Liu Cixing is an ordinary middle-aged worker. People who are familiar with him usually call him Big Liu.

He works at a hydropower station and often slacks off to write science fiction novels.

But he has never been very popular, and the royalties can only earn him some pocket money.

When he got home from work yesterday, he accidentally saw the promotional video of “The Wandering Earth” on the Internet.

He was deeply attracted at first sight, because he felt that this movie was just like growing out of his mind, and all the settings hit his sensitive points.

He bought today’s movie ticket on the spot without any hesitation. He hasn’t watched a movie in the cinema for nearly ten years, but he feels that he must watch this movie.

He bought the ticket at ten o’clock in the morning. Logically, there should not be many people watching movies at this time, after all, most people sleep during holidays.

But today is completely different. There are dense crowds of young men and women waiting at the ticket gate. He looked at it and most of them came to watch “The Wandering Earth”.

There are also people watching “Cat Demon Legend”, but the number is obviously not as many as those watching “The Wandering Earth”.

He, a middle-aged man, seems a bit out of place among a group of young people.

Soon the ticket check began, and he came to his seat and sat down, with a couple sitting next to him.

The girl saw Liu Cixing was obviously stunned, and asked curiously: “Uncle, are you here to watch Director Cao’s movie too?”

The audience of Cao An’s movies is still mainly young people.

“Ah, no, I came here to watch this movie because it is a science fiction movie. I like science fiction more.”

Liu suddenly thought of a question, “I just heard many people discussing the director of this movie. Is he special?”

“Wow, uncle, you don’t know Director Cao, he is my idol, not only is he handsome, but every work he shoots is very good.”

Taking advantage of the advertising time before the show, Liu Cixing learned about Cao An and Fanxing from the young couple.

Then the lights went out, the movie officially started, and the three of them immediately stopped talking and focused their eyes on the screen.

Jinlongbiao, Fanxing Films, director Cao An’s work.

The movie officially started.

The first thing to watch is the night view of the earth from outer space, and then Wu Jing’s voice sounded.

“Quick, quick, quick, look at Jupiter.”

“Dad, there is an eye on Jupiter.”

“That’s not an eye, it’s a big storm.”

“What is a storm?”

“Jupiter is like a big balloon, full of hydrogen.”

“What is hydrogen?”

“Hydrogen is the fuel for Dad’s rocket.”

On a quiet beach, three generations of a family camped together, and faint lights came from afar.

At first, the audience thought it was the lights of a distant city, but when the camera zoomed up and the panoramic view of the opposite side appeared on the screen, everyone felt extremely shocked.

A huge planetary engine is located above the city, and even the tallest building cannot touch the engine’s support frame.

Although the audience could not understand the previous plot, the information shown in the dialogue still attracted the audience’s interest.

Then a few scenes of news footage quickly cut, plus narration, introduced the background of the movie.

“Initially, no one cared about this disaster. It was just a wildfire, a drought, the extinction of a species, and the disappearance of a city.”

“Until this disaster became closely related to everyone.”

“The sun is aging rapidly and continues to expand. In a hundred years, it will engulf the earth, and in three hundred years, the solar system will no longer exist.”

“Faced with this catastrophe, mankind has shown unprecedented unity.”

“In order to allow more people to survive, the United Government decided to push the entire earth away from the solar system and head for a new home 4.2 light years away.”

“This brilliant and long-term human migration plan was named the [Wandering Earth] plan.”

When this scene came out, the audience watching this movie were all deeply shocked by this grand and long plan.

After all, the various disaster movies they had watched before were all about escaping on a spaceship, which seemed too petty in comparison.

In Cao An’s “The Wandering Earth”, it was actually all mankind that wandered with the earth.

At this time, the audience understood the meaning of the name “The Wandering Earth”.

I couldn’t express my admiration for Cao An in my heart, and I could only say in my heart, “Director Cao is awesome!”.

Liu was more shocked than others because he saw a place that was the same as the one in the novel he was writing.

That was the Alpha Centauri galaxy 4.2 light years away.

But in his novel, it was the aliens in this galaxy that invaded humans.

Seeing this, he felt closer to Cao An, the screenwriter and director, and felt a sense of mutual appreciation.

A brief backstoryAfter the introduction of the scene, an earth with a tail of light slowly moved forward in the universe, covering the sun behind it.

