After Lin Fan was completely carried out, the filming on the scene continued.

The restraints on Lin Fan's hands were untied at this time, and he stood there and stretched his body.

At this time, Lin Fan's eyes were still red, and the staff handed him a tissue.

After Lin Fan took it, he wiped the corners of his eyes.

"Junior brother, I was really afraid that you would really die here!"

"Your whole face is red. I feel a little cold on my back when I think about that scene!"

Wu Jing also came to the yard next to him. After seeing Lin Fan's figure,

He patted his chest and said with some fear.

Just now, he saw Lin Fan's acting skills up close, and that feeling was deeper than anyone else!

This kid, for the sake of filming, he is really too desperate!

He is filming with his life!

"Brother Jing, we are the same in this respect. The eldest should not laugh at the second!"

Lin Fan thought of Wu Jing's fearless look when filming "Wolf Warrior" before, and said this.

But speaking of this, he saw that "Wolf Warrior" has been filming for a long time,

and he has not received any news, so he asked curiously,

"Brother Jing, what stage is "Wolf Warrior" at now?"

After hearing Lin Fan's words, Wu Jing patted his head.

"I was going to talk to you about this today, but I forgot about it when I was busy!"

"The movie has been reviewed, and the next step is the process of film promotion!"

When Wu Jing talked about this movie, his eyes were full of light.

This is his first movie directed, and the expectations are very high, so he was inevitably a little nervous.

"Brother Jing, congratulations!"

"You will definitely be able to make a splash with this movie!"

Lin Fan thought of the "Wolf Warrior" series of movies that made Wu Jing the supreme director in his previous life.

In this life, Wu Jing will definitely be able to create glory again with this series of movies!

It is even possible that he will reach a higher status than in his previous life!

When he thought of the dividends he would get, Lin Fan's smile became brighter.

Although he has made a lot of money, who would complain about having too much money?

"Haha, I hope so!"

"Just don't let me lose all my money!"

After hearing Lin Fan's words, Wu Jing felt even happier and laughed at himself.

"That will never happen, Brother Jing, don't worry about it!"

Lin Fan also knew Wu Jing's concerns and comforted him.

"With your words, I am more confident!"

Wu Jing cast a grateful look at Lin Fan and put his hand on Lin Fan's shoulder.

"Lin Fan, you must come during the promotion!"

"I feel like the roadshow would be half soulless without you!"

Lin Fan looked at Wu Jing's expectant eyes and wanted to tease her.

"I'm just a bystander, what am I going to do?"

"I heard people call me a dog?!"

"My fragile heart can't stand it!"

After Lin Fan finished speaking, a helpless expression appeared on his face, as if he was hurt.

The exaggerated acting was really fake!

Wu Jing looked at Lin Fan and started to act, and a word of "Fuck" came out of his mouth.

"Junior brother, you're exaggerating!"

"Just ask Brother Jing for this favor, will you help?"

Wu Jing clenched his hand into a fist and was about to swing it at Lin Fan,

but Lin Fan dodged it flexibly!

"Brother Jing, just talk, why are you hitting me?"

"Be civilized, we are all good citizens!"

After waving Wu Jing's hand away, Lin Fan said to Wu Jing in a funny way.

"Then I will definitely go!"

"Call me when the time comes, and I will come to support you!"

After hearing Lin Fan's promise, Wu Jing was finally satisfied.

The smile on her face was brighter than the flowers.

"Okay, don't worry, Brother Jing will never treat you unfairly!"

"When the time comes, you can count the money until your hands are tired!"

Wu Jing took a step towards Lin Fan, put his elbow on Lin Fan's shoulder,

and said these two sentences seriously.

"Then I will wait for that day to come!"

Lin Fan's mind appeared that scene, and he also smiled happily!

"By the way, Junior Brother, I saw that you performed very well in the variety show!"

"Why don't you go on another variety show to promote me!"

Wu Jing suddenly had an idea.Looking into Lin Fan's eyes.

"Brother Jing, I heard your thoughts through two layers of skin!"

"Before, Director Lu Hao invited me to go. Do you think this is just a game? Just go if you want!"

After hearing what Wu Jing said, Lin Fan was a little amused.

He felt that he was going to become a permanent guest of "Running Man"!

Last time, Lu Hao specifically asked him if he wanted to be a permanent guest, but he refused.

Going on variety shows is just to find some fun in the dull life. His focus should still be on movies!

"Alas, that's a pity!"

After listening, Wu Jing sighed helplessly.

This is one less way to promote. It's really worrying!

"Brother Jing, you don't have to worry too much! The audience's eyes are sharp, and good movies will never have to worry about not having a studio!"

Lin Fan felt that Wu Jing had no need to worry about publicity.

This type of movie has a large audience.

The movie is of high quality, the actors' acting skills are good, and the plot is reasonable and smooth.

Will the reputation increase when word of mouth spreads?

Good movies rely on word of mouth, and only when the word of mouth is good will more people pay for the movie!

"Lin Fan, you are right!"

"I think too much about things!"

After hearing Lin Fan's words, Wu Jing thought thoughtfully.

After thinking for a while, he had made a decision in his heart!

After the two chatted for a while, the scene was filmed!

Lin Fan and Wu Jing came to the shooting site and began to see where they needed help.

"Lin Fan, I'm relieved to see that you're not dead!"

After seeing Lin Fan, Liu Qingyun stepped forward and punched Lin Fan.

Then he made a joke with Lin Fan.

"Brother Yun, I wasn't strangled to death by you, but I was almost beaten to death by you!"

Lin Fan simulated the scene of vomiting blood and began to perform in front of everyone.

"You kid is an indestructible cockroach, and your vitality is very tenacious!"

After seeing Lin Fan's performance, Liu Qingyun said unhappily!

This kid, he could have been more comfortable, but he just wanted to suffer.

In order to pursue authenticity, he didn't let go of any water when he took action!

God knows how scared he was when he saw Lin Fan's flushed face and tears in his eyes!

"Brother Yun, if you don't know how to praise people, you should praise less!"

"I feel uncomfortable listening to your words!"

Lin Fan stopped his exaggerated movements and said to Liu Qingyun in a dissatisfied tone.

"Haha, just know that I am praising you!"

Liu Qingyun waved at Lin Fan and replied with a smile.

"Then I really thank you!"

Lin Fan's mouth twitched a little, and he said this in a yin-yang tone.

After the chat, Lin Fan and the staff on the scene cleaned up the scene. After cleaning up,

Lin Fan returned to his residence to rest!

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