Group owner: "Brothers and sisters!! There are still five days left! Don't slack off! Vote rush!

Help Chen Yang win the first place!"

Admin: "Chongchong! Did you vote today?"

The fish that wants to fly: "I opened another year of VIP today, although I feel distressed, but it is worth it for Chen Yang! Red duck

! "

Washboard Abs: "Lu Han is just [-] million votes short of catching up with Chen Yang, let's work harder!

Chen Yang's [-]th wife: "Let's put our husband on top, the guaranteed [-] votes must be cast!!!"

At this moment.

Not only Chen Yang's fan base.

All the top idol fan bases are going crazy.

Everyone was shouting in the group to vote for idols.

Some even spend a lot of money to recharge various consumptions on Weibo for idols, just to vote one by one.

When the top five idol fans were fighting like fire,

Countless paparazzi and editors began to frantically grab the heat, and one after another hot search posts were published.

[Shocked! He did this to win the top spot!]

[The king of the year sees humanity, an anonymous person explodes a certain fresh meat to brush votes! ]

[-Votes are hard to find! Some people openly sell daily basic votes for huge profits]

All kinds of heat continue, but these do not affect the enthusiasm of fans at all.

I tried my best to canvass for idols, and I would not hesitate to spend money to recharge.

After Chen Yang returned to China, he found that some people were throwing money crazy for voting, so he immediately sent a Weibo to stop him.

[Go with the flow, have strength and naturally not be afraid of competition.You only need to cast the basic number of votes, don't spend more

Too much money is wasted, and the merchants routinely use it.Rational chasing stars, healthy chasing stars!!]

A simple sentence directly made Chen Yang's popularity soar!

When other people's idols madly hinted at fans in order to canvass votes, Chen Yang even threw such a post


This is simply a clear stream in the entertainment industry!

"Chen Yang is too sweet? I really didn't follow the wrong person."

"Husband, don't worry, you've spoken. I don't waste money, but the votes that should be drawn every day will still be


"Wuuu, organize fans to spend a lot of money, where can I find such idols? Everyone vote for him!"

"I will only follow you in the future, brothers and sisters, vote!"

"Everyone responds to Chen Yangda's call, chase stars rationally, and don't charge money!"

However, Chen Yang's remarks seem to make his votes drop a lot, but it has invisibly mobilized the fans' support.


The votes are getting higher and higher!

Many passersby turned fans to vote.

Voting was intense, and the top five were constantly changing.

Only Chen Yang has played steadily, has been firmly at the top of the list, and is constantly opening the gap between him and the second place.


Three days until the end of the annual King of the Year voting!

The top five have changed dramatically!

Chen Yang: [-] million votes.

Huang Zitao: [-] million votes.

Wu Yifan: [-] million votes.

Di Ali Gerba: [-] million votes.

Lu Han: [-] million votes.

The number of votes between the second and fifth place was almost equal.

And Chen Yang directly dumped the second place Huang Zitao by [-] million votes, nearly [-] million!

The fans of these idols are going crazy.

Their brokers and companies also went nuts.

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