The camera was aimed at Ye Fang's hand. His fingers were very beautiful with distinct joints. It was also to capture the details of his painting.

After all, this is a painting worth 50 million before it comes out. Must it be filmed well?

Ye Fang has been a hot topic recently. The photographers know what to do without the director's instructions.

Suddenly, 80% of the cameras were on Ye Fang, showing different angles of Ye Fang in the live broadcast room.

When the brush was stained with ink, Ye Fang's eyes suddenly changed, revealing seriousness and a bit of coldness.

His usual gentle temperament also changed instantly, exuding a soul-stirring aura.

This sudden change made everyone stunned.

My heart couldn't help but tremble. I was shocked by his sudden temperament?

Peng Peng, who was standing casually, suddenly stood straight and didn't dare to be casual.

The smiles on the faces of several children couldn't help but disappear. They didn't dare to make noise for fear of disturbing their father's painting.

Zhang Zifeng looked carefully with her sparkling eyes, and her body trembled slightly.

Redina was very surprised. It was as if Mr. Ye had suddenly changed and made her feel unfamiliar.

This was the momentum they had never seen in Ye Fang.

At this moment, Ye Fang made people unable to look away, but they dared not look directly at him.

It felt very ethereal....

It was like standing on a high mountain with his hands behind his back, his clothes fluttering, and looking down at all the other mountains. He was not arrogant, because when he stood there, people wanted to look up at him, and he did not need to be arrogant.

He was still himself, but the people who looked at him had their own insignificant thoughts in their hearts.

Mr. Lu's pupils shrank sharply, and he felt the familiar feeling.

It was this feeling!

The unique feeling when he saw the painting at the beginning!

Mysterious, resentful, profound, and untouchable!

It turned out to be him! The original author of the painting!

Tang Qianqian's eyes, which had been dull all the time, suddenly lit up. She stared at her father with expectation, and her body trembled slightly with excitement.

As someone who was also obsessed with painting, although she was young and could not describe the feeling at the moment, her brain knew that her father was indeed a very good painter!

Her eyes were shining, and she was looking forward to her father's painting!

The tip of the pen dipped in ink fell on the white paper, and the next moment, Ye Fang's hand moved.

The movement was smooth and free.

It was like scribbling.

Others need to think about the layout of the pattern when painting, but Ye Fang seems to not need to think.

Everyone's eyes fell on his brush.

The black and white ink spread on the drawing paper, and gradually formed a landscape as he went to different places.

Every flower, grass, mountain and water were gradually depicted.

Mr. Lu was very excited. He took out his glasses at some point, and his eyes hardly left the drawing paper after putting them on.

He couldn't move his eyes away!

As his hands moved, Ye Fang's body made small movements, looking free and easy, and unique.

In front of everyone's eyes, it seemed as if they saw a sophisticated painter wearing an ancient robe, waving a brush, and painting freely.

The audience in the live broadcast room was very excited:

"The moment Mr. Ye picked up the paintbrush, he seemed like a different person!"

"I am fascinated by the way I draw."

"Mr. Ye is really a painter! His paintings are so good!"

"It feels like this painting has been brought to life!"

"Mr. Lu is so excited!"

"Wow! Mr. Ye’s temperament!"

"I was so excited watching it, and I discovered a unknown identity of my idol!"..........

If Ye Fang had just said that he painted the painting worth 30 million, everyone would have believed it, but they couldn't imagine how he painted.

Seeing it with their own eyes at this moment confirmed the truth.

This shock was very strong!

Ye Fang himself was a miracle, and he could also paint in Chinese. This fact itself was enough to stimulate people.

When Ye Fang was painting, he was completely immersed in it. His serious and stern face and the aura he exuded were simply walking hormones.

All the women at the scene were dazzled, and the single girls blushed even more.

""Amazing!" Suddenly, Mr. Lu praised.

Everyone looked at Mr. Lu with confusion.

They knew that Ye Fang could paint in Chinese, but the painting was not finished yet. How could Mr. Lu tell whether he was amazing or not?

It seemed that Mr. Lu's exclamation was also a sudden awakening, as if he meant something else.

They were all simply shocked, but what was so special about it? They couldn't tell.

Mr. Lu was the only one who understood Chinese painting at the scene and was a senior expert.

In order to understand every amazing point of Ye Fang, Peng Peng couldn't help asking:"Mr. Lu, what do you think is amazing?"

Everyone nodded and waited for the answer.

""Didn't you notice that Mr. Ye's pen never stopped?"

Mr. Lu asked mysteriously.

"Yes, Mr. Ye paints really fast!"Guan Tong'er exclaimed. He has never stopped since he started painting! He is like a Chinese painting printer!

With such a large piece of paper, according to Mr. Ye's speed, it would probably take him more than ten minutes to finish the painting, right?

But if it were another master, it would probably take him three days and three nights to finish it!

Others nodded, thinking that Mr. Ye's painting was a bit too sloppy.

It was really too fast.

"No, I mean that Mr. Ye's pen never left the paper. This is called one-stroke painting."

"I once admired a master of Chinese painting, Master Liu, who spent more than ten years pursuing the goal of painting with one stroke, but failed to achieve"

"You can't stop while painting, and the brushstrokes can't leave the paper. It's very difficult!"

This requires full concentration, strong mental strength, not being disturbed by the outside world, and the top level of Chinese painting to succeed once or twice.

Even if a painter can achieve it, it is only one or two times in nearly a hundred attempts.

But Mr. Ye's free and easy look doesn't look like an attempt, but more like eating and drinking.

Painting with one stroke?

This is amazing!

Guan Tong'er opened her beautiful eyes in surprise. Sure enough, she is still an amateur! She didn't see it at all!

But Mr. Lu's remarks made everyone instantly clear, and at the same time shocked their hearts.

"Mr. Ye, you are really strong!" Chen Yixun swallowed his saliva and sighed.

The princess looked at him with admiration and said nothing.

Redina's beautiful eyes shone, and I don't know what she was thinking.

The audience in the live broadcast room was even more amazed:

"My God, Mr. Ye is so powerful!"

"One stroke of paint? You really won’t stop!"

"It would be so amazing for those masters of Chinese painting to be able to reach this level after just a few months of study!"

"If Mr. Lu hadn't explained it, I wouldn't have understood."

"This is too powerful!"

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