Chen Yang rolled his eyes and pursed his lips and smiled.

Tom looked at Chen He who was suddenly excited and had no idea what was going on, but his eyes flashed slightly.

A trace of contempt for the East.

Looking at Chen Yang blankly: "What happened to him?

"It's okay, others are like this, and you'll get used to it gradually."

Chen Yang waved his hand to indicate that he didn't care.

"Then Mr. Chen Yang, can I taste the spicy cabbage?"

"If you want to be on the cover of three Michelin stars, at least it must really be a delicacy."

Tom's eyes have the word "expectation" written in big letters.

Chen Yang nodded.

"Don't worry, I'll have someone bring you the spicy cabbage.".

Chapter 274 Open an Oriental Restaurant in the West

A phone call went directly to Li Ziqi.

I only ate a little bit of the spicy cabbage I brought back from Yunlan Village last time, and I still have it in Chen Yang’s house.

Two jars.

After a while, Li Ziqi came with a jar of spicy cabbage.

Tom looked at the big jar of spicy cabbage that Chen Yang was holding in his hand, and little stars appeared in his eyes.

Instead of handing the spicy cabbage directly to Tom, Chen Yang kicked Chen He in the calf and handed the jar to Chen.


Chen Hexin understood, took the jar and looked at Tom with a smile.

"Mr. Tom, the spicy cabbage is here, please taste it."

Tom moved his nose slightly, and he seemed to have smelled the deliciousness in the jar, and almost stayed sizzling.

No matter who handed over the jar, he could not wait to take the jar from Chen He's hand and hold it in his hands.


Is there anything more important to a foodie than good food?

When Chen Yang spoke just now, Tom almost didn't think about it.

As long as the spicy cabbage is really delicious, it will be on the Samsung cover.

Anyway, it's up to him to decide whether it's good or not. As long as it's really delicious, nothing is a problem.

The corner of Tom's mouth couldn't help but raise a smile, and he put the jar on the table first.

With an expression of respect for the sacred on his face, he gently lifted the lid, and before he saw the spicy cabbage, there was a spicy smell.

The scent wafted out.

It is more fragrant than the last time Chen Yang smelled it. The spicy cabbage is pickled, and the longer it is marinated, the better.


"Spicy and spicy, this feeling is like the collision of ice and flames, I remembered being in the Eagle Country Filimburg

The [hot love] that I ate. "

"It's hard to imagine that this turned out to be a cabbage.

Tom gently sniffed the aroma of the spicy cabbage, his expression very intoxicated.

He no longer cared about his image as a gentleman, picked up his chopsticks and took out a lot of spicy cabbage to eat.

The more Tom eats, the more excited Chen He looks.

When Tom was full, he swept the other delicacies while shouting the slogan "Spicy cabbage side dishes are more delicious"-

After that, Chen He's heart was relieved.

It looks like the Michelin three-star cover is done.

"Chen Yang, it's really yours. When the buddy's restaurant is on fire, you won't need money for dinner in the future."

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Fuck you, saying it is the same as not saying it."


Tom ate one-third of the spicy cabbage in the jar by himself, and other delicacies on the table were also eaten up.

Eat half of it.

After eating and drinking, he controlled his appetite and returned to his gentlemanly sitting posture.

Leaning gently against the seat, Tom poured himself a glass of plain water.

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