They had a hunch that something must happen again this time, and Xingye and Xiao Yiran who were outside might not be able to return so easily! .

Chapter 220 Makes all the audience cry

Xiao Yiran soon received Nazha's communication, and then Nazha told Xiao Yiran that a strong storm was approaching.

Xiao Yiran was about to return, but Master Xing wanted to continue searching for the mysterious meteorite.

Xiao Yiran was reluctantly persuaded by Xingye, and then the two did not return to the base immediately, but continued to set off.

"It really sucks!"

Seeing this, the audience can basically guess what they will encounter next.

When Xingye finally found the mysterious meteorite, Xiao Yiran and Xingye began to return by sleigh.

But on the way back, one of the sled dogs named Jack was injured.

While Xiao Yiran was treating Jack's wound, Master Xing accidentally cut into a weak layer of ice.

When Xiao Yiran was about to go down to save Master Xing, this weak and cold place suddenly cracked, and Master Xing fell into the ice cave again.

看到这一幕,首;发;于,群*9?8EUR0!2ュ[email protected]?8ヘ5?6观众的心顿时提了起来。

When filming this scene, Master Xing also did not use a stand-in.

And this time, Master Xing had been soaking in the ice water for a longer time, causing him to get frostbite all over!

Thinking of this, Xiao Yiran admired Xing Ye's dedication even more.

On the big screen, Xiao Yiran immediately brought a group of dogs to quickly approach Xing Ye who had fallen into the ice water, trying to rescue him.

But the ice layer near Xingye was too weak, and Xiao Yiran couldn't get close at all.

Then Xiao Yiran put the rescue rope into Maya's mouth and asked Maya to carry the rope to the savior.

Maya was holding the rope, and following Xiao Yiran's order, she crawled a little closer to Xing Ye, and then put the rope around Xing Ye's body.

看到这一幕,首;发;于,群*9?8EUR0!2ュ[email protected]?8ヘ5?6影厅内的观众们,顿时忍不住欢呼了起来。

"Wow, Maya is so smart too! Great job!"

"Yeah, Maya can really understand Xiao Yiran's words, if only I had such an obedient dog!"

"What I admire the most is Lord Xing. The ice cave is so cold, it's scary to think about it. Lord Xing actually jumped in to film!"

The audience in the movie hall talked excitedly, and they all loved Maya, an obedient dog.

Some people also saw that Master Xing did not use a stand-in for filming, and they also admired it very much.

After Xiao Yiran rescued Master Xing from the ice cave, the blizzard finally came, and the situation became extremely critical.

Fortunately, these dogs worked very hard, pulling the immobile Xing Ye, and finally returned to Base 867 successfully.

Seeing this, the audience was finally completely relieved.

But then, because Lord Xing was severely frostbitten and needed to be sent to the hospital immediately, everyone in the inspection station left together by plane and went to the main base.

Only Maya and the dogs were chained outside the research station.

After Xiao Yiran dealt with his injuries at the inspection station, he learned that because a huge storm was coming, all the people in the main base had to be evacuated.

Xiao Yiran remembered the Maya and the others who were still chained outside the research station, and immediately found the person in charge of the main base and asked to send a plane over to take Maya and the others and evacuate together.

But the planes at the main base were not enough. After knowing that Maya and the others were just a group of dogs, the person in charge refused to start.Posted + at *.Said? Group 9?8?0, 2?0, 5║8/5*6, completely rejected Xiao Yiran's request and directly gave up rescuing Maya and them.

Seeing this, the audience in the screening hall was blown away!

"Bastards, Maya they are so obedient and obedient, do you want to abandon them like this?"

"My God, Maya and the others are still tied to the dog's chain. If they don't care about it, they will have to wait to die. Even if they are not frozen to death by the blizzard, they will starve to death!"

"Sure enough, human beings are the most unconscionable and ungrateful! Maya they just saved Star Lord, and they were abandoned like this?"

The audience in the theater was filled with righteous indignation, especially those dog lovers, who were gnashing their teeth in hatred at this time.

Maya they appeared on the big screen as the shots shifted.

They were all tightly chained, standing in the icy world, looking desolate and helpless.

This made the puppies feel even more pitiful for the sympathetic audience.

As time passed, the storm became more intense, and a blizzard was on the horizon.

The dogs also sensed the crisis and began to struggle violently.

They barked and bit each other's collars around each other's necks.

"Dogs are so smart! Come on, come on, dogs!"

