As the camera moved, Li Kaixian took out his cell phone, sat on the ground and started to make a call.

The string of English words came out directly, looking at the police in front of him,

with arrogance and arrogance in his eyes, he looked fearless.

"You, answer the phone!"

Li Kaixian pointed at Shen Meiyi, played by Zheng Xinyi, with an extremely arrogant attitude,

trembling with the cell phone, walked in front of her, and ordered in a strong tone.

After a verbal confrontation, Zheng Xinyi turned around to make a call,

Lin Fan's eyes were on Li Kaixian, and his eyes began to change slowly,

turning back to glance at Zheng Xinyi, and then put his eyes on his watch,

The cold eyes slowly became disdainful, looking at the man without any fear,

but the momentum was more flamboyant than him.

"Catch him!"

After Zheng Xinyi finished the call, she calmly gave the order with a tone that could not be refused.

The police officer standing next to Li Kaixian immediately took action, but was pushed away by him.

The teammate next to him wanted to support him, but his baton was snatched away by Li Kaixian,

but he knocked him to the ground instead.

At this time, Lin Fan moved and grabbed his back directly.

Looking at the baton that Li Kaixian swung at his face, Lin Fan dodged it smoothly.

The look in his eyes began to become fierce, and the movements of his hands became impatient.

After feeling the baton swinging, Lin Fan dodged flexibly.

Finding the right opportunity, he clamped Li Kaixian's hand holding the baton directly.

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't move at all.

His left hand swung back at Li Kaixian's nose, and blood spurted out at this time.

Lin Fan's hand swung at his face a few times, and his feet also started to move in coordination.

He kicked directly at his knees.

With a sharp look in his eyes, after seeing that Li Kaixian had half fallen to the ground, he turned him over directly.

Successfully subdued Li Kaixian to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Liang Leming and Lu Jianqing looked at each other,

They both saw satisfied looks in each other's eyes,

Although this fighting scene does not have so many moves, it also tests the coordination between the actors,

It is not easy to hit the key positions in the rapid movements, smoothly and brilliantly,

Thinking of what Qian Jiale mentioned to them at noon, Lin Fan was seriously instructing Li Kaixian's movements,

It seems that the effect is really obvious and brilliant!

At this time, he exuded a cold and fierce aura, his eyes had become a little crazy, and he was still about to attack,

but he heard Zheng Xinyi's panicked voice calling for him to stop,

Lin Fan looked over and saw Zheng Xinyi's serious expression, and pointed to the side, it was the camera,

Seeing this, Lin Fan's expression immediately changed, and the murderous intent in his eyes was directly withdrawn,

Looking at Li Kaixian with cold eyes, the hand on his neck changed to grab his collar,

"We are police officers, not mad dogs, you attack the police, I can beat you to death!"

The powerful words, with a full sense of oppression, the words spoken were so tough,

making the surrounding air a little colder.

Finally, the camera was fixed on Li Kaixian's panicked face. After the staff shouted "cut", Lin Fan directly pulled Li Kaixian up and asked with concern, "Are you okay?" Hearing Lin Fan's words, he shook his head at Lin Fan. Thinking of the look Lin Fan gave him just now, he was still immersed in the emotions just now and hadn't recovered. "Lin Fan, you were amazing in that scene just now!" Zheng Xinyi, who was standing next to him, could feel the oppression brought by Lin Fan, and had a clearer understanding of Lin Fan's acting skills! Lin Fan just smiled and waved his hand when he heard what everyone said. After the staff told everyone that this one was passed, Li Kaixian patted his chest, "Fortunately, it passed once, otherwise I would have been threatened again!" Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard his humorous words. After this scene was finished, Lin Fan saw the fragments of the car frame at the scene, and he cleaned up with the staff next to him. "Teacher Lin, I think the scene you just performed is much more shocking than what I saw in the movie!"

Lin Fan was cleaning up when a staff member came to his side and his excited voice reached his ears.

"How shocking?"

After hearing this, Lin Fan asked directly.

"It's that aura, you know,Let people truly feel the charm of the character!"

The staff thought about it and finally summed it up in this sentence.

"Haha, hurry up and clean up!"

Lin Fan saw his admiring eyes and smiled at him.

Then he took the garbage shovel and put the garbage into the bucket. His movements were skillful and coherent, without any star airs!

After finishing the cleanup, Lin Fan got on the business car arranged by the crew and went directly back to the hotel.

After washing up, it was already early in the morning!

This scene was filmed late tonight, but fortunately it was filmed in one go, otherwise I don’t know how long it would have been delayed!

Lin Fan saw that Bai Lu had sent him several photos, and finally stopped at the word good night.

After he replied good night, he checked them one by one.

After a while, he fell asleep.

When he got up the next day, Lin Fan heard the sound of rain outside the window , after taking a look at the rain, it was heavy!

Originally, the plan for today was to shoot the outdoor scenes first, but because of the rain,

Then we shot the next scene, the quarrel between Liu Jiehui and Li Wenbin!

Lin Fan was very interested in this scene, the dialogue was very long, and he had to say it all at once,

In the case of being disturbed by the other party,

Not only did he have to maintain the character's personality and characteristics, but he also had to speak fluently and clearly,

tit for tat, full of aura, it was a very challenging scene!

After Lin Fan packed up, he went directly to the shooting location.

When he arrived at the scene, Guo Fucheng and Liang Jiahui were already acting together!

When they were not facing each other, they could easily perform the lines perfectly,

but When the two spoke at the same time, one of them began to lose momentum.

In the end, everyone laughed a little!

Seeing Lin Fan coming, everyone greeted Lin Fan cordially, and Lin Fan responded one by one.

Then, he found a place to sit down and watched the two veteran actors rehearse!

After rehearsing several times, they felt that it was almost done,

The staff shouted to start,

"Police rules, if you have relatives involved in the case..."

First, Liu Jiehui, played by Guo Fucheng, looked at Liang Jiahui, played by Li Wenbin, with a serious expression on his face,

Looking at Liang Jiahui aggressively, stern words came out directly.

"I am not commanding for my son, nor for any police officer. "The problem..."

Liang Jiahui directly hit Guo Fucheng's words with a strong attitude.

The momentum of the two people was fully released at this moment, and they did not give in at all.

However, Guo Fucheng's tone was very intense.

As Liang Jiahui became more and more powerful, he was directly disturbed and his voice became weak.

The two looked at each other, and the seriousness on their faces faded away, and slowly smiled.

When Lu Jianqing saw this scene, he called a halt!

This scene was very difficult, and everyone was ready to shoot it repeatedly!

The two continued to rehearse again, but still couldn't control their emotions and laughed!

Liang Leming asked the two to rest for a while and adjust their emotions.

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