This global notification is like a death notice. Everyone on Earth will die in seven days.

The coldness of the universe and the insignificance of human beings are fully displayed at this moment.

A huge haze of death hangs over the heads of all human beings on Earth.

All parts of the world are in chaos and look like death.

The technician Lao He of the rescue team shouted angrily: “Where are there seven days left? The atmosphere will be drained in less than a day, and everyone will be suffocated to death.”

The whole team fell into despair.

Some people were silent, some were sad, and some were furious.

Qiangzi, played by Zhang Songwen, angrily raised the Gatling gun and fired all the bullets at Jupiter hanging in the sky.

“Fuck you Jupiter! Fuck you!”

This scene successfully made some people laugh, because seeing Gao Qiqiang swearing was a different feeling.

But soon he was infected by the desperate and powerless atmosphere again, just like the people in the movie, silently sad.

At this time, Liu Qi looked at the huge Jupiter in front of him and suddenly remembered his childhood.

“Jupiter is like a big balloon, full of hydrogen.”

The background music at this time suddenly began to rise rapidly, accompanying the plot, foreshadowing the upcoming turning point.

He suddenly thought of something, and immediately used the intercom to say to the observer Li Yiyi in the team:

“Li Yiyi, is there a possibility that the surface of Jupiter will ignite after mixing with the earth’s atmosphere?”

This sentence immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the team, and Li Yiyi immediately jumped up from the ground and started calculating on the computer.

The result was obtained in a short while.

“At present, Jupiter has captured at least 30 billion liters of oxygen, and the explosion can form a shock wave of more than Mach 1,000.”

“The kinetic energy generated is enough to push the earth!”

Hearing this conclusion, everyone was happy and saved from a desperate situation.

Liu Qi immediately replied: “Hydrogen and oxygen are mixed, and it only takes one match to explode. We are short of one match!”

But at this time, Li Yiyi found something wrong, “No, no, no, the distance between the earth and Jupiter exceeds 70,000 kilometers, and the range of intercontinental missiles cannot reach it at all!”

The plan that was finally thought of could not be implemented, and everyone fell into disappointment again.

But Liu Qi looked at the planetary engine spraying in the distance and said, “How about this match?”

“I can modify the engine program to make it spray higher!”

The plot was accompanied by passionate music, which instantly pulled the audience from low mood to excitement.

“Come on, let’s ignite Jupiter together!”

The whole plot also entered the final climax! Everyone followed and ignited.

The rescue team immediately started the action.

They rushed to the nearest Sulawesi to turn to the engine. Some people modified the control, some people cleaned the place to push the firing pin, some people installed the flint, and some people called for support.

As the plan was implemented step by step, getting closer and closer to the goal, everyone became excited.

But they didn’t have enough manpower after all, and it was impossible to push the firing pin that was thicker than a train.

Just when everyone was about to despair, Han Duoduo found Liu Peiqiang’s emergency contact code and successfully contacted the space station.

Liu Peiqiang, who was originally preparing to go into hibernation, was immediately excited when he received the call and began to control the space station to connect to the calls of rescuers around Sulawesi.

After Han Duoduo’s touching speech, many people were inspired and decided to make a final effort and turn to Sulawesi for support.

As the rescue team speaking various languages ​​arrived at the scene, everyone worked together to push the firing pin, and Liu Qi and Tim also installed the flint and came to the outside of the engine.

Li Yiyi knocked on the button that was related to the fate of mankind around the world.

The engine that originally sprayed blue flames sprayed red flames from a nozzle.

Eight thousand kilometers, seven thousand kilometers, the flames were getting closer and closer to the detonation area.

When everyone thought it was going to succeed, the flames reached the highest height.

But it was still 5,000 kilometers away from the detonation point that would ignite Jupiter, and humans once again fell into despair.

The ground had reached its limit and could no longer increase the distance.

At this time, Liu Peiqiang suddenly saw the fuel situation of the space station and came up with a plan.

Immediately call the United Government and apply to drive the space station to impact the engine flame and ignite Jupiter with the explosion of the space station.

But the call was cut off at this time, Moss’s voice sounded, and a black camera slowly raised its head, just like the last demon.

“As the execution program of the [Spark Plan], Moss, the act of sacrificing the space station is not allowed to happen.”

But Liu Peiqiang, who had made up his mind, ignored Moss’s reminder and directly turned off the fire protection system in the control room.

Then fromHe took out the retirement wine Makarov gave him from his space suit.

He threw it directly at Moss and shouted, “Happy New Year!”

The high alcohol was instantly ignited by the electric spark, and a raging fire immediately ignited in the control room.

In the fire, Moss said his last words, “It is indeed a luxury to keep humans rational.”

The fire in the control room allowed Liu Peiqiang to completely control the space station.

