"Lin Fan, you suffered in this scene!"

Liu Qingyun looked at Lin Fan, whose hands were tied, with a gloating tone.

"What actor doesn't suffer!"

"Just treat it as a training!"

Although Lin Fan said it casually, he was thinking in his heart,

Can this scene go more smoothly?

At this time, Hong Jinbao was still directing on the scene. Perhaps Chen Musheng felt that it was a bit too long,

so he asked the staff to untie the rope tied to Lin Fan.

At the moment of regaining freedom, Lin Fan felt that his whole body became comfortable.

"Lin Fan, have you never played such a frustrating role?"

Liao Qizhi saw Lin Fan moving his wrists, walked up to him and teased,

"Brother Liao, have you forgotten the scene where I was beaten up in "The Disciples"?

"You were the one who contributed the most at that time!"

The scene of that scene appeared in Lin Fan's mind, and he looked at Liao Qizhi with a smile in his eyes.

"No way, Lin Fan, you are not still holding a grudge until this time?"

"That was Director Er Dongsheng who told me to kick him, so you can blame him if you want to!"

Liao Qizhi shrugged his shoulders innocently, and the smile lines at the corners of his eyes became more obvious.

"Haha, if Director Er knew about this, he would definitely laugh at the two of us!"

"This is an old story, and you still bring it up to laugh about it!"

Lin Fan's mood also became happier, and his words became more casual.

"I already have a picture in my mind!"

After listening to Lin Fan's words, Liao Qizhi immediately had that scene in his mind and told Lin Fan about it.

After chatting for a while, Wu Jing and the others had almost finished practicing the fighting scenes!

Seeing the staff walking towards him with a rope,

Lin Fan showed a bitter smile and said self-deprecatingly,

"I look like I'm going to be guillotined!"

Hearing Lin Fan's words, Chen Musheng said with some regret,

"It's a pity that you, Cao Dashuai, who did all kinds of evil, didn't die like this!"

Liu Qingyun followed Chen Musheng's words and said,

"If you want, you can let Director Chen give you a taste!"

Lin Fan waved his hands at them, showing a helpless expression,

"Don't make fun of me, isn't it better to live a good life!"

When the chat was over, Lin Fan's hands were tied up,

and he was lifted up by the guards played by the extras.

This time, Wu Jing's fighting scenes were very exciting, without any problems.

After holding Jiang Yan hostage, he knelt down on one knee and said to Lin Fan,

"Young Marshal, I deserve to die!"

"I'm late!"

Wu Jing said these two sentences seriously, and then lowered his head in shame.

After hearing this, Lin Fan was already laughing in his heart,

but the expression on his face was still as innocent as ever,

At the same time, he muttered in his heart,

It's all because he has seen too many positive roles played by Wu Jing, so now when he sees him playing a bad guy,

plus these two lines, he is almost laughing like crazy!

After Wu Jing finished speaking, a group of people standing at the door also walked into the yard,

put their swords in front of them, knelt on one knee, and said seriously,

"Please forgive me, Marshal!"

At this time, a group of people wearing police uniforms and holding guns walked in,

finding the right position, and pointed their guns directly at the extras in front of them!

"He is the son of the current General Cao Ying, Marshal Cao!"

Wu Jing let go of the hand holding Jiang Yan, stood up and explained Lin Fan's identity in a loud voice.

Lin Fan's face changed to an aggrieved expression, disguising himself as a victim,

looking helplessly in the direction of Wu Jing.

"Marshal? Marshal Cao?"

The extras began to discuss, and the scene became a little lively.

"Let him go!"

Wu Jing's loud voice made everyone's noise weaker.

"This is not your place. Why do you ask me to release him!"

"So what if Cao Ying is his father? He is a murderer and will be executed tomorrow morning!"

Liu Qingyun met Wu Jing's gaze directly, not giving way at all. While speaking,

he pointed in the direction of Lin Fan.

Lin Fan's weak face was directly reflected in the camera.

"My army will arrive tomorrow. Marshal Cao has taken over Pucheng. We are the law!"

"Release him!"

Wu Jing took a step forward and said arrogantlyand confronted with Andy Lau.

"You can come over first, if you dare to come and rob people..."

Before Andy Lau finished speaking, he took a step closer to Lin Fan,

He directly pinched Lin Fan's neck and said threateningly,

"I will kill him right here!"

After Lin Fan felt the increasing force on his neck, it became difficult for him to breathe.

With his hands bound, he could only make uncomfortable sounds and was powerless. His face began to turn red.

The look of grievance and helplessness still appeared on his face, as if he was welded!

After seeing this scene, Chen Musheng became a little nervous.

Originally, he just wanted Andy Lau to pretend to pinch him to achieve a fake effect.

But Lin Fan immediately opposed it, saying that fake things were not as real as real things.

He wanted his role to be as realistic as possible!

Seeing Lin Fan's increasingly uncomfortable look, Chen Musheng silently gave him a thumbs up in his heart!

"You dare?"

Wu Jing was anxious to step forward to stop him.

"Try it!"

After Liu Qingyun finished saying this, he pressed his thumb harder on Lin Fan's throat.

Lin Fan's eyes turned red with tears in the corners of his eyes.

The veins on his forehead bulged, and he was in great pain.

"I want to remind you that if he dies, everyone in your city will be buried with him!"

Wu Jing came to Liu Qingyun, his tone was anxious, and he threatened as soon as he opened his mouth.

Lin Fan felt the hand on his neck loosen a little, and he said with difficulty,

"Colonel Zhang, breaking the law is breaking the law, and I am a young marshal and have no privileges!"

Lin Fan seemed to know that he was wrong.

The words he said were so true and sincere, and the bloodshot in his eyes had turned red,

which was extremely deceptive!

"Put down the gun!"

After Lin Fan finished saying this, the police behind him immediately put away the gun in his hand.

"Go back!"

Lin Fan's words were so moving, and there was no flaw in his expression.

After seeing Wu Jing looking into his eyes, he raised his eyebrows slightly and winked at Wu Jing.

"Yes, Marshal!"

After receiving Lin Fan's signal, Wu Jing reluctantly agreed, then turned around and said loudly to the group actors,

"Tomorrow morning... this city will be full of corpses and rivers of blood!"

After Wu Jing finished speaking, he glanced at Peng Yuyan who was standing beside him, and then strode out towards the door.

The hand on Lin Fan's neck was still pinching, and after tightening for a while, it was released!

At this time, Lin Fan's eyes were full of tears. The camera gave Lin Fan a close-up.

His eyes gradually became sharper. After catching his breath,

a sinister smile appeared on his face.

"I'm going to play a game with you for one day. I want you to let me out with your own hands!"

As soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, Liu Qingyun angrily grabbed his neck and pushed him back.

Tears fell from Lin Fan's eyes, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

Afterwards, he was carried out by the two extras around him.

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