Chen Yang looked at them playfully, and then showed a very disgusting smile.

"Audience friends, to be honest, I really don't want to introduce them.

"Just look at the two of them, one is fat and the other is thin, one has a big head and the other has a small head.

One thing in common, it's hard to have one thing in common, they all have small eyes, like a seam.

"Looking at the looks of the two of you, those who know say that you two are talk show actors. Those who don't know probably think you two are

Speaking of cross talk!"

"I'm ashamed of Jing. I'll rush you both to Deyun Pavilion tomorrow, and go with Guo Degang."

Chen Yang's mouth was like a cannonball, and a series of complaints came out, which immediately made the audience laugh.

"Hahaha, talking about cross talk. Brother Chen Yang is so amazing, even Guo Degang, who has less than 4.5 games, complained about it.

Hahaha interesting!

"Old Guo was also shot while lying down, hahaha, the cross talk is so disliked by Brother Chen Yang.

The audience turned back and forth with laughter,

Chi Zi and Li Dan suddenly grimaced. Although they were fully prepared to be complained about, they were stunned.

The ground was so spit by Chen Yang, and he also involved Deyun Pavilion and Guo Degang, making them straight.

The two of them could only laugh and cry weakly and answer--sentence:.

Chen Fu, you can't judge people by their appearance, we're not talking about cross talk, we're talking about talk shows

Chi Zi and Li Dan's weak words immediately made the audience laugh even more.

Judging people by their appearance,

Don't say it, Brother Chen Yang is right, these two people look like a seam apart from small eyes

Other than that, there is nothing in common.

it's so funny.

Chapter 447 Covering the quilt, just chatting

in front of the TV,

Guo Degang and the many cross talk actors who were watching the Tucao conference in their own homes were immediately amused.

Yue Yunpeng: "Chen Yang is too beautiful, and he has done something that I want to do again that I dare not do, to connote my master."

Guo Degang was also not calm.

"Hey - Chen Yang, you are looking for a fight! I have to go to your house tomorrow to make a fuss, and those two little eyes

Guys, what do you mean? Don't you dislike my cross talk?"-

While talking, Guo Degang suddenly remembered.

Recently, it seems that the talk show is indeed more popular than the cross talk under the leadership of Chen Yang.

He's meow! How irritating!

Chen Yang connoted a wave of Guo Degang, and the audience turned back and forth in laughter.

The former connotation of Huazai and Xueyou, and the latter connotation of Guo Degang, Chen Yang really directly complained about the entertainment circle.

A top celebrity.

Many Huazai and Guo Degang fans laughed after hearing it, but didn't really take it to heart.

Even Guo Degang didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw that Chen Yang was connoting him.

Of course,

Will he really kill Chen Yang and Tang Chen's mansion, that's a real question.

The atmosphere at the scene was very happy adjusted by Chen Yang, as if a large group of people who knew each other were having a party

Again, the atmosphere was very, very pleasant.

The four 26 female guests who had just been teased by Chen Yang also completely let go of themselves at this time and followed Chen Yang one

Laugh out loud.

Chi Zi and Li Dan were also laughing crazy, as if it was not them but someone else who was complained by Chen Yang.

But who made them both talk show hosts? After being connoted, they can follow the present very well.

The atmosphere goes away.

The two of them cooperated with Chen Yanghan's comic dialogue and Guo Degang just now, their ability to adapt to changes can be regarded as a lever.

, even Chen Yang couldn't help but praised both of them in his heart.

But this is not the reason why Chen Yang let them go.

"You two don't think you can escape by selling miserably, ah! I know, you two want to sell miserable and cause Sister Yaxuan

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