In the next few days, Lin Fan served as a martial arts instructor in the crew with Sammo Hung.

He gained a lot from learning, and had a deeper understanding of professional vocabulary and movements.

Sammo Hung even designed a set of movements for him,

in the name of preventing him from getting bored in the crew.

This set of movements is beautiful and straightforward, and extremely camera-like and beautiful!

So Lin Fan would do a few moves whenever he had nothing to do,

and he had mastered the essence of this set of movements thoroughly!

After waiting for a while, Lin Fan had his own scene.

This was a scene where Cao Shaolin was detained by Yang Ke for trial after killing someone.

At the same time, this was also the first scene in which Zhang Yi, played by Wu Jing, appeared in the movie.

Thinking of Wu Jing's lines, Lin Fan felt that his smile could not calm down.

This was really too inconsistent!

Soon, the scene was set up. Lin Fan put on the white jacket and vest suit.

His hands were tied and he knelt on the ground. His face was innocent and deceptive!

Behind him stood two actors who played members of the defense team, looking at him seriously and angrily.

"Murderer, hang him!"

The extras stood in the yard, walking forward with angry expressions on their faces.

The tone was also full of dissatisfaction, and they looked at Cao Shaolin played by Lin Fan fiercely.

"Kill him, kill him..."

The actors who played members of the defense team stopped the angry extras outside.

The scene became a little tense.

Lin Fan, who had been lowering his head, slowly raised it after seeing the angry residents.

The innocent face suddenly appeared in the camera, with his eyebrows slightly wrinkled.


A middle-aged woman rushed up and shouted angrily at Lin Fan.

But before she could reach Lin Fan, she was stopped by the members of the defense team.

Lin Fan just pretended to be innocent when he saw this.

"He's just a murderer, shoot him!"

"He should be executed on the spot!"

Liu Caizhu, played by Xie Ning, looked at Lin Fan's back and said angrily.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

Liao Qizhi, played by Liao Ge, raised his hand and signaled everyone to be quiet.

After a moment, the noise on the scene subsided, and he continued to speak,

"This man, today in our Pucheng, killed Tie Niu, a teacher from Shitoucheng, and a child!"

"Because the governor has left the city, Captain Yang is fully responsible for interrogating this murderer!"

After Liao Qizhi finished speaking, Yang Kenan, played by Liu Qingyun, stood up from the stool,

walked to Lin Fan with a serious look,

"What's your name?"

"Where are you from?"

Faced with Liu Qingyun's question, Lin Fan's face showed a trace of panic,

as if he was frightened and a little at a loss!

"Why did you kill the three of them?"

Liu Qingyun had already walked to Lin Fan's side at this moment, and his stern voice once again rang in Lin Fan's ears.

"I was just going in to eat a bowl of noodles, but who knew that kid would come and snatch my gun!"

"I was going to take it back, but the gun went off, and then the boss came over to beat me!"

"I told him to stop, but he didn't listen!"

The fear in Lin Fan's eyes was beyond words, and his voice even trembled when he spoke.

It looked like he was wronged, so helpless and pitiful!

After seeing Lin Fan's expression, Chen Musheng's smile was about to burst into flowers, '

Is this probably the first time Lin Fan has played such a role? !

It really made him perform a dual personality.

It was completely different from the previous Cao Shaoshuai who enjoyed killing people and was perverted and terrifying.

This time, he was as pitiful as a lamb to be slaughtered, helpless and weak!

"I just shot him!"

"I didn't mean it!"

Lin Fan's tone changed, and his tone began to become matter-of-fact.

He looked calm, as if he was telling a very ordinary thing.

"You're lying, you killed them on purpose!"

"Stop quibbling!"

A tall boy in the group immediately stood up to refute his words.

"So, you killed all three people!"

After listening to Lin Fan's words, Liu Qingyun asked this question with certainty.

"It was an accident!"

Lin Fan put his eyes on Liu Qingyun and said this sentence slowly,

With a sense of peace on his face, he didn't feel that he hadAny questions,

Looking at Liu Qingyun with a provocative look in his eyes.

"Killing three people was an accident?"

Liu Qingyun questioned.

"You don't tell me your name when I ask you!"

"You don't tell me where you are from!"

"You keep talking nonsense!"

"Since you admit to killing someone...sentence you, the anonymous person, to death!"

Liu Qingyun walked forward slowly, and after he finished speaking, he looked at Lin Fan's direction with sharp eyes,

with full murderous intent!

After hearing the word death penalty, the innocence on Lin Fan's face disappeared,

he closed his eyes, and after opening them again, evil laughter kept coming out of his mouth,

became fearless, and the expression on his face revealed disdain and arrogance.

"A Liao! Please call the Red Chai (executioner)!"

After seeing Lin Fan's arrogant attitude, Liu Qingyun shouted angrily to Liao Qizhi on the side.

"Yes, Captain!"

Liao Qizhi responded, and then said loudly to the extras in front of him,

"According to the law, tomorrow morning, this man's dog head will be chopped off!"

After hearing this, Lin Fan's smile became more weird.

Looking closely, it seemed that he was still a little excited, as if he was looking forward to something!

Wu Jing, who was waiting in the back, complained in his heart after seeing Lin Fan's expression,

What are you looking forward to? Looking forward to being beheaded?


As soon as these words came out, the extras all cooperated and supported, wishing to cut Lin Fan into pieces!

Afterwards, the two extras behind Lin Fan lifted Lin Fan up from the ground on the left and right,

Lin Fan had a disgusted expression on his face, as if he was blaming these people for being too rude.

At this moment, there was a noise at the door.

Slowly, the crowd automatically divided into two teams, leaving the middle road open.

Zhang Yi, played by Wu Jing, appeared in the camera, followed by a group of people!

He looked at Lin Fan with a serious expression. After seeing Lin Fan's current state,

his expression became even colder.

Lin Fan was hunched over at this time, looking very weak.

He looked towards Wu Jing with his innocent eyes.

At this moment, Lin Fan's heart was full of smiles,

but his professional ethics did not allow him to delay the progress of the filming at this moment,

he could only bury this smile in his heart.

"Stop, stop!"

Wu Jing was arrogant and planned to continue moving forward,

but was stopped by the members of the defense team played by Hong Tianzhao, Yang Yu and Jiang Yan.

"I'll pick up the young marshal!"

Wu Jing's attitude was tough, and his eyes were fixed on Lin Fan.

"What young marshal? Go!"

After hearing this, Hong Tianzhao looked at Wu Jing with displeasure and started to drive him away.

Wu Jing ignored him and insisted on moving forward, but was stopped by the three people in front of him.


Seeing this, Wu Jing's expression changed, and he started fighting immediately.

During the fight, because one of the actors did not move properly,

Chen Musheng directly called for a stop.

Lin Fan felt that his hands were numb from being tied, and he slightly stretched his muscles.

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