These idols are now hot traffic figures, and they are the hearts and minds of every company.

If this is thrown away too much, they won't be able to hang on their faces.


Various entertainment giants have started various propaganda operations,

There are also various exposure and speculation scandals.

For a time, rumors about idols, which are usually rare, spread all over the sky.

There are also idols who were directly exposed to the sky-high charitable donation list by "passers-by", and they became instantly popular!

The competition for votes has intensified.

Thanks to the efforts of the company and fans, the number of votes they get every day has doubled than usual!

Moreover, there are also some small fresh meats at the lower end of the list, which were directly abolished because of their votes.


It's not just fans of idols and their respective companies who are paying attention to the annual vote count battle.

The entire entertainment industry, including music, variety shows, movies and other fields, is closely watching the voting situation.

The person of the year selected by the King of the Year is the most convincing poll result.

Every year, idols who are elected after a lot of vote battles will receive strong support from Weibo.

And because of the people's participation in voting, the gold content of the annual king is also very high.

Zhu Hejiong, Huang Lei, Hua Zai and many other super front-line celebrities are also paying close attention.

But they found - a strange phenomenon.

No matter how the top stars stir up scandals, no matter how popular they are, no matter how they operate.

Chen Yang, who is at the top of the list, has been silent.

Apart from posting a post to keep fans from spending money, he never made a sound.

No swiping, no swiping, no exposure.

Just hanging on like that, but still ranked No. [-] with tens of millions of new votes every day.

And the gap with the second place has widened to [-]-[-] million votes!

He Jiong: "Xiao Chen's influence is so terrifying, but the influence of the Heavenly King is only like that, right?"

Zhang Jie: "Others are frantically canvassing votes to gain popularity, but this guy Chen Yang has such a high number of votes. It's difficult.

Do you think he's going to be crowned King of Heaven?"

Huang Lei: "It's kind of interesting, it's the first time I've seen such a stable person in so many years, and he's so stable.


The whole entertainment circle is talking about Chen Yang.

And the top five companies except Chen Yang's four stars are still doing their best to operate for idols.

However 2

Everything seems to be in vain.

No matter how they operate, even if they brush tickets, they can't shake Chen Yang's position.

In the popularity of the whole people, the annual king of the year arrives on the same day, the voting is closed, and the number of votes is released.

Chen Yang: [-] million votes.

Lu Han: [-] million votes.

Di Ali Gerba: [-] million votes.

Wu Yifan: [-] million votes.

Huang Zitao: [-] million votes.

Chen Yang is still at the top of the list!

From start to finish, he stayed at the top of the list!

And throw away more than [-] million votes for the second place!

Everyone looked dumbfounded at the result.

Especially many celebrities in the entertainment industry, they can't help themselves for a long time watching Chen Yang's outrageous votes.

He obviously didn't do anything, why is there such a high number of votes?

Are they all voted by fans?

How madly obsessed his fans must be!

Right now,

Only one mood pervades the hearts of He Jiong and other super front-line celebrities--

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