Liang Jiahui saw Lin Fan sitting aside, watching this scene with great interest,

walked over and sat next to him, and started chatting,

"Lin Fan, what do you think of the scene just now?"

Lin Fan answered in a relaxed tone when he heard this question,

"Brother Hui, you and Brother Cheng both have a strong aura and excellent acting skills!"

Hearing Lin Fan's words, Liang Jiahui just smiled and nodded,

"Come to think of it, I haven't acted with you yet!"

"Do you want to try it?"

Liang Jiahui had heard about Lin Fan's acting skills before coming here, and he had been itching to try it out for a long time.

At this time, the scene was stuck, and both of them were adjusting their status,

Why not take this opportunity to try it out!

"Okay, Brother Hui, just don't make fun of me!"

Guo Fucheng also came over at this time, and after hearing Liang Jiahui's words, he directly supported it.

After all, this scene doesn't seem to have many lines,

but it is a great challenge for the actors' anti-interference ability and acting skills.

Why not take this opportunity to let Lin Fan show them his skills,

so that they can see how good this kid's acting skills are!

At this time, because of the successive shooting failures, everyone was a little nervous and the atmosphere became a little solemn.

If Lin Fan stood up at this time, no matter how he performed, he would be able to ease the atmosphere.

Everyone was also very happy to see it happen, and wanted to see if Lin Fan could take over this scene!

"Take a look at the lines first!"

Guo Fucheng handed the script in his hand to Lin Fan. Lin Fan saw the dense annotations on it,

and didn't say much, but just looked at the lines in the script carefully!

In less than three minutes, Lin Fan had memorized the lines in the script,

and also comprehended the emotions and personality of the character.

"Brother Hui, I'm done!"

Lin Fan's calm voice sounded, and everyone felt a little incredible when they heard this.

"Lin Fan, are you really ok?"

Liang Jiahui saw that Lin Fan simply flipped the script,

The surprise in his eyes was no less than that of the staff on the scene!

After seeing Lin Fan nod affirmatively, he suppressed his doubts, and after the two were ready, they directly confronted Lin Fan.

During the confrontation, Lin Fan's momentum and state were very stable, and he didn't look immature at all.

Facing Liang Jiahui, the seriousness in his eyes was not reduced at all, and he was not stage fright at all.

The fluency of the lines was beyond imagination, and directly suppressed Liang Jiahui's aura.

Originally, Lin Fan was just asked to ease the atmosphere, but he didn't expect Lin Fan to bring them a surprise.

Everyone listened to the confrontation between the two, and their eyes looked at Lin Fan more differently!

The more Lin Fan spoke, the stronger he became, while Liang Jiahui's momentum became weaker. When Lin Fan finished speaking,

His lines were stuck in his throat and he couldn't say them!

"Lin Fan, are you going to defy fate?"

Guo Fucheng didn't have high expectations, after all, he knew how difficult this scene was.

But when he saw Lin Fan easily perform the essence of this scene,

he was shocked!

At the same time, he secretly made up his mind to practice hard later and

must be in his best condition!

"It seems that Teacher Lin has given us a good start. Let's applaud!"

Liang Leming recovered from the shock and actively mobilized the atmosphere on the scene,

which also made everyone's emotions more excited.

"Lin Fan, I admire you from the bottom of my heart!"

Liang Jiahui felt the most profoundly. In the previous scene, he was completely crushed by Lin Fan,

but he was still excited!

After all, there are such excellent people among the new generation of actors,

which will definitely keep the vitality of the film industry going!

Lin Fan responded politely to everyone's praise, with a faint smile on his face.

Seeing Lin Fan so humble and low-key, everyone's favorability towards him exploded!

After everyone dispersed and went about their own business, Lin Fan continued to sit aside.

After shooting no less than ten scenes, this scene was finally successfully shot,

It was even better than expected!

Of course, the credit was still due to Lin Fan's wonderful performance just now, which made both of them more demanding. Even if they had already passed, they still wanted to be better, so they shot a few more scenes later!

In the afternoon, the rain stopped and the sky cleared up, and even a rainbow appeared.

Lin Fan walked out of the set, took out his mobile phone and took several photos,The phone's clarity is very good, and the rainbow is very realistic.

After he took the photo, he sent it directly to Bai Lu. After a while, he saw Bai Lu's reply.

It was a photo. The people in the photo were smiling and holding the fruit in their hands.

There was joy in their eyes when they looked at the camera. They looked very happy!

After listening to the long string of voice messages sent by Bai Lu, Lin Fan's mouth corners turned up.

Bai Lu was already at home and asked him when he would go back!

After Lin Fan replied with a tentative and several Bai Lu's exclusive emoticons, he walked back to the set to continue his work!

At this time, Bai Lu, who was far away in Shanghai, saw Lin Fan's reply.

Thinking that she hadn't seen Lin Fan for a while, an idea came to her mind.

She planned to visit the set secretly, just in time to give Lin Fan a surprise!

So Bai Lu bought a ticket for the next day, and she was already looking forward to meeting him!

In the busyness, another day passed!

On the second day, Lin Fan came to the crew to help as usual.

Suddenly, he heard the staff calling him, saying that someone wanted to see him at the door!

Lin Fan was still wondering if that guy, Nicholas Tse, came to see him!

When he walked to the door and saw Bai Lu's happy face, he couldn't react in his mind!

When she video-called him last night, she told him that she wanted to travel with Ke Ke!

She came to see him today, which was a surprise!

"Afan, I miss you so much!"

After seeing Lin Fan, Bai Lu ran up and threw herself into Lin Fan's arms.

Lin Fan hugged Bai Lu, and when he saw her shining eyes after she raised her head, he was happy!

"Me too!"

"I'm surprised and happy that you came here without saying a word!"

Lin Fan looked at Bai Lu who got up from his arms, took her hand, and walked into the set together.

At this time, the scene was being filmed seriously, and Lin Fan pulled Bai Lu aside to watch.

"Afan, can you help me take a photo with senior Guo Fucheng and senior Liang Jiahui later?"

After seeing the figures on the scene clearly, Bai Lu's joy became even stronger, and she looked at Lin Fan with some expectation.

Seeing Bai Lu's appearance of a star-chasing girl in a second, Lin Fan teased,

"You are not here to find me, but to chase stars, right?"

After hearing what Lin Fan said, Bai Lu nodded mischievously,

"That's right, this is called rational use of resources!"

"Afan, you are my strongest connection in the entertainment industry!"

Bai Lu had a proud look on her face. When she said this, she held Lin Fan's right hand with both hands, and her tone was very sincere!

"In the end, I am just a tool man!"

Lin Fan sighed helplessly, and the words he said were so sad.

"You are wrong!"

"You are a successful tool man!"

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