attention, isn't it?"

"I understand, but I advise you both to give up. Do you know why? Sister Yaxuan only changed her boyfriend to small fresh meat.

, you two can't see your eyes when you narrow your eyes

"Do you believe that sister Yaxuan can chat with the two of you under the quilt."

Chen Yang cued Xiao Yaxuan once again.

It's just that this time the topic is sharper and the grooves are more prominent. After a moment, the audience was stunned by Chen Yang again.

The large scale made me laugh.

"Hahaha, what a god-like quilt, just chatting, Brother Chen Yang really knows how to use words.

"It's just right, isn't it? Hahaha, these two are so pitiful, they were so cruelly complained by Brother Chen Yang."

The audience laughed,

Xiao Yaxuan has become accustomed to the rhythm on this stage. When she heard the complaints, she immediately stood up and opened her mouth wide.

, spread his hands in surprise.

But when he heard Chen Yang say the words "purely chatting with the quilt", he immediately smiled and bent over.


How come you say it like that?

The picture pops into my mind.

Too funny right?

Really don't say, if you really want to be with Chi Zi Li Dan

She would rather cover the quilt for pure chat!

Next, Chen Yang made full use of his three-inch tongue to adjust the atmosphere of the scene to hilarious.

More and more audience members laughed.

The audience in front of the TV was also laughing.

Chen Yang didn't disappoint either, all kinds of golden sentences were frequent, and the laughter and memes never stopped.

The four female guests and Chi Zi Li Ri were also made to laugh so hard that they were almost at a loss.

Li Dan and Chi Zixiao's stomach hurts, and they can't help but sigh in their hearts.

Brother Chen Yang is worthy of being Brother Chen Yang, the founder and originator of the talk show is a rising star compared to them

Much better.

Amid laughter and hilarious laughter, the first issue of "Tucao Conference" finally came to a successful conclusion.

When Chen Yang announced the end, the audience slowly put away their faces and did not stop from the beginning to the end.


Li Ziqi gracefully came to the stage to announce the closing speech.

The audience reluctantly left.

"Oh, it's over so soon, I feel like I've only watched it for a while."

"Watching Brother Chen Yang's performance is so enjoyable, two hours passed in the blink of an eye."

"Let's go, let's go home, watch the replay, and watch him a hundred times!"

Backstage of "Tucao Conference", Xiao Yaxuan, Ma Su, Rong Zuer and Ah Sa followed behind Chen Yang and exited the stage.

As soon as they came to the backstage, the four immediately surrounded Chen Yang.

"Roar, Chen Yang. You were too much just now. You complained about our shortcomings."

Xiao Yaxuan, who was wearing a leather coat with her fair legs exposed, stood in front of Chen Yang with her hands pinched at her waist

The tone is also authentic Taiwanese emphasis.

"That's right, let's not lose face."

Ma Su raised his chin, perfectly showing the arc of the snow-white swan neck, which was praised by Milan Fashion Week as the

The most seductive Asian beauty, her curves are beyond words.golden ratio song

The thread was even more perfect under her raised swan neck.

If it was an ordinary man here, it is estimated that this scene would lead to a nosebleed.

"You still complain about Huazai, be careful I will sue you." Rong Zuer stood on the right of Chen Yang, she was shorter

He raised his head and looked at Chen Yang with a little resentment.

Chen Yang looked at the three of them, and Ah Sa, who was shy behind him, suddenly revealed a charming look.


"Then why did you laugh so happily just now?"

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