Mali directly acted as a human door lock and firmly blocked the door,

At the same time, I did not forget to wrinkle my nose and learn to bark twice:

"Wang! Wang!"

"Did Chen Yang see it?"

"We've laid a net of heaven and earth,"

"You absolutely can't run today,"

"Just stay here with me honestly."

There was an incredible arc on Shen Teng's face, and he smiled triumphantly.

Shen Yangyang and Song Xiaobao on the side were dumbfounded.

What is this situation?

Is it to keep people or catch thieves?

so much movement,

Are you going to let the dog go?


"Why did Chen Yang deliver food again?"

"Aren't you a big star now?"

"I just won the selection of the Heavenly King two days ago, a proper Heavenly King!"

""Tian Wang still wants to deliver food part-time?"

Song Xiaobao and Shen Yangyang were very surprised when they looked at Chen Yang who was manually locked by Shen Teng and Ailun.

"Cough cough.

Chen Yang was locked by two big men one after the other, his mouth twitched suddenly, he coughed twice and said:

"Okay, okay, Uncle Shen, let go,"

"I didn't say I wanted to run, which made me look like a prisoner."

As he spoke, Chen Yang rolled his eyes angrily.


"keep your word?"

Shen Teng looked at Chen Yang suspiciously, he was really afraid that Chen Yang would suddenly run away.

So he gave Ellen a wink, and the two slowly let go of their hands.

Only then did Chen Yang take off his mask and tidied up his clothes.

"You guy, you haven't changed at all.

Chen Yang didn't have a good air. Shen Teng was like this when he was in Hua Shao Tuan, and he still has the same personality now.

But Chen Yang didn't plan to run away, because the system just released the task in his mind,

Let him help Shen Teng tide over the difficulties, there are rewards.

"Tell me, why are you looking for me?"

"Let's talk about it first, I don't do things that are too hard to do, I can help you (with money), and you have to express it afterwards.

express. "Chen Yang said.

"OK, no problem.

Shen Teng sighed, and then began to say slowly: "The child has no mother, so it's a long story."

"Go away, long story short." Chen Yang said again in a bad tone.

After being interrupted by Chen Yang, he finally managed to sort out his emotions, and Shen Teng froze for a moment.

Song Xiaobao on the side couldn't sit still.

"No, Brother Teng, what are you doing?"

"Please help?"

"You're cheating, it's not right."

Song Xiaobao was terrified.

Just now, he was sure that Shen Teng was cold today.

Now that Chen Yang has come out, isn't this going to help Shen Teng to make a comeback?

This can't be done!

Shen Teng doesn't want to eat his set.

"Go go go! You have invited foreign aid yourself."

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