Chapter 156 In exchange for life!

Eleven o'clock at night.

The plane was finally about to land, and Song Zuer was still sleeping.

Her little head rested on Chen Yang's thigh, and two small white hands wrapped around Chen Yang's arms, like a naive koala

Charming and warm.

Gulinaza also slept in his arms, whether it was intentional or unintentional, occupying his other arm.

Originally, a beautiful woman with one hand and one side enjoys the blessings of everyone, but now Chen Yang is suffering.

His thighs are sore!

This kind of feeling is like sleeping with my girlfriend, resting on her head and sleeping until dawn, with no arms.

Feeling that it was one's own.

The key is that one person has one arm, and he can't move when he scratches his back and wants to grab it, - move or Gulinaza,

Either Song Zuer made a humming sound of "[-]".

Wei Daxun and Yue Yunpeng were so jealous that they could not wait to pull Chen Yang away and sit in the middle.

This is so annoying too!

On the first day I came, I won the big and small beauties in the team

How do you keep us alive?

[Ladies and gentlemen, the plane is about to land, please fasten your seat belts]

The flight attendant's voice sounded on the radio, Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief, patted the two's little butts, and said badly:

"Okay," the plane landed, get up quickly.

Gu Linaza said "oh", and with a blushing pretty face, she escaped from Chen Yang's arms. She didn't sleep at all just now, she just wanted to lean on Chen Yang.

's arms.

Being spanked at the moment, there must be some shyness.

After all, the current behavior of the two has only stopped at the original kiss. In her opinion, Chen Yang's actions have passed.

The line between friends is gone.

But she thought so, but Chen Yang didn't think so. Seeing that Song Zuer was reluctant to get up, her little nose was humming, and Chen Yang said again.

Slap her:

"Get up quickly, the stewardess will be here in a while."


Song Zuier rubbed Xing Li's eyes and glared at Chen Yang resentfully, with a small mouth that didn't know what he was talking about.

Chen Yang was dumbfounded when he saw it.

Chen Yang said: "If you have any grievances, you can tell the captain!"

Song Zuer didn't say anything, and sat on the seat honestly, with her small hands on her white legs, and her big eyes wandering out of the window.

Below is the night view of Dubai


After half an hour.

Everyone pushed their suitcases and walked out of the airport. Gulinaza has many fans in Dubai, but these fans are all from Xia Guo.



"Wow! !! The real person is so beautiful!"

There are also a few Shen Teng fans among the fans. Bi Jing's family is carrying billions of box office, and his popularity is not ordinary.

"Uncle Shen, we love you!"

"Shen Teng, you are the most handsome in military art! ! !"

After speaking, several little girls burst into laughter.

In any case, seeing his fans abroad is a very unusual feeling. Shen Teng has already

Floating, holding your head high, that's a compliment.

Wei Daxun stuck a knife in the back: "Uncle Shen, it's alright, now all the fans have bought it from abroad!"

"Ha ha!"

The crowd laughed.

Yue Yunpeng narrowed his eyes and walked up to a female fan with resentment: "Do you know me?"

The female fan shook her head very honestly, which made Hua Shaotuan burst into laughter, but Yue Yunpeng didn't give up:

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