An elite team played against the Huaxia team.

Wheels are used on both sides,

As a result, Huaxia got on Zhang Jike and beat everyone down by himself, and basically zero.

seal up!

This 24th player of the country was so frightened that he returned to the country.

Since then, Huaxia's reputation in the table tennis world has been thoroughly reverberated.

After that, many countries wanted to challenge Huaxia table tennis, but they were all ruthlessly abused by Chinese table tennis players.

Even at the end, facing the opponent's top table tennis players, Huaxia didn't bother to send first-line players.

The line players can fight, they cry father and mother.

The benefits are obvious.

As a big country in table tennis, I actually picked this skill.

Is it to do something?

"Forget it, forget it."

Chen Yang shook his head and stepped on the accelerator to go home.

No matter what, the soldiers will come to block the water and cover the soil.

The table tennis master is the table tennis master. There is no harm in having multiple skills.

Not long after Chen Yang left the Chenguang Film and Television Park, the live broadcast of Happy Comedian ended.

Live audience votes in real time to determine the ranking.

Five groups stand on stage.

Shen Teng was calm,

Both Song Xiaobao and Shen Yangyang and the rest of the team were nervous.

Even in the first few installments when they didn't play well, they hadn't been so nervous.

That's Chen Yang!

Now the hottest star, just won the title of Weibo King two days ago.

the most important is,

The script written by Chen Yang is really good.

Even if they looked at it with a mind of rejection, they laughed from beginning to end.

Not to mention the audience under the stage, all of them laughed.

They can almost imagine how many people from thousands of households in Huaxia burst out laughing.

Especially Song Xiaobao,

He stood on the stage smiling more ugly than crying.

he regrets it,

Originally, I wanted to compete for the first place, but I specially invited Shen Yangyang here.

It's alright now, it's a waste of popularity, and Shen Yangyang's good script is wasted in vain.

If I knew it earlier, I would invite Shen Yangyang in the next issue.

Still, he was lucky,

Wan- -Are the audience blind?

What if the audience voted wrong?

Isn't it impossible!

However, the harsh truth gave him a blowout!

Under the auspices of the host, the on-site voting began.

There were [-] people in the audience, and each one voted for the actor they thought was the best in the audience.

Five minutes later, the results came out.

Shen Teng: 2132 votes.

Song Xiaobao: 668 votes.

Jia Ling: 531 votes.

Chen Dehun: 269 votes.

Wang Defa: 400 votes.

The data on the big screen is displayed in the shape of a column chart,

Chen Yang is more than three times taller than the tallest Song Xiaobao!

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