Time passed by minute by minute, and a landscape painting in ink gradually appeared on the drawing paper. At this time, more than ten minutes had passed.

Ye Fang had never stopped since he started to paint.

When he ran out of ink, he would dip the ink again and paint again at the place where he had stopped.

There was no pause other than that.

Everyone was very quiet, no one spoke, and they watched attentively.

Tang Qianqian's cute big eyes were shining continuously, watching carefully and admiring.

The fatigue of the past few days was swept away. For the child, witnessing the process of his father painting with his own eyes at this moment was worth all the hunger and confusion.

Everything was worth it!

This painting was not the scenery of Manyuan Village, nor was it Ye Fang's imagination.

This painting came from the entire place where he lived.

Memories returned to childhood.

As far as he could remember, he had lived in an orphanage. Unlike the children in the orphanage, he was not talkative. The doctor diagnosed him with autism.

In fact, it was not autism, but in Ye Fang's mind, there was another world.���

That world is so similar to the present world, yet completely different.

And those children of the same age who only know how to play are completely different from him. He has nothing in common with them, no topics, and no common nature.

He seems out of place and naturally becomes autistic.

And this painting is the place where he always loved to daydream in his childhood, and the scenery he can see.

Mountains and rivers, old houses, streets, and cities surrounded by water are all the most beautiful scenery in his memory.

This scenery can make him feel calm when he recalls it.

Closing his eyes, the scene in his mind appears more clearly in front of him.

"Mr. Ye, are you painting with your eyes closed?" Zhang Zifeng, who noticed this, exclaimed in a low voice.

Everyone looked at Ye Fang's handsome face. He really closed his eyes at this moment, but the movements of his hands did not stop.

It was as if he was a martial arts master who could beat a strong opponent with his eyes closed.

Ye Fang was reminiscing, with a faint smile on his lips.

His heart quietly calmed down, and his hands did not stop painting. He wanted to paint the most beautiful scenery in his memory.

But he had been away from his old home for too many years, and he was afraid that if he opened his eyes, the peace would be broken, and the scenery would be blown away by the wind.

Mr. Lu looked surprised and shook his head in disbelief.

If he just said that painting with one stroke was the highest realm, then what kind of operation is it to paint with closed eyes now?

Mr. Lu could no longer describe the trembling in his heart with words. It was probably...It's a realm you've never heard of!

Ye Fang doesn't like to take a rigorous attitude towards things he likes.

If he wants to paint, he will concentrate on it.

And each of his paintings is inspired by his feelings, and each is in a different state.

At this moment, his heart is calm, and what he draws is a quiet and beautiful scene.

Tang Qianqian said in surprise:"Dad is so great! Draw with your eyes closed!"

""Shhh!" Wen Yaoyao made a quiet gesture to Tang Qianqian:"Don't disturb Dad!"

Wen Yaoyao could see that Dad was not showing off his skills, but was lost in memories.

Wen Yaoyao has always felt that every amazing thing Dad did was not done to gain the admiration and praise of others.

He was inspired and immersed in it.

This is the most fearful of being disturbed.

The audience in the live broadcast room was amazed:

"Draw with eyes closed???"

"I suspect Mr. Ye has opened his third eye!"

"How is this done!"

"That’s so awesome!"

"I don't know what to say anymore. Mr. Ye is so amazing.、"

"No matter how the painting is, even if you can draw an ordinary one with your eyes closed, it is unique!"

"The keyboard is for you. I'm already on my knees.".........

A few minutes later, a piece of white paper was completely painted. Ye Fang raised his hand slightly, and the brush left the paper, and he also finished with the last stroke.

Ye Fang slowly opened his eyes, looked at the painting in front of him, and nodded slightly with satisfaction.

He looked at Mr. Lu and smiled,"Old man, take a look. Are you satisfied?"

During the painting process just now, Mr. Lu did not dare to get too close. One was that he was afraid of disturbing him, and the other was that his attention was on Ye Fang himself.

Ye Fang brought him too many shocks, so how could he have the mind to see what the painting looked like?

Now that he can appreciate it well, Mr. Lu nervously and happily adjusted his glasses and looked at it carefully.

He must look at this painting carefully.

Just now, everyone resisted the strong desire, and now they can watch it well. As soon as Ye Fang walked away, everyone gathered around.

The audience in the live broadcast room can see it most clearly through the lens.

Several photographers pointed the lens at different positions of the painting to show every detail.

Mr. Lu hunched his back, bent his waist, and his eyes were almost on the table.

Everyone's eyes fell on this ink painting.

In the distance, there are several mountains hidden in the white mist, with only the mountains showing, as if they are in the sky.

In the near distance, there are several old tile-roofed houses, with several big trees interspersed among them. People are walking on the street, hurriedly, as if they are rushing to the morning market.

There is an ancient bluestone arch bridge between the streets.

In front of the arch bridge is an old man wearing a straw raincoat, holding a bamboo pole in his hand, pushing a small boat floating on the river.

There are fish swimming in the clear river water, and several big birds are standing or bowing their heads, staring at the prey in the water, ready to attack at any time. The soft willow branches by the river flutter in the wind, making the viewer feel as if a refreshing breeze is blowing across their cheeks.

The soft ink color, like water, is splashed on the rice paper, and the ink color penetrates into the paper, giving a light, soft, moist and natural feeling.

When everyone saw this painting, everything in the picture seemed to move!

Zhang Zifeng's eyes widened. She saw the boat moving slowly on the water. The old man in the straw raincoat pushed his bamboo pole into the water again and again, and then used the force to push the boat forward.

Peng Peng heard the noisy sound of the market, and the passers-by hurried forward.

They were afraid of missing the morning market.

The princess seemed to see the willow branches swaying with the wind, which was very beautiful.

The breeze blew on her face, and there was a slight moist breath in the air.

Redina seemed to be standing in the painting, looking at the unreachable mountain peaks between the flowing smoke.

This scene was a mixture of movement and stillness, but it gave people an inexplicable sense of stability.

Compared with the heat and quietness of Manyuan Village, this painting made people feel cool.

It seemed that even the taste buds could be mobilized and felt.

That's right! It was this familiar feeling!

Mr. Lu's pupils trembled, and this familiar feeling came again!


The painter presents the picture in his mind on the drawing paper through ink, and the viewer can also see the scene in the painter's mind through the drawing paper. They can even have the same feelings.

For example, the painting that was auctioned for 30 million yuan, Mr. Lu felt it was distant and profound.

And this painting is indeed peaceful, beautiful and reassuring.

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