Just when Xiao Yiran was distressed because he couldn't find a boat to return to the South Pole, Kate played by Nazha appeared, as did Wenwen and Xingye.

They have already discussed that they will accompany Xiao Yiran back to Antarctica to find those dogs.

Then Naza flew a plane, took a group of people to the South Pole, and then boarded an icebreaker.

Just when Xiao Yiran and the others were about to go to find the dogs, Maya and the other dogs were also having a thrilling battle.

In order to find food, Lao Ma found a whale that had been frozen after death. Just when Lao Ma was about to eat, a seal suddenly came out of the whale's body.

The old horse was almost bitten, and it turned around and ran away in fright.

Then Maya arrived with the other dogs, who saw the seals biting the whale carcass again.

The dogs mingled with each other and soon came up with a plan.

The old horse returned to the whale carcass, bit a piece of meat from it, and immediately turned around and ran.

The seal, who was nibbling on the whale's carcass, was enraged. It plunged into the ice and chased the old horse.

At this time, the other dogs took the opportunity to run to the whale carcass, and then feasted on it.

"The dogs are great!"

"These dogs are so smart!"

"It's great, they finally don't have to go hungry anymore."

看到这一幕,首;发;于,群*9?8EUR0!2ュ[email protected]?8ヘ5?6影厅内的观众顿时为这些狗狗们的聪明机智欢呼了起来。

And just as the dogs were eating the whale meat, the seal that had chased away suddenly returned and bit Maya, who was biting the whale, on the front leg.

"Ah, be careful dogs!"

The hearts of the people were suddenly lifted, and they couldn't help exclaiming.

The other dogs did not flee, but bravely rushed up to fight the seal.

This made the audience in the movie hall admire the courage of the dogs even more. After all, seals are much bigger than them.

After a fierce struggle, the seal was finally defeated and escaped through the ice.

"Oooh, great, the dogs won!"

"The dogs are amazing!"


Seeing the seals escape, the audience in the movie hall cheered excitedly, as if they had won a big victory themselves.

After the seal escaped, the dogs could finally continue to eat the whale with confidence.

But unfortunately, Maya's front leg was bitten, and it could only lie on the snow and whimper.

The little dog gently stepped forward to help Maya lick the wound, and the other dogs also surrounded Maya worriedly.

Maya finally stood up and left with a lame leg.

It was only after a night of sleep in the snow that Maya's injury aggravated, and she lay in the snow unable to move.

The weather conditions here were extremely bad, and Maya could not survive the injury.

The other dogs caught a few seabirds again, and they took the initiative to put them in front of Maya.

But unfortunately Maya was so badly injured that it couldn't continue to eat.

"Maya, don't die, get up quickly!"

"Maya, wake up!"


影厅内的观众看着这一幕,首;发;于,群*9?8EUR0!2ュ[email protected]?8ヘ5?6心中也都感觉非常难受。

Maya performed so well before. Whether it was saving Star Lord or taking the dogs to hunt together later, Maya left a deep impression on everyone.

Now that Maya has come to the end of her life like this, everyone can't accept it.

Just as the dogs were struggling to survive, Xiao Yiran and others finally returned to the inspection station and saw the chains that tied the dogs.

Xiao Yiran had a sad look on his face, he walked to an iron chain, dug up the snow on it, and pulled the chain out.

Chapter 221 Maya She's Not Dead! ! !

Xiao Yiran quickly found the body of Old Jack, the only dog ​​that did not break free from the chains and died of starvation.

"We're late, they didn't break free."

Xiao Yiran's tone was a little choked, thinking that the other dogs were starved to death just like Old Jack.

Although the audience in the movie hall knew that the other dogs broke free from the chains and fled, but listening to Xiao Yiran's sad tone, they were still infected, and their eyes became moist.

Xiao Yiran soon discovered that, except for Old Jack, all the other dogs had broken off their chains and ran out.