The four big words “The Wandering Earth” appeared on the screen, and the story of this movie officially began here.

Listening to “Goodbye Solar System” in various languages ​​makes people feel a different kind of romance!

When Liu Cixin saw this, as a senior science fiction fan, he was also deeply attracted by this movie.

The camera started in a crowded room, and the protagonist Liu Qi, played by Peng Yuchang, was packing his luggage on the handmade table.

The audience began to understand the underground city in “The Wandering Earth” from the perspective of the protagonist.

When the teacher played by Yang Mi taught students to recite the text in class, there was a sigh from the audience.

This dress is full of charm.

There is also a sigh: the earth is about to be destroyed, and students can’t escape from reading and reciting texts.

Liu Qi broke the power supply and took his sister Han Duoduo away.

The scenery in the underground city along the way made the audience amazed and laughed.

Because Cao An buried a lot of stalks and Easter eggs here.

For example, the dried earthworms with the flavor of durian, and the promise to be each other’s angels…

Ultraman Tiga toys, beautiful girl brand foot-stepping wine, and a book called Rong Zhai Liubi…

Those who are familiar with Cao An’s works will smile knowingly when they see these, and those who are not familiar with them will not be affected by the viewing experience.

When the brother and sister took the elevator from the underground city to the surface, they opened their mouths wide and exclaimed when they saw the frozen imperial capital.

“Is this the imperial capital? It’s so shocking!”

And this is not over yet. When the huge planetary engine appeared on the screen on the icy surface, there was another exclamation.

Especially when the brother and sister drove on the snow-white ground in the back, followed by a 28-second long shot.

Starting from the truck, all the way up, the steel conveyor belt, the giant excavator, the towering planetary engine, the earth moving slowly in the universe, and the navigator space station escorting the earth in front.

When this scene came out, many science fiction fans were so excited that they shed tears.

After so many years, I finally waited for my own science fiction movie.

And it was such a shocking picture.

The sight smoothly shifted from the ground to the space station. Liu Peiqiang, played by Wu Jing, woke up from the bed and looked at Jupiter outside the window, his eyes full of longing.

His colleague Maozi Makarov also handed him a bottle of vodka.

The audience followed Liu Peiqiang’s perspective to observe the situation of the space station, which also caused great surprise to the audience.

Because the entire space station looks not only huge but also very real, the large space station in the future should be like this.

And because Cao An’s part is all real shots, it makes people feel more shocked.

Because all the mechanical pictures inside are all usable.

There will be no abruptness.

After Liu Peiqiang handed over the leaving procedure, everyone thought that the subsequent plot development was when the father and son reunited.

Suddenly the plot accelerated rapidly.

On the ground, Liu Qi was caught by a car inspection, and his grandfather Han Ziang came to bribe and rescue him but was also locked up.

Then Liu Qi was provoked by the mixed-blood gangster Tim next door and slapped the wall in anger, and the whole wall cracked.

A global disaster suddenly came.

Han Ziang finally escaped with his grandchildren and Tim with his superb driving skills.

This series of rapid changes and exciting plots made the audience enjoy it directly.

There was only the sound of breathing in the entire theater, and everyone stared at the screen intently, fearing that they would miss the key plot.

The space station was not calm either. Because the earth was too close to Jupiter, small gravitational fluctuations caused global earthquakes, and a large number of planetary engines were shut down.

The space station was going to enter energy-saving mode, and Liu Peiqiang’s way home was also blocked.

On the ground.

The four people who escaped could not breathe a sigh of relief. Due to Han Ziang’s superb driving skills, they were temporarily recruited by the CN171-11 rescue team.

So the four of them and the rescue team launched a rescue operation to transport flint and restart the engine.

On the way, Liu Qi and Liu Peiqiang had a formal conversation, but after the call, Liu Peiqiang discovered the abnormality of the space station.

——The space station defected!

The urgent alarm sounded and Liu Peiqiang desperately beat the closed dormant capsule cover, leaving the audience with a great suspense.

Why did the space station defect?

But at this time, the plot on the space station ended temporarily, and the perspective was cut back to the ground.

The rescue team drove all the way from Qilu to the Magic City, and when the frozen Magic City appeared in front of the audience, there was another exclamation.

It was so shocking and so exciting.

