After Lin Fan chatted with Bai Lu for a while, he heard Ke Ke's urging voice.

"Afan, I'm busy first!"

Lin Fan saw Ke Ke's anxious eyes through Bai Lu's camera, and said with a smile,

"Okay, rest early after you're done, I'll go to sleep first!"

Lin Fan felt sleepiness all over his body all of a sudden,

After hanging up the phone, he fell asleep!

The next day,

Lin Fan had just finished breakfast in the hotel restaurant, and saw Nicholas Tse walking in from the restaurant door,

"Lin Fan, good morning!"

Then, Nicholas Tse sat opposite Lin Fan and looked at him with interest.

Lin Fan felt the burning gaze of Nicholas Tse and asked speechlessly,

"Is there gold on my face? Why are you staring at me like that!"

Hearing Lin Fan's words, Nicholas Tse's hand that was about to take the cup froze,

"No, I'm just staring at you, so that you won't run away later!"

After hearing this, Lin Fan rolled his eyes at him and said unhappily,

"I met you early in the morning, and my good mood ended at this moment!"

Nicholas Tse looked at Lin Fan with some dissatisfaction, and said in a faint tone,

"Did you forget what you promised me yesterday?"

Lin Fan's mind moved, and he pretended to be confused on his face, and said nonchalantly,

"What meaningless words did you say to me yesterday?"

Nicholas Tse almost choked, holding the fork in his hand, looking at Lin Fan, really wanted to stab Lin Fan in the face directly.

"Just kidding, you're still so impatient!"

Lin Fan saw that Nicholas Tse was about to take action, and smiled and said to Nicholas Tse.

"Lin Fan, you really have such a good-looking face for nothing!"

Nicholas Tse meant something, and tried to calm down his emotions.

"It doesn't matter, I don't rely on my face to make a living!"

Lin Fan looked at Nicholas Tse's face, and the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

After Nicholas Tse finished breakfast, he and Lin Fan set off to the racing venue.

When Lin Fan was training before, because of too much pressure, he developed many hobbies of his own,

Among them, racing is one of them. Although the results are not particularly outstanding, they are still top-notch!

When Nicholas Tse saw Lin Fan wearing a racing suit,

It was like a veteran who had experienced many battles,

Confident and flamboyant, very individual!

"Lin Fan, are you lying to me?"

Lin Fan saw Xie Tingfeng's inquiring and suspicious eyes, and said to him affirmatively,

"It's really just a hobby!"

Xie Tingfeng saw Lin Fan's firm tone, half-believing and half-doubting, and sat down in the car.

"Come on, let's have a race!"

Lin Fan looked at Xie Tingfeng's eager eyes and nodded at him!

When the two cars crossed the finish line at the same time,

Xie Tingfeng got out of the car and punched Lin Fan lightly in the chest,

"Lin Fan, not bad! I almost couldn't catch up with you just now!"

Xie Tingfeng thought about how Lin Fan had surpassed him directly when he was on the bend just now.

If he was not familiar enough with the venue, he might have fallen behind Lin Fan by a few seconds!

However, he had been practicing for a long time,

and Lin Fan had achieved such a good result by exploring on his own,

This talent is really too strong!

It is true that people are always compared to each other, which makes people angry!

"Tingfeng, thank you!"

Lin Fan took off the helmet on his head with a satisfied smile on his face!

"Lin Fan, I am really curious, what else can't you do?"

Xie Nicholas looked at Lin Fan leaning against the car door calmly, with a satisfied smile on his lips, and asked curiously.

"You know everything, do you really think I am a god?"

Lin Fan heard Xie Nicholas' question and said teasingly.

"Who knows what skills you have hidden in you!"

The longer Xie Nicholas got along with Lin Fan, the more surprises he found that Lin Fan brought him!

In today's words, he is a treasure boy!

After Lin Fan and Xie Nicholas had a few words, the two continued to play racing.

After a few rounds,

Xie Nicholas was overtaken by Lin Fan, and he couldn't catch up no matter how hard he chased him. He could only watch Lin Fan rush to the finish line first!

"Lin Fan, you are a talented player!"

"When we have a chance, let's go to the competition together!"

After being surpassed, Nicholas Tse showed an expression of admiration and looked at Lin Fan and spoke.

Lin Fan saw the change in Nicholas Tse's expression and shook his head to refuse!

"When a hobby is crowned with other things, it is no longer pure!"

After hearing Lin Fan's words, Nicholas Tse's eyes were filled withSome were surprised,

Lin Fan was really clear in dealing with many things,

He had a clear plan for every step he took,

This indifference and mentality were exactly what he lacked!

"Lin Fan, I really doubt whether there is a soul of 40 or 50 years old living in your 20-year-old body?"

Nicholas Tse teased Lin Fan with a playful look in his eyes.

"It's really possible!"

Lin Fan replied to Nicholas Tse meaningfully,

The expression on his face was a little unfathomable!

"Then you've made a profit!"

Nicholas Tse patted Lin Fan on the shoulder and interrupted the topic,

Then the two of them were ready to go back to the hotel after a short rest!

These two days, Lin Fan, led by Nicholas Tse, has almost visited the attractions in Hong Kong Island,

Thinking that if there is a chance in the future, he must take Bai Lu to visit!

Thinking that he hasn't been able to see Bai Lu for a long time,

The feeling of missing her in his heart is getting more and more overflowing!

However, the movie will be released tomorrow. After the premiere, Lin Fan plans to fly back to Shanghai and stay with Bai Lu for a while! Time flies, and the premiere of the movie is here! After completing the previous process, it is time to watch the movie. In order to understand the audience's feelings more intuitively, and to give the audience a surprise, Lin Fan, Nicholas Tse and Andy On mixed in the audience and dispersed! When the movie started, the audience saw that the beginning was so exciting, and they all showed a satisfied smile on their faces! "Uncle Long's movie is wonderful, so dazzling!" An audience member next to him whispered to his friend, with surprise in his eyes! "It's really the same as the promotion, very exciting!" Lin Fan heard the audience in front of him couldn't help but say something, and the corners of his mouth rose a little! When Guan Zu appeared, everyone looked at this unruly and extremely dangerous man,

They stared at Lin Fan on the screen, not wanting to miss every minute of him!

"How can Lin Fan be so bad and so handsome! I can't hate him at all!"

"My three views have been influenced by his five senses. His acting is too amazing!"

Lin Fan heard everyone muttering in a low voice and felt a little excited!

The more the audience hates this character, the better he plays!

When the movie came to the last scene of the duel between Chen Guorong and Guan Zu,

Everyone held their breath and looked at the scene in the picture attentively.

Under the constant insults from his father, Guan Zu showed a look of despair on his face.

That crying scene, with all kinds of emotions mixed in it, coupled with the pain of being shot,

directly touched the hearts of the audience!

When Guan Zu fell, Lin Fan even heard a soft sob coming from the scene!

When the movie was over, the audience sitting next to Lin Fan said to Lin Fan,

"This movie is really well acted!"

"Uncle Long's wonderful kung fu, Lin Fan's superb acting skills..."

At this moment, his heart was already shocked by the movie, and he wanted to find someone to tell him about his feelings about watching the movie!

After hearing this, Lin Fan said gently,

"I like this movie too, it's worth watching!"

Lin Fan was already fully disguised, and he was not worried about being recognized.

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