"Hey, hey, that's disgusting, go away."

Chen Yang pushed Shen Teng away with a look of disgust.

At this time, Shen Yangyang and Song Xiaobao came out,

The two of them were crying and sad, and their faces were unhappy.

"Shen Teng, you shameless bastard, you actually invited such a powerful guest as Chen Yang." Song Xiaobao resented

Looking at Shen Teng, he said.

"Didn't you also invite me?" Shen Teng asked in disbelief.

"Can that be the same? You invited Chen Yang, I invited Shen Yangyang, this Yang is not Biyang, it is not one at all.

A grade.


Shen Yangyang was suddenly stunned, and then looked at Song Xiaobao unhappily with his hands pinched at his waist:

"Am I shameless?"

Song Xiaobao:

Shen Teng: "Hahahaha!"

Seeing that these people were playing tricks, Chen Yang smiled lightly and said:

"Hey, things are done for you, don't forget my benefits."

Brothers and sisters,

Chen Yang is not a big head who is willing to draw a knife to help. He helped, and the benefits that should be taken are not less.


"Okay, Uncle Shen, can I treat you badly?"

"I have a great advantage here, and I will tell you in two days."

Shen Teng made a mysterious model 3.4 and deliberately sold a lawsuit.

The cheap raised eyebrows, as if to say: you ask, come and ask me.

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and ignored it.

Shen Teng's character, Chen Yang, can still be trusted,

Since he said to talk about it in two days, let's talk about it in two days. He is not in a hurry.

And looking at Shen Teng's mysterious appearance, it should be something good.

"That's fine, just tell me in two days."


Why don't you ask?

Seeing that Chen Yang didn't ask any more questions, Shen Teng, who was ready to show off a wave of manipulations, suddenly seemed to be choked.

The mouth seems to be, and the heart is blocked.

"Okay, I won't be poor with you."

Putting this sentence down, Chen Yang went out directly.

As soon as he walked out of the gate of Chenguang Film and Television Park, the system prompt sounded in his head.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task. ]

[Rewards will be distributed soon. ].

Chapter 287 The Social Contradiction Behind "Fufufu"

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring the skill: Table Tennis Master. ]

[Table tennis master: the world's top table tennis technology, the understanding and display ability of table tennis are ranked in the world

top of the world. ]

"Table tennis skills?"

Chen Yang got into the car, fumbled with his chin and began to speculate on this skill.

Table tennis is one of the most popular sports in the world right now.

Regardless of past life or present life, Huaxia is the top player in the field of table tennis.

In the table tennis industry there has always been such a slogan:

The difficulty of table tennis is beginner, beginner, intermediate, advanced, master, hell, and China.

The meaning is very clear. In the field of table tennis, the most terrifying thing is the Chinese table tennis players.

In the world's major table tennis events and even the Olympic Games, Huaxia has always been a dominant presence.

Chen Yang vaguely remembered that in the past two years, there seemed to be Japanese table tennis players who felt that they were invincible, so they sent the most talented players.

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