见到这一幕,首;发;于,群*9?8EUR0!2ュ[email protected]?8ヘ5?6放映厅内的观众们顿时握紧了双手,暗自为这些聪明的狗狗们打起了气来。

Finally, the collar on Jack's neck was bitten off first, and it broke free from the chains that bound him.

Then one after another, the collars on the necks of the dogs were bitten off, and they finally broke free!

"Great, the dogs are great!"

"It's amazing, the dogs are amazing!"


见到这一幕,首;发;于,群*9?8EUR0!2ュ[email protected]?8ヘ5?6不少观众顿时高兴的欢呼了起来。

After breaking free, the dogs finally don't have to wait here to die.

But the station was closed, and the dogs soon encountered a second problem—a food crisis.

The hearts of the audience were raised again, can these dogs find food in this icy world?

Then, as the leader, Maya began to go out hunting with a group of dogs.

The chosen target was a group of seabirds resting on the snow, and Maya barked a few times to the dogs next to them and arranged for them to surround the seabirds.

Seeing these dogs crawling forward in the snow and surrounding the seabirds in front of them, the audience in the cinema suddenly showed a happy smile.

"The dogs are so smart, they even know how to cooperate with each other!"

"I just don't know if they can catch food?"


Everyone's hearts were raised, looking forward to these dogs being able to catch birds.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Following Maya's barking, the dogs who had surrounded the group of seabirds immediately rushed out barking.

The flock of birds panicked and wanted to fly away, but it was too late. The dogs kept jumping up and flying to catch the seabirds who wanted to escape.

"Haha, that's great! The dogs don't have to worry about what to eat!"

见到这一幕,首;发;于,群*9?8EUR0!2ュ[email protected]?8ヘ5?6影厅内的观众们顿时高兴的欢呼了起来。

Of all the dogs, only the dog named Shorty did not catch the bird.

The dwarf is the shortest of all dogs and has the worst jumping ability, so it is the only one that fails to catch prey.

Seeing that the other dogs were happily eating their prey, the dwarf could only lie on the ground and look at it, his eyes seemed innocent and aggrieved.

"Haha, who kept you from catching a bird!"

Seeing Shorty's eyes, the audience in the theater was amused.

Shorty then leaned over to Truman, who was eating his prey, as if he wanted to share the other's prey.


But Truman bared his teeth, and the dwarf was so frightened that he ducked aside and did not dare to approach.

The dwarf's mouth lay on the ground and moved forward a little bit, looking even more pitiful.

Then the dwarf moved to the smaller prey and took a smack on it.

Just when everyone thought that Little Boy would just like Truman, he would drive Shorty away, but Little Boy did not respond and continued to eat.

Seeing that Little Kid didn't mean to drive him away, the dwarf suddenly came to his senses, and it continued to eat Little Little's prey.

Seeing the pictures of these two dogs biting the same prey, all the audience in the theater felt a little warm in their hearts.

In this cold environment, food means life, and now Xiaodian is willing to share his little food with the dwarf, which moved everyone.

Then the aurora suddenly appeared in the night sky. While chasing the aurora reflected on the snow, Truman suddenly slipped and fell from the snow slope, receiving a bebi reward.

Maya, Buck, Little Dot, Shadow and other dogs hurriedly ran down the snow slope and ran in front of Truman who fell.

Maya reached out and moved on Truman, as if she wanted to wake Truman.

But Truman lay there motionless, it had lost its breath of life.

The other dogs also stepped forward and swiped on Truman one by one, making low whimpering noises.

The audience in the theater knew that the dog was dead.

Listening to the whimpering of these dogs, many people's eyes turned red, and some people even burst into tears.

Maya, Buck, Little Dog and other dogs did not leave, but lay beside Truman's body.

Truman's twin brother, Dewey, put his head on Truman's corpse, his dark eyes filled with sadness.

The dogs lay there motionless, allowing the wind and snow to cover their bodies completely.

This scene was so sad that even Na Zha, who was sitting next to Xiao Yiran, shed tears.

The atmosphere in the entire theater was full of sadness, and Xiao Yiran could faintly hear the suppressed sobbing of many audience members.

In the end, the dogs left here and moved on in order to survive.

At this time, Xiao Yiran, who returned to China, has been worried about the situation of the dogs.

He met the New Zealand farmer who had sold his dog to him, and the farmer told Xiao Yiran a story.

This made Xiao Yiran make up his mind that he must return to the South Pole and find his dog.

At this time, Master Xing gained fame and fortune because he found the mysterious meteorite, but thinking of the dogs who saved him, he also had the idea to help Xiao Yiran find the dogs.

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