Then the camera turned, and Lin Fan was directly held by the two special police officers next to him, one on the left and one on the right.

Handcuffs were put on his hands.

The expression on his face was as cold and calm as ever, without any ripples.

Wu Jing, who was sitting in front of the monitor, saw Lin Fan's expressionless face and smiled.

This is the first time that Lin Fan has such a small expression in a scene. This kid is really good at pretending!

When the commander opened the car door, Wu Jing gave orders to the blasting team and looked at the scene in front of him nervously and expectantly.

Lin Fan took out a cigar from his pocket slowly, and his calm face was full of powerful aura.

The black suit added a bit of evil feeling.

Then, Lin Fan put the cigar in his mouth, closed his eyes and began to enjoy it.

Seeing Lin Fan's arrogant attitude, the commander wanted to stop Lin Fan's behavior, but before his hand touched the cigar,

A burst of gunfire came, and only the commander's painful cry was heard.

Then the prop team threw out a bloody severed hand mold at the right time.

The blood bag also sprayed at this time, making the whole picture look bloody and tense.

At this time, the old cat played by Scott Atkins and his teammates drove from the river on a ship,

with an anti-tank rocket launcher on his shoulder, aiming at the direction of the house behind, and directly pulled the trigger.

The blasting team saw that the time had come and immediately detonated the installed bomb.

The villa behind immediately exploded violently,

The flying gravel was flying all over the sky, with a strong impact,

The huge impact aftermath made the special police standing behind Lin Fan fall to the ground at this moment, screaming!

For a moment, the situation immediately reversed, and the wailing sounded continuously!

Lin Fan felt a sharp pain in his back. He knew that he was probably hit by the rubble.

However, the expression on Lin Fan's face did not change at all.

He stood there calmly with a cigar in his mouth.

Wu Jing saw Lin Fan's performance and silently gave him a thumbs up in his heart.

Facing the violent explosion, he was strong and calm. His psychological quality was very strong!

At this time, a special police wanted to get close to Lin Fan. After hearing the gunshot, he immediately fell to the ground.

As the special police around him continued to fall, the blood on the blood bag kept splashing,

making the scene full of bloodthirstiness and depression.

Lin Fan stood there calmly, took out a lighter from his pocket, slowly lit the cigar in his mouth,

and began to smoke calmly!

Wu Jing looked at Lin Fan, who was as calm as a calm lake, without a trace of ripples, and nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, a police car exploded and turned over with huge flames.

The police car next to it also exploded.

The huge flame seemed to devour everything, which made people feel terrified!

Lin Fan had no expression on his face, but he was thinking in his heart that this was another huge expense.

It was not just the car that was burning, but also the funds!

When the actors in SWAT uniforms fell to the ground,

Kevin Lee, who played the mad bull, walked out from the side with a winner's smile on his face.

The arrogant laughter seemed so excited at this moment.

He took a key and helped Lin Fan open the handcuffs in his hand!

After the handcuffs were untied, Lin Fan reached out and took the machine gun on Kevin Lee's back.

Kevin Lee looked in the direction of Scott Atkins, and after getting permission, he turned and looked in the direction of Lin Fan.

Lin Fan took a puff of the cigar in his hand and quickly exhaled a mouthful of thick smoke,

making his originally calm face look more arrogant and ruthless.

Then, Lin Fan handed the cigar in his hand to Kevin Lee, picked up the machine gun on his body,

aimed at the commander who was slumped on the ground, and pulled the trigger directly.

His already cold face was even more like ice,

making people feel the chill and cold blood emanating from his whole body.

As bullets continued to fall to the ground, blood bags splashed on the commander's body.

The sound of panic and fear made the scene even more depressing.

After the blood bags on the commander's body had exploded, Wu Jing took the intercom and shouted "click!"

After hearing the voice, Lin Fan put down the machine gun in his hand.

Looking at the commander actor who was lying on the ground, he stretched out his hands to him.

"Are you okay?"

After hearing Lin Fan's voice, the man shook his head at Lin Fan, then took Lin Fan's hand and stood up directly from the ground.

Looking atLin Fan's caring smile made me feel warm!

But thinking of Lin Fan's cold eyes just now, I felt a chill in my heart.

My body couldn't help but tremble. After saying thank you to Lin Fan, I left.

Lin Fan saw his frightened eyes and smiled helplessly.

Blame him for being too involved. This scared me!

At this time, Kevin Lee, who was standing aside, exclaimed,

"Lin Fan, there is a large blood stain on your back!"

Hearing this, everyone at the scene was a little stunned.

Lin Fan has not shown any abnormality since the end of the filming,

So they didn't notice that Lin Fan was injured at all!

Wu Jing was originally sitting in front of the monitor. After hearing this, he walked directly towards Lin Fan.

At this time, the doctor and nurse who were standing aside and waiting also came over.

Lin Fan saw a group of people surrounding him, and waved his hands helplessly,

"Brother Jing, I was just hit by the rubble, it's okay!"

After hearing this, Wu Jing said in a serious tone,

"It's okay? There's a lot of blood on your back, can you think about your own safety?"

Wu Jing's tone was a little angry, but he still admired Lin Fan's professionalism in his heart, but he didn't want Lin Fan to hide his injury, so he acted a little serious.

Lin Fan knew that Wu Jing was just worried about him, and listening to his blaming tone, he just smiled and nodded.

"Brother Jing, the wound is a bit deep, and the rubble is still mixed in the wound. It needs to be cleaned and sutured!"

After checking Lin Fan's wound, the medical staff on the side told the situation.

After hearing this, the people at the scene looked at Lin Fan with admiration and respect,

He was able to complete the task without saying a word and changing his face in such pain. He is a real man!

Seeing that Lin Fan seemed to feel no pain, the eyes looking at Lin Fan became more eager.

You and I said words of concern to Lin Fan.

Because the medical conditions here are limited, and the medical staff stationed in the group are all recruited from the society,

Lin Fan needs to go to the hospital for surgery,

So he was sent to the car in everyone's worried and concerned eyes and went directly to the hospital!

"Lin Fan, you should have a good rest these days, and come back when the wound is almost healed!"

Wu Jing watched Lin Fan being sent to the car and gave a few concerned words.

Lin Fan knew that Wu Jing meant well and nodded.

Although this injury looked serious, it was within his tolerance range, and there was no expression of pain on his face.

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