Shanghai Airport.

Liu Shishi dragged her luggage out and breathed the air of Shanghai again, looking a little melancholy.

She repeatedly refused Liu Yifei’s request to stay, and after playing in the capital for more than a month, she finally returned to her base, Shanghai.

She felt that if she stayed in the capital any longer, she would really become a member of Fanxing.

These days, she followed Liu Yifei and saw a lot of the operation process of Fanxing.

It would be better if she didn’t know, but after knowing it, she couldn’t help feeling lonely.

Because compared with Tangren, where she was, Fanxing was really too good.

Fanxing’s basic salary was much higher than Tangren’s.

In addition, the artists of Fanxing didn’t have so many worries at all, and the artist logistics department of Fanxing could basically solve all external matters.

And Fanxing would not take those messy commercial performances, drinking with others and other disgusting commercial activities.

Being an actor in Fanxing really just requires acting well.

Liu Yifei has been taking her out to play every day for more than a month. There is nothing to do except going back to school occasionally.

You know, she is now a first-line actress in China, and Fanxing is so confident that she can play casually.

She sacrificed all her vacations for a year to come to the capital, and she also promised to take a lot of commercial performances after returning to the magic city.

Thinking of this, Liu Shishi was envious again.

Fanxing not only has good treatment, but also first-class resources.

It is now recognized in the industry that Fanxing’s resources are among the best.

The projects within Fanxing alone are enough to feed their family.

Now every artist in Fanxing has his or her own representative work and famous work.

Even Zhao Jinmai and Peng Yuchang, who just joined Fanxing, are the male and female protagonists of Cao An’s movie.

She went to the crew of “The Wandering Earth” with Liu Yifei. Just looking at their seriousness and responsibility in filming, she knew that the performance of this movie would definitely not be bad.

Shaking her head, putting aside the good memories of the imperial capital for the time being, she took a taxi back to Tang Ren.

As soon as she entered the company, her assistant pulled her to Director Cai’s office.

She said in a complaining tone: “My aunt, you finally know to come back, come with me to Director Cai.”

Liu Shishi looked at her colleagues running around in the company, and was pulled to Cai Yilong’s office with an expressionless face.

Arriving at the office, Cai Yilong looked up and took a look. After confirming that everyone was back, he directly ordered:

“The Legend of Sword and Fairy” is popular. As an artist of the company, you should also contribute to the company. You have been playing for more than a month, and you should concentrate on it. I have arranged a few commercial performances for you, and you can save some money for yourself.

I have sent all the detailed information to Xiao Liu, you just need to listen to her arrangements.”

“Don’t worry, Director Cai, I will definitely take Shishi to do a good job.” Assistant Xiao Liu said flatteringly.

“Well, I know.”

Liu Shishi nodded and said.

Just as the two were about to leave, Cai Yilong suddenly said:

“You should maintain a good relationship with Liu Yifei, complain to her more often, talk about Tang Ren’s hardships, let Fanxing allocate some projects to us, and you can also get better development.”


This time she answered very quietly, she didn’t know if she made a sound.

But Cai Yilong didn’t continue to ask, and Xiao Liu didn’t care, but pulled her to explain her the next work arrangements.

The popularity of “Legend of Sword and Fairy” made Tang Ren feel what a popular drama is.

Various commercial invitations came in, and the commercial performance prices of actors who participated in “Legend of Sword and Fairy” soared.

Especially for several leading actors, the prices doubled directly, but many people still sent invitations.

In fact, many commercial activities want to invite Liu Yifei, the female lead of “Legend of Sword and Fairy”.

But Fanxing is too strict, and many small or less compliant commercial invitations have no chance at all.

So these people can only settle for the second best and send the invitation letter to Tang Ren.

So during this time when she returned to the Magic City from the Imperial Capital, Liu Shishi was exhausted.

Every day, she was pulled out of bed by Xiao Liu before dawn, and then she put on makeup and took a car to the commercial performance location.

It was not until the early morning that she could return to her room. She took a hurried shower and fell asleep on the bed.

Compared with her previous life in the Imperial Capital, it was simply a world of difference.

Although she made some money during this period, she would have been very happy in the past.

But now, looking at the growing balance in her account, she couldn’t get excited.

She often asked herself in the lonely late night, is this the life she wants?

Such days continued until the arrival of New Year’s Day.

Because of this day,”I Am Legend”, a film produced by Fanxing and Warner, was released in China and America at the same time.

It instantly took over the popularity of “The Legend of Sword and Fairy”.

December 30, Imperial Capital.

On this day, Cao An left the crew of “The Wandering Earth”.

It happened that everyone had three days off during the New Year’s Day holiday.

Since “I Am Legend” was the first purely commercial film produced by Fanxing, Cao An also followed Zhang Yimou and held a premiere.

Invitations were sent to well-known domestic directors, celebrities in the film industry, actors, and media.

Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Guan Hu, Feng Xiaogang and other competitors of Cao An also received invitations.

And these people all came.

Although they were competitors, Cao An had no personal grudges with them.

“Welcome, seniors. I hope you will be lenient when the time comes.”

Feng Xiaogang smiled and said, “I will be lenient. I just hope that Director Cao’s “The Wandering Earth” will not be released at the same time as mine.”

He is not very good at making commercial films, and his box office performance is not as good as that of the newcomer Cao An.

So he will deliberately avoid working with well-known directors when choosing a release date.

“Xiao Cao, don’t be modest. We are here to learn this time.” Chen Kaige said in the tone of an elder.

Zhang Yimou nodded, without much communication.

After welcoming several people into the venue, Cao An greeted several people he knew and followed them into the theater.

Although Cao An held a premiere, it was not a big show. He just wanted to invite some people to watch it in advance to build momentum for “I Am Legend”.

At 8 o’clock in the evening, the premiere of “I Am Legend” officially began.

The lights in the theater went out, and the golden dragon logo on the screen lit up.

Then there were the icons of Stars and Warner.

After the words “Director Cao An’s Work” disappeared, the film “I Am Legend” officially began.

At the beginning of the film, there was no big scene, but an old TV set with a news interview playing on it.

The person being interviewed was a virologist, who was explaining the prospects and direction of using viruses to treat human diseases.

Just when everyone couldn’t understand what this section was about, the scene changed.

Three years later.

In the dilapidated city, rusted and damaged cars were piled up everywhere.

The originally flat road was overgrown with weeds.

It was like a broken picture of the end of the world.

As the camera continued to pull up, a desolate, dilapidated, old and empty New York appeared on the screen.

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