"Hurry up and walk around, don't delay my chat with Chen Yang."

Having said that, Shen Teng and Ailun immediately pushed Song Xiaobao and Shen Yangyang out.

"Hey, Brother Teng!"

"you can not do that!"

"It's not fair

Chapter 284

Shen Teng blasted Song Xiaobao and Shen Yangyang out,

He closed the door and looked at Chen Yang like a baby.

After a long story short, Chen Yang understood what was going on.

"It turns out that I can't write the script." Chen Yang said suddenly.

"Hey, do you want to be so straightforward?"

Shen Teng rolled his eyes, and he tried to avoid the words "can't write" when he said something to Chen Yang.


Why was it broken by Chen Yang all of a sudden?

It's too disrespectful.

"It's intermittent no inspiration, intermittent!

Shen Teng said emphatically, and at the same time nodded affirmatively without forgetting himself.

"Okay, okay, what Uncle Shen says is. We must respect the old and love the young." Chen Yang nodded helplessly.


Shen Teng nodded in agreement when he heard the first half of Chen Yang's sentence, but was speechless when he heard the second half of the sentence.

However, he is in a fiery mood now, and he is not in the mood to be rude to Chen Yang.

"Hurry up and help me."

"Okay, just wait."

Chen Yang put down a sentence and sat directly in front of Shen Teng's computer, his hands fluttering on the keyboard.

Shen Teng, Ma Li, and Ellen waited anxiously and expectantly beside him.

"Brother Teng, do you think Chen Yang is really okay?"

"Yes, Brother Teng, Chen Yang's singing and talk shows are excellent, and the filming is also top-notch, but this is a sketch."

Mary and Ellen were not without concerns.

His 007s have never had contact with Chen Yang, but just heard about Chen Yang's deeds on the Internet and through the mouths of colleagues,

Somewhat exaggerated.

And they haven't heard that Chen Yang has also engaged in the field of sketches.

Shen Teng gave them both an angry look.

"Do you two not believe my vision, or do you not believe in Chen Yang's strength?"

"Let me tell you two, to be honest, I don't think there is anything that Chen Yang can't do."

"Don't think I'm exaggerating, you haven't gotten along with Chen Yang, if you have."

"Maybe you two have to become his little fans."

As Shen Teng spoke, there was a little more energy in his small eyes.

Thinking about the days I spent with Chen Yang before,

It's really nostalgic.

Twenty minutes later, Chen Yang lightly buttoned the last word, stretched his waist and said lazily:

"Okay, done!"

"Is that all right?"

"Only twenty minutes."

"Really fast, true or false?"

Even though Shen Teng has great confidence in Chen Yang, is it a bit too fast to finish writing a script in twenty minutes?

Even a sketch script can't be so fast.

I think it took him an hour or two to write a script at the earliest.

However, the doubts in their hearts could not stop Shen Teng and the three from watching the past.

Chen Yang got up, and Shen Teng sat up directly, his small eyes carefully reading the text on the computer.

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