movie.

Said: “According to the information revealed, Cao An’s film is likely to be released at the same time as ours.”

“Don’t be afraid.” Chen Kaige said very confidently: “Lao Mouzi cooperated with Hollywood and capsized in the gutter, but I am not him.”

He still knows something about Zhang Yimou’s situation in “The Great Wall”.

There are too many investment institutions, and his voice is too small.

The script was provided by Hollywood, and he couldn’t make major changes, so he had to bite the bullet and shoot it.

“This time it’s a subject I’m good at, and Cao An is a brand new type. It’s not certain who will win.”

Chen Kaige is very confident about the movie he will shoot next.

They are all big investments, he is in the field he is good at, and Cao An is trying a brand new subject.

The probability of him capsizing is very high.

On the whole, he is really not afraid of him.

Thinking that if he defeats Cao An in the same period, and Zhang Yimou is Cao An’s subordinateA defeated general.

Doesn’t that mean that he is the best director in the country?

Thinking of this, he looked forward to the future more and more.

He became more confident and looked radiant.

“Everyone knows about the story of Haixi Meteorite and Qilu Zibo. A movie or a TV series has an extremely strong ability to drive the tourism industry in a place. These two cases are good examples.”

“As long as we shoot this movie together, when the movie is released nationwide, the audiences from all over the country will want to come to Xiangzhou to experience the style of the Tang Dynasty in person.”

“At that time, it will drive the economic development of the entire Xiangzhou. The current investment is nothing to be afraid of.”

Under Chen Kaige’s passionate speech, the leaders of Xiangzhou finally agreed to cooperate.

After finalizing this largest investment, Chen Kaige was in a very good mood.

The most difficult step has been taken, and the rest will naturally come naturally.

In June, Cao An finished filming in Hollywood and got up to return to China.

Although he finished filming, it will take some time before the film is completed.

Liu Jian will stay at Warner for the time being, and learn from Warner people how to manage and produce a film in an industrialized way.

Since Cao An gave sufficient setting drafts, post-production does not require Cao An’s excessive participation.

Occasionally, if there are problems, video calls can solve them.

As soon as Cao An walked out of the Imperial Capital Airport, he saw a group of reporters carrying “anti-aircraft guns and cannons” rushing towards him.

Cao An was so scared that he turned around and ran away.

Cao An was relieved when he got in the company’s car to pick him up and drove out of the Imperial Capital Airport.

When he returned to the company, Cao An complained to Fang Haoli.

“Why are there reporters blocking me at the airport?”

Hearing Cao An’s complaints, Fang Haoli smiled and said, “That’s because you are famous, boss!”

This made Cao An frown. He remembered that he had not done anything recently.

How did he become famous?

He had never seen reporters blocking him at the station or airport before.

Seeing Cao An’s puzzled expression, Fang Haoli handed him a copy of the People’s Daily, which was just published today.

“You are now a national celebrity.”

Cao An took the newspaper in confusion, opened it, and was stunned.

The front-page headline of this issue of the newspaper was:

{The top ten outstanding young people in the country are announced, and young talents lead the trend of the times}

And his name appeared in the third section of this article.

[A new combination of film and television and tourism, a publicity ambassador of the new era – Cao An]

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