When New York in the end of the world appeared on the screen, the audience immediately exclaimed.

Because this scene was so shocking.

It took Cao An only more than ten seconds to render the sense of doomsday with a few freeze-frame pictures.

It made people believe that this was New York after the disaster.

Then, a red luxury sports car appeared in the camera, which immediately aroused the curiosity of the audience.

The scene turned and came to the car, and the protagonist of the movie, Dr. Nefer, appeared.

She had a ponytail, a gray cotton coat on her upper body, and a black leather jacket on the outside.

She was very capable.

She drove the car with one hand and held the gun with the other hand. Her eyes were always on the alert, indicating the danger here.

A yellow and black German Shepherd sat in the co-pilot, looking at Nefer obediently.

Zhang Yimou saw this and muttered, “This kid is getting more and more experienced in shooting. In just a few shots, without a single line, he explained the background and the current situation clearly.”

Chen Kaige also showed a worried expression.

Cao An’s strength in this film should not be underestimated.

Feng Xiaogang didn’t care and watched the film attentively.

The next part of the film follows a man and a dog to visit and understand such a doomsday New York.

Not to mention, it’s quite interesting to watch the protagonist racing and hunting in a deserted, overgrown, animal-dense city like a tropical savanna.

But the protagonist often observes the time and looks at the sun from time to time, which makes the audience realize that the sun may have different effects.

There was almost no dialogue for a period of time afterwards, and the perspective was all on the protagonist.

The audience watched her racing, hunting, and doing experiments.

Cooking, fitness, and watching videos.

Go out when the sun rises and go back when the sun sets.

Step by step to understand this world.

She grows corn on the busiest streets in New York, plays golf on fighter jets, and fishes in high-end swimming pools.

She broadcasts by the river every day, saying that she has sufficient supplies to receive survivors.

But there was no reply every time.

Every time she goes out, she returns to her house before sunset, closing the doors and windows tightly without leaving any gaps.

It’s like there’s something scary outside.

She often dreams about the past at night, and the audience also learns the truth of the matter through her dreams.

It turns out that not long after the virologist interview at the beginning of the movie, a virus crisis broke out in the world.

The protagonist is a military virologist who has been engaged in the research and development of virus antidotes, but has not achieved any results.

Instead, as the virus spreads, her relatives and friends leave her one after another, leaving only a dog to accompany her.

Only 10% of humans are left in the world, and only 1% of people are born with antibodies and will not be infected.

The story suddenly turns in this dull and desolate situation. During a day of hunting, Shaman (dog) enters a building because of hunting a prey.

At this time, the movie finally ushered in the first climax.

The audience follows the protagonist’s perspective into the dark building, and strange noises are heard from time to time, which makes the audience terrified.

Suddenly, there was a sound of rapid breathing, which made the audience’s heart rise to their throats.

As the protagonist’s flashlight illuminated the source of the sound, a group of monsters with gray skin, no hair, and rapid breathing, who didn’t know whether they should be called human beings, appeared in the camera.

The moment Nefer saw it, he immediately turned off the flashlight, cold sweat on his face, and moved lightly, for fear of alarming them.

When he finally found Shaman and was about to leave, a monster called Night Demon stared at her.

She hurriedly took Shaman away, and finally broke the glass to escape from the building.

The audience also understood what those who were infected with the virus but did not die looked like.

They also understood why the protagonist always paid attention to time and the sun.

Because this kind of Night Demon was afraid of sunlight.

Nefer, who escaped, did not leave, but designed a trap, used his own blood as bait to catch a Night Demon, and took it back home for experiments.

But the experiment still failed.

The next day she ushered in her third birthday in the doomsday.

She went out as usual, but found something different on the street.

The dummy that was originally in the store appeared on the roadside, and she immediately realized that something was wrong.

There were no survivors here, so it could only be the Night Demon.

The Night Demon, which originally only had instincts, actually evolved into wisdom, and she felt a great fear in her heart.

She raised her gun and fired randomly around, and then curiously wanted to see the situation of the dummy.

But she was trapped by the Night Demon just like she did yesterday.She was tied up by her feet and hung upside down in the air, and passed out.

When Naif woke up, it was already dusk.

She quickly pulled out a knife to cut the rope on her feet, but when she fell, there was broken glass below that cut her thigh.

At this time, several night demons and zombie dogs rushed out of the building.

After a fight, she finally returned to the house with pain.

But Shaman was bitten by a zombie dog. If Shaman was not treated, he would also become a zombie.

She used the only potion in the laboratory that had some effect, but Shaman still turned into a corpse in her arms.

Naif endured the grief and strangled his partner who had been with him for three years.

The next night, he rushed directly to the building in grief and wanted to avenge Shaman.

But a powerful and strong night demon overturned her car.

Just when she thought she was going to die, a car rushed over and rescued her.

The plot here is different from the previous slow progress. The conflicts that come one after another have firmly nailed the audience’s attention to the movie.

The premiere was very quiet, with almost no discussion, and everyone was watching the movie attentively.

The next day, Naif woke up from the bed, and the wounds on his body were stitched and disinfected.

When she came to the living room, she found that she saw two living people, a mother and daughter with oriental appearance.

After understanding, she knew that the two people came here after hearing her broadcast.

She also ate the Chinese food made by the mother. The first time she communicated with a living person in three years made her a little awkward and a little moved.

Just when the audience thought the story was about to get better, Naif’s base was discovered by the Night Demon.

Countless Night Demons launched a fierce attack on the base at night. Even though she placed bombs around and reinforced the doors and windows with steel, it was still broken.

The three could only retreat to the underground laboratory. At this time, she found that the Night Demon was looking for the female Night Demon she had captured before.

Moreover, this female Night Devil has shown signs of turning back to human due to the joint efforts of herself and her new friend.

She knew that the experiment was successful, but now they were all going to die here.

In order to leave hope for mankind, she drew a tube of blood from the recovered female Night Devil, handed it to her friends, and asked them to hide.

And she took the explosives and prepared to die together with the Night Devil who kept hitting the anti-theft glass door in front of her.

After a huge explosion, the Night Devil and Nefer were both dead.

And the mother and daughter found the last survival point of mankind with blood, bringing hope to mankind.

The whole film is over!

The lights came on, and the audience immediately burst into warm applause.

Although this movie is not perfect, the strength it shows is already the best special effects blockbuster in recent years.

Cao An once again broke through his personal limits and brought an excellent movie to audiences all over the world.

(There is another chapter later)

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