"My name is Yue Yunpeng, I talk about cross talk, do you have to understand this? Remember! I! Yue Yunpeng!"

"Okay, Xiao Yueyue, come back quickly, it's not too embarrassing enough!"

Jia Ling dragged him back with a smile. Along the way, there were many fans shouting "Shen Teng" and "Nazha", and there were a few mixed in."

Song Zuer" and "Jia Ling".

There were also a few male fans who excitedly shouted "He Daxun" and "He Daxun, I love you" at Wei Daxun, laughing and lying on Hua Shaotuan.

"My name is Wei Daxun!"

Yue Yunpeng stopped him: "It's alright, it's good that people can recognize you!"

Wei Daxun sneered.

Yue Yunpeng smiled meanly and said: "The only thing that makes me feel relieved is that Teacher Chen Yang has the same experience with me! Ha!


Chen Yang turned his head and said, "It's been less than a month since I debuted, how dare you compare me?"

Yue Yunpeng:"

In the laughter, everyone got on the shuttle bus of the program group

The shuttle bus was about to arrive at the hotel where we were staying, and Song Zuer excitedly said, "Will you let us stay at the sailing hotel?"

Yue Yun was amused: "You are quite innocent, do you think the show team is crazy?"

Wei Daxun said: "Brother Yue, you can't think that way. I think it's crazy for the Bi Jing program team to bring us to Dubai."

Everyone said they didn't believe it, how could it be possible to live in the sailing hotel?

How much did it cost that night?

However, everyone is in a good mood and full of energy.

After all, I slept on the plane for so long. You said something to me in the car. Xiao Yueyue told a few jokes, Song Zuer sang it.

One or two songs, the atmosphere is very good, just like the feeling of going to a spring outing in a group.

Chen Yang smiled unconsciously.

This flower youth group is indeed very warm. Everyone makes friends with sincerity, without any grudges, and there will be no superficial set of things behind the scenes.

Whether in front of the camera or behind the camera, the real self is presented.

"Oops! That building!"

Song Zuier excitedly pointed to the tall buildings in the distance and shouted: "Mission Impossible!!"

Gu Li Nazha was also very excited: "Is it the one that Brother Tom climbed? It's so high!"

Wei Daxun was also excited: "It's so high, my mother, I felt very high when I saw it in the movie before, I didn't expect it

It's so high!"

Shen Teng has a fear of heights, and is usually afraid to look down from the third floor, let alone such a high building:

"Then. Is that a real shot? A real person climbs up?"

"Uncle Shen, Brother Atang is going the way of our Uncle Long, okay? He is also a respected actor! How can you?

Can do this effect.

Shen Teng couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

No wonder he is famous all over the world, this is all in exchange for his life.

Chapter 157 This figure is too amazing! I

The hotel where everyone is staying is an ordinary star-rated hotel.

Shen Teng shares a room with Wei Daxun, Chen Yang shares a room with Yue Yunpeng, Gu Linaza, Jia Ling and Song Zuer share a room


Everyone lives on the 6th floor, and they all live very close to each other.

Carrying the suitcase to the elevator, Yue Yunpeng narrowed his eyes excitedly: "It's a rare opportunity, Chen Yang, we can actually sleep


Chen Yang's expression became strange: "Then what, the director team, can I apply for a room change with Wei Daxun?"


The girls laughed, Song Zuer patted Yue Yunpeng on the shoulder: "Brother Yue, you scared Chen Yang!"

Yue Yunpeng was very wronged: "I'm just telling a fact, besides, sleeping with someone as funny and humorous as me,

Can you offend him?"

Chen Yang smiled, patted his shoulder, and nodded: "Yes!"

The crowd laughed again.

The rooms of the Dubai Hotel are very clean and luxuriously decorated. Chen Yang first took a look at the bathroom of the hotel.

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