"Freedom, they break free-!"

The sadness on Xiao Yiran's face disappeared, and his tone became a little excited and shouted to Xingye, Nazha and Wenzhang next to him.

哪怕是隔着荧幕,首;发;于,群*9?8EUR0!2ュ[email protected]?8ヘ5?6影厅内的观众也能听出萧亦然语气中的欣喜。

The other dogs didn't die, which was really a blessing among misfortunes for Xiao Yiran.

Xingye, Nazha and Wenzhang next to him also seemed very happy after hearing Xiao Yiran's words.

Just as they were about to focus on the research station and search for traces of the dogs, a bark suddenly came from a distance.

Xiao Yiran and the others looked up quickly, and immediately saw the familiar dogs in the distance.

"They're alive, great, they're all right!"

Xiao Yiran immediately rushed towards the dogs not far away excitedly.

These dogs also barked and rushed towards Xiao Yiran and his party.

After the two sides met, they immediately hugged excitedly and excitedly.

影厅内的观众们看着眼前这一幕,首;发;于,群*9?8EUR0!2ュ[email protected]?8ヘ5?6也不由感动的热泪盈眶。

The dogs have finally found their owners and they are finally safe!

"Buck, Shadow, Shorty..."

Looking at the five dogs in front of him, Xiao Yiran called out their names one by one, and said with a sigh, "It's unbelievable! Children, my five lucky stars, all of you have survived, but it's a pity that it was only a short distance away. It's perfect."

Thinking of the dead old Jack and the other two missing dogs, Xiao Yiran's tone became low.

Xiao Yiran raised his head and looked into the distance, as if hoping that the other two dogs would also return.

But it's a pity, this is only a wish after all.

"Well, if only the other two dogs survived too."

"Yeah, it's a pity, it's really hard to see people's hearts."


Everyone in the movie hall sighed and discussed.

Just when Xiao Yiran and his group were about to leave with the dogs in the car, the old horse suddenly barked at Xiao Yiran, then turned around and rushed out into the snow.

"Old horse!"

Xiao Yiran was taken aback and hurriedly chased after the old horse.

Xingye, Wenzhang and Nazha also stopped their movements and looked at the person and the dog who were far away with worried expressions.

After running for a while, Xiao Yiran also saw Maya lying in the snow in the distance.


Looking at Maya's frozen body, Xiao Yiran's tears fell instantly.

Maya is the leader of these dogs. It has always been very obedient and sensible, and Xiao Yiran likes it the most.

Seeing it lying still in the snow now, Xiao Yiran felt extremely uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry Maya, I'm late."

Xiao Yiran apologized to Maya in a choked tone.

As the Oscar winner, Xiao Yiran's emotional contagion ability is too strong. After everyone in the theater heard Xiao Yiran's words, many people were already in tears.

Nazha, who was sitting next to Xiao Yiran, even if he already knew the plot, was also crying at this time.

At this moment, Maya suddenly shook her ears.


Xiao Yiran looked at Maya in disbelief, wondering if he was wrong.


Maya let out a low cry, then slowly raised her head.

"It's great! Maya, you're not dead, it's great!"

看到这一幕,首;发;于,群*9?8EUR0!2ュ[email protected]?8ヘ5?6萧亦然脸上顿时露出了欣喜若狂的神色。

The audience in the movie hall couldn't help cheering.

"It turns out Maya isn't dead yet, that's great!"

"Haha, Maya is still alive!"


Some viewers who thought Maya died and wept, now wiped away their tears and showed a happy smile.

Then Xiao Yiran picked up Maya from the ground and carried it all the way back to the research station.

Xingye, Wenzhang and Nazha also saw Xiao Yiran and Maya who was in his arms.

"Ah, Maya is okay too!"

看到这一幕,首;发;于,群*9?8EUR0!2ュ[email protected]?8ヘ5?6星爷三人脸上也露出了高兴的神色。

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