After hearing these words, everyone was stunned!

Originally, this scene was ordinary, just to find a killer to deal with Jin Yichuan!

But through these words, the role of Ding Xiu was instantly enriched!

A flesh-and-blood, bohemian, and money-loving Ding Xiu was presented in front of everyone!

There was no sense of disobedience!

Instead, it made people more amazed!


Lu Yang was stunned and shouted excitedly!

There was a little more appreciation in his eyes when he looked at Lin Fan.

After hearing Lu Yang's voice, there was a round of applause at the scene.

"Director Lu, I'm really sorry, I added two lines temporarily!"

Lin Fan said to Lu Yang a little embarrassedly.

He knew that adding lines without authorization was something that many directors were taboo about!

However, he felt that without these two lines, the character Ding Xiu would be like a knife without a knife, too ordinary!

So, he chose to take a risk and try!

"Lin Fan, you added these lines too well!"

"It established the role of Ding Xiu and made him more outstanding!"

Lu Yang recalled Lin Fan's tone and lines just now, his face full of excitement!

This kid,

really gave him too many surprises!

From joining the group to filming,

in less than half a day, he has already figured out the character's personality and background!

This ability to understand the script and figure out the role

is quite explosive!

"Director Lu, I just thought of it at the last minute, I hope you don't blame me for adding lines at the last minute!"

Seeing Lin Fan's humble and low-key look, Lu Yang became more and more satisfied.

"I can't thank you enough! You really surprised me!"

Lu Yang laughed at Lin Fan and patted his shoulder.

"However, if you have any ideas next time, you can communicate with us in advance!"

"Not everyone can handle the extra scenes!"

"Thanks to Nie Yuan, who is an experienced actor, otherwise he really couldn't handle your part!"

Lu Yang still gave Lin Fan some advice.

"Okay, Director Lu, I will definitely communicate in advance next time!"

Lin Fan nodded and responded seriously.

"Lin Fan, your lines are good!"

After changing out of the costumes for the filming, Nie Yuan came to Lin Fan and praised him.

"Brother Nie, I'm sorry for what happened just now!"

Lin Fan thought, Nie Yuan is really amazing!

But I still have to say sorry to him for my impromptu performance.

"It's okay, you added great lines!"

"It seems that now is the era of young people!"

Nie Yuan thought that he was still tepid for so many years, and he felt a little emotional.

"Brother Nie, you are too low-key, you are our role model!"

Lin Fan heard Nie Yuan's self-deprecating muttering and said quickly.

After hearing Lin Fan's words, Nie Yuan's eyes were more admiring.

This kid is low-key enough and has high emotional intelligence, which is rare!

"Lin Fan, you scared me just now, I was afraid that you would violate the director's taboo."

Zhang Zhen looked at Lin Fan's calm face and said with lingering fear.

"Haha, Brother Zhen, I made you worry!"

Lin Fan looked at Zhang Zhen's worried look and gave him a reassuring look.

"You kid, you have your own ideas, but you should be more careful next time!"

Lin Fan nodded after hearing it.

Then, everyone finished work and went to have lunch.

In the afternoon,

Lin Fan took advantage of the time when he had no scenes to come to the set to watch other actors' scenes.

At this time, the scene being performed on the set was the scene where the three brothers Shen Lian went to kill Wei Zhongxian.

"Lin Fan, are you learning!"

Liu Sisi saw that Lin Fan was watching so seriously that he didn't even know that she was coming.

"Sister Sisi, isn't this hard work? Take advantage of the time to learn!"

After hearing this, Liu Sisi smiled.

This kid, his acting skills are simply God's gift, natural, and naturally don't seem to be acting.

He also said that he was so low-key, this kind of mentality is really rare!

She thinks Lin Fan is a clear stream in the entertainment industry!

He is good at both acting and fighting scenes, hardworking and low-key,

No wonder Yang Mi likes him so much and is determined to sign him.

"Come, have some! This plum is very famous. It's basically sold out as soon as it's on the shelf!"

Liu Sisi took out a bag of plums from her bag and handed it directly to Lin Fan.

"Thank you, Sister Sisi!"

After Lin Fan took it, he took one of them and took a bite. It felt good.

Thinking in his heart, BaiThat little girl Lu also likes to eat sweet and sour things.

So I remembered it in my heart and thought about buying her a few packs later.

"How is it?"

Liu Sisi waited for Lin Fan's evaluation.

"Sisi sister recommended it, it must be delicious!"

Lin Fan gave Liu Sisi a thumbs up.

"As long as you like it!"

Liu Sisi smiled and turned her eyes to the people who were fighting.

After this scene was over,

Lu Yang came to Lin Fan and asked,

"Lin Fan, can you ride a horse?"

Lin Fan shook his head after hearing it!

He really had never ridden a horse.

However, this is not a big problem.

Mastered the master-level Wing Chun and the master-level Xingyiquan.

Lin Fan's motor nerves and limb coordination ability are now ridiculously strong.

It doesn't take much time for Lin Fan to cram and learn horse riding.

"Ah, this is a bit difficult!"

A trace of anxiety flashed in Lu Yang's eyes.

"Director Lu, I'll go try it later and get familiar with it in advance so as not to affect the filming."

Because there is a circus, the crew prepared several horses.

Lin Fan had long thought about "test driving".

"If it doesn't work, don't force yourself. We can let a substitute do it when the time comes."

After hearing Lin Fan's words, Lu Yang disagreed a little. After all, riding a horse is not easy to learn.

"Director Lu, I know what I'm doing!"

Lu Yang looked at Lin Fan's eager look. Seeing that he couldn't persuade him, he could only give up the idea, but still seriously reminded him,

"Put your own safety first!"


Lu Yang didn't know that Lin Fan would give him a surprise tomorrow.


The next day,

What we're going to shoot today is,

Shen Lian vs. Zhao Jingzhong, Ding Xiu vs. Jin cavalry!

"Lin Fan, are you okay?"

Lu Yang looked at Lin Fan standing in front of the horse and asked with some worry.

"Director Lu, don't worry!"

After saying that, Lin Fan jumped onto the horse's back neatly, looking calm and composed.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yang was a little stunned!

"You kid, you must be lying to me, your posture when you get on the horse doesn't look like a novice at all!"

Lin Fan saw the surprise in Lu Yang's eyes, and was about to speak when he was interrupted by Zhang Zhen on the side,

"Director Lu, Lin Fan really just learned it yesterday!"

If Zhang Zhen hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have thought that Lin Fan had already mastered it after just a short while!

"Lin Fan, you can do it, you learned to ride a horse in one afternoon."

Lu Yang looked at Lin Fan and patted Lin Fan's shoulder approvingly.

But he still gave a special reminder.

"Your action of falling off the horse later is a little dangerous, you should try to pay attention to safety."

"Everyone, take your positions,

"Embroidered Spring Blade" 80th scene, third scene, first time!"


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