Cao An’s “The Wandering Earth” is very good in special effects and plotShangdu is better, the special effects have been fully worked out by Sunglasses Tiancheng, and Cao An has given unlimited funding support.

In terms of the plot, there are systematic optimizations, and many unreasonable or abrupt places in the original work have been improved.

So the overall viewing experience of this movie is better.

In more than half an hour, the plot is compact, the conflicts are constant, and the pictures are shocking. There is really no useless shot for a second.

When the rescue team passed through the Frozen Magic City Grand Canyon, they encountered an earthquake, which caused the ice to collapse and trapped them.

They could only choose to abandon the car and take the internal passage of the building.

It was another exciting climbing plot. When the grandfather Han Ziang died in the end, he opened the mask and was frozen into an ice sculpture. Many people shed tears silently.

After all, the role of Han Ziang gave the audience a lot of intimacy in the front. According to the time, Han Ziang was a post-90s, which was just the same age as the main audience.

Han Ziang’s sacrifice caused a disagreement between Liu Qi and the rescue team, and both sides chose to act separately.

Not long after the brother and sister and Tim walked, they found a transport vehicle and rescued a young United Government emergency observer, Li Yiyi.

Because there was flint in the vehicle, everyone decided to continue the rescue mission and support Sulawesi.

On the way, Liu Qi met the CN171-11 rescue team that failed to rescue. The two sides put aside their differences and carried out the task of transporting flint together.

When the perspective returned to the space station, Liu Peiqiang relied on his extra care to successfully open the door of the hibernation cabin by catching a bug.

Makarov was also awakened and asked him to persuade Liu Peiqiang to continue hibernation.

But he was persuaded by Liu Peiqiang, and the two decided to go to the control room and stop the defected space station.

So the two wore space suits and entered space.

The empty and dark universe, the huge and tiny space station, and two white dots moved slowly on it.

It greatly shocked the hearts of the audience. After all, no one in China has ever filmed such a large and formal space drama.

In the last second, the two were still talking about fishing for salmon in Lake Baikal. In the next second, Makarov was killed because the space station’s artificial intelligence moss opened the defense system and broke the mask.

“Moss, you are killing people!”

Liu Peiqiang angrily opened the door of the main control room with a homemade EMP (electromagnetic pulse) and entered the control room of the navigator space station.

Just when he wanted to stop the space station, the call from the joint government was connected.

Here he learned the truth that the space station did not defect, but was authorized by the joint government.

Because of the influence of Jupiter’s gravitational fluctuations this time, the earth has deviated from the course and is falling towards Jupiter.

Even if all the planetary engines are started at full power, they cannot push the earth away from Jupiter and can only collide with Jupiter.

The evacuation of the space station marks the failure of the rescue operation.

The earth is destined to not escape this disaster and is about to be destroyed.

And the space station will be the last hope of mankind.

When this information was presented, all the audience were shocked.

It turns out that the global rescue operation they thought was essentially just a futile struggle.

Is it true that the earth cannot escape the end of destruction?

This question appeared in the minds of the audience.

Even the science fiction author Liu frowned and thought quickly in his mind. He did not think of any useful measures in this situation in a short time.

At this time, the audience’s emotions dropped to the freezing point, and the atmosphere of despair permeated the movie.

Before the temporary rescue team on the ground arrived in Sulawesi, the steering engine there had been restarted.

Saturation rescue, someone got ahead of them.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Moss’s global broadcast reached the ears of everyone on the earth.

“This is the Navigator Space Station, and we are now making our final report to the world.

In the past thirty-six hours, mankind has experienced the greatest survival crisis in history.

Under the hard work and sacrifice of 1.5 million rescue workers from all over the world, 71% of the “propulsion engines” and 100% of the “steering engines” were restarted at full power, but unfortunately, the current gravity of Jupiter has exceeded the total output power of all engines.

Earth, missed the last chance to escape.

For the continuation of human civilization, MOSS will launch the “Spark” plan.

You are all heroes of the earth, we keep them in mind and are proud of you.

We will shoulder all your hopes and fly to our new home in 2,500 years.

Everything has its beginning and end. In the last seven days before the earth falls into Jupiter, everyone go home, hug your parents, kiss your lover and children.

Reunite with your family and say goodbye, I wish you all good luck. ”

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