He came to the cockpit, separated the hibernation capsule, adjusted the direction, and adjusted the gear.

Forward three.

He rushed to the highest point of the engine flame with the space station, and lived towards death.

He used his death and the sacrifice of the space station to exchange for the hope of survival on Earth.

With the silent explosion, Liu Peiqiang and the space station turned into a ball of fire and successfully ignited Jupiter.

Liu Qi and others on the ground did not have time to be sad and immediately began to evacuate, because the earth would usher in a super, super big wave next.

When the shock wave reached the Earth, it gave the Earth an outward thrust, and the Earth finally broke free from Jupiter’s gravity and embarked on a wandering journey again.

“The Sun, located in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way, accounts for 99.68% of the total mass of the solar system…”

A three-year-old scene, with a sonorous narration, once again presents the “Wandering Earth” plan to the audience.

“… This plan will last for a hundred generations. Although we don’t know what kind of home the new sun 4.2 light years away will bring.”

“But from today on, human courage and perseverance will be forever engraved under the starry sky.”

“This long cosmic journey of despair and hope coexists for 2,500 years.”

“It is known as the [Wandering Earth] plan!”

As the camera zooms up, the entire Earth appears on the screen.

In the dark and empty universe, the Earth, dragging its white tail, moves alone towards the distance.

Then the picture speeds up, and the Earth drags its long tail through the universe.

“Director Cao An’s Work” six big words appear on the screen.

The ending music sounded, the lights in the theater were turned on, and the film officially ended.

I don’t know who took the lead, but there was fierce applause in the theater.

After watching “The Wandering Earth”, the audience had only one word in their mind at this time – shocking!

Liu was very excited at this time, because he saw the hope of domestic science fiction movies and found resonance in this movie.

An idea suddenly appeared in his mind. He wanted to go to the capital, to the stars, to meet the director of this movie, Cao An.

Although he knew it was unrealistic, he decided to take advantage of the National Day holiday to go there.

What if it works?

“The Wandering Earth” exploded on the first day, and the Internet was full of discussions about the Wandering Earth.

In the past, Cao An’s movie reputation would not ferment so quickly, but “The Wandering Earth” gave people too much shock.

After watching it, I couldn’t calm down for a long time, and I could only look for friends around me or share my thoughts on the Internet.

“Director Cao is the best in the world. The Wandering Earth is the best science fiction movie I have ever seen!”

“Wow, wow, wow [crying], I am so excited. We have our own science fiction blockbuster.”

“There are thousands of roads, but safety comes first. Driving irregularly will bring tears to your family.”

“This movie has given me so many shocks. Planetary engines, huge space stations, frozen earth, igniting Jupiter… too many!”

“Director Cao is awesome. He really didn’t lie to us. The scenes in the trailer are all in the movie, and they are even more shocking.”

“It was the first time I cried while watching a movie. It was not because of the plot, but because I was relieved that our movie finally stood up!”

“If you have the conditions, you must watch the IMAX or giant screen version. It is a completely different experience and more shocking!”


The online discussion about The Wandering Earth is almost one-sidedly praised. Even if there are a few people who want to show off their uniqueness and find faults, they will be scolded by netizens to shut up.

The huge traffic has occupied the network and box office during this period.

As long as it is related to film and television, there is no discussion about The Wandering Earth, and the box office is also.

The word of mouth spread in the morning, and the audience was full in the afternoon, forcing the theater to urgently add more screenings.

But this still couldn’t resist the audience’s enthusiasm for watching movies. As long as the additional screenings were released, they would be snapped up immediately.

Even the subsequent pre-sale box office rose to tens of millions.

The first-day box office directly exceeded 200 million, reaching 297 million, directly breaking Cao An’s personal best first-day box office.

It was also the box office champion of the day. Chen Kaige’s “Cat Demon Legend” had no competitiveness in front of “The Wandering Earth”.

It only achieved a box office of 104 million on the first day, and the discussion about this movie on the Internet was not very good.

GoodSay: The art is gorgeous, and the audio-visual language is perfect.

The critics say: The plot is too boring, the core of the story is shallow and naive, and a simple story can’t be told clearly.

Director Chen once again used a movie to prove that he can’t make movies at all, and he doesn’t deserve the Cannes Golden Palm.

And under the reverse support of “The Wandering Earth”, the audience has no interest in this movie at all.

Instead of watching a weird fashion show, it’s better to watch the shocking driving the earth to wander.

So the next day, the box office of “The Wandering Earth” soared! The box office of “Cat Demon Legend” plummeted!

Chen Kaige was stunned when he saw these data.

He couldn’t help but ask, is my film really that bad?

The leaders of Xiangzhou, who were fooled by him to invest hundreds of millions to build the Datang Palace, were so angry when they saw the low box office performance of “Cat Demon Legend”.

(Additional update, please support us, thank you!)

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