The glass was swaying gently in his hand, as if it was not boiled water, but red wine.

A very elegant gentleman took a sip of water before Tom slowly opened his mouth and said:

"It's a perfect dish as both a main and a side dish."

"I've only had the pleasure of eating such an amazing and delicious dish when I was in Puerto Rico."

"I didn't expect to taste another one today. I really thank God. I also thank Mr. Chen Yang."

After saying these words, Tom looked at Chen Yang, his grateful eyes very sincere.

Chen Yang nodded, expressing his approval of what Tom said.

Looking at the leftovers on the table, Tom was really enjoying himself.

As a gourmet, when tasting food in a restaurant, it is the standard of taste.

To let Tom open his appetite like this is enough to prove the deliciousness of spicy cabbage.

"Mr. Tom, what about the magazine?"

Chen He looked at Tom expectantly, just like Tom looked at the spicy cabbage just now.

"Boss Chen He, don't worry."

"If something like spicy cabbage doesn't qualify for a three-Michelin-starred gourmet cover,"

"That would be an exaggeration."

"When I return to China this time, I will arrange matters related to the cover immediately, and I will have to trouble (cbai) Chen He Lao at that time.

The board carefully set the cover up. "

Tom spoke slowly. He had a perfect meal, and there was a cold air in his words.

It seems that as long as he eats delicious food, everything in the world has nothing to do with him.Only when there is eye contact with Chen Yang

It will soften up.

"That's fine, that's fine."

Chen He's hanging heart finally let go, and he looked at Chen Yang with gratitude.

When Juxianzhuang is on the cover of Michelin three-star food, then the income of Juxianzhuang will at least double + times!

Every day, a large number of international friends come to line up for dinner.

Thinking that there are many foreigners lining up in front of the restaurant every day, Chen He couldn't help but secretly rejoiced.

That's pretty cool, think about it differently.

"Alright, alright, pay attention to your image.

Chen Yang looked at Chen He's pig-like appearance, and suddenly reminded him with a look of disgust.

Tom laughed twice, suddenly a light flashed in his mind, he sat up straight and looked at Chen Yang and said solemnly:

"Mr. Chen Yang, I suddenly remembered something, can I discuss it with you?"

"Huh? Please speak." Chen Yang made a gesture of please.

"Is such that"

Tom leaned back and began to tell, with a gleam in his eyes as he spoke.

"Michelin actually had the idea to open an iconic oriental restaurant two years ago."

"But the right people and dishes have never been found."

"I suddenly had a bold idea, I would like to invite Mr. Chen Yang to open a Chinese restaurant in the West in person.

Hall, which is the Oriental Restaurant. "

"Oriental restaurant?"

Chen He was surprised, then he patted his thigh and said, "I remember it, it seems that there is an issue of Michelin magazine.

I wrote about this idea, but it never came to fruition. "

"Yes, the idea was put on hold for two years. Now I want to invite Mr. Chen Yang to restart him together."

Tom became more and more excited as he talked, and his eyes lit up.

"It's a really good idea."

Chen Yang groped his chin and nodded.

In fact, he already had a similar idea in his mind.

He had thought about it earlier, to further promote Chinese culture, what could be better than opening a Chinese restaurant in the West

Room is more suitable?

It is the most convenient way to further promote Chinese culture by conquering the stomachs of foreigners.

"Mr. Chen Yang, you can call me anytime you want.

When Tom saw Chen Yang's eyes loose, he immediately took out a business card from his jacket pocket and handed it to him with both hands.

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