"Why do I feel like this painting has come alive?"

"Is my eyes blurry?"

"I seem to see the scenery of Nanjiang"

"The bridge and flowing water are so beautiful, it brings the painting to life!"

"Today I finally saw what the highest level of Chinese painting is. It’s so amazing!"

"Holy shit, I can see the characters moving!"

"I don't know why, but I feel very peaceful when I see this painting."

"Love love"

"It is definitely worth more than 50 million!!"

"No wonder! With this level and feeling, no wonder so many collectors like it!"

"I finally understand why Mr. Lu respects Mr. Ye so much!"

"If I had money I would buy it!!!".......

The live broadcast room was originally harmonious, but when the camera zoomed in and clearly showed the painting to the audience, the audience instantly worshipped and was stunned.

The screen was covered with various question marks and exclamation marks......

Anxi old house

"The painting is so good!"The lady lying on the toffee chair is a graceful lady.

She exudes an indescribable elegance. Sitting beside her, gently massaging her ankles, is a young, beautiful woman with delicate makeup.

"Mother, why did you let Qianqian run so far away?"

The young woman's face was annoyed, but she spoke softly, her tone just a little incomprehensible.

She was the woman's daughter and Tang Qianqian's mother.

She was busy with work every day, and her daughter Qianqian was raised by her grandmother, but just a few days ago, she received a call from her mother that Qianqian was missing. She was so anxious that she dropped her work and returned to her hometown in Anxi, but she saw her mother sitting at home watching the live broadcast leisurely.

But what Tang Yanran didn't expect was that Qianqian actually appeared in the live broadcast room.

She also exchanged the painting she copied for a meal.

Tang Yanran felt depressed.

Her daughter's paintings have won various awards, and that painting was also a work she copied for several days, carefully learning to paint.

But it was used to pay for a meal of dozens of yuan.

Of course, she also met Qianqian's gene provider, Ye Fang.

Unexpectedly, this man is quite handsome.

But how did Redina and Guan Tonger go to Manyuan Village?

A total of five children went there?

I received a text message from my bestie a few days ago, She was out of town, and she was sighing that her daughter was more well-behaved than other children, and must have been well taken care of by her mother.

Who knew that this child also ran away.

These children were only five years old, and each of them was a little smart, but her own child was naive, and she didn't expect that she would also learn bad things!

Tang Yanran felt very uncomfortable.

That was the child she raised with rice and soup, and was also the motivation for her to work hard to make money.

Now she has gone from an unknown makeup artist to the owner of a company with her own makeup brand.

Although the company has just started, she is also a small rich woman.

That was all for the sake of giving her children a better life.

But this child is so good!

She didn't do anything, and she hooked her child's soul without any effort.��

Tang Yanran became more and more angry. Even though Ye Fangguo was a great painter, she didn't like him.

There was no way. Tang Yanran grew up in a single-parent family.

Her mother raised her alone, so she gave birth to Tang Qianqian out of wedlock, and her mother agreed with both hands.

She had never experienced fatherly love, so naturally she didn't like men.

No matter how powerful the other party was, it had nothing to do with her and would not inspire any favor in her.

On the contrary, the other party was obviously getting more and more liked by her daughter, and Tang Yanran was upset.

But her mother was fine. She watched the live broadcast calmly and said bluntly that she personally sent Qianqian to the plane!

Tang Yanran couldn't understand it and had a headache.

Tang's mother smiled and said,"It seems that Qianqian inherited his genes!"

After that, she looked at Tang Yanran with a smile and said,"I think Mr. Ye is very good, handsome, talented, and most importantly, Qianqian likes him!"

When Tang Yanran heard this, it changed its taste.

It seemed to contain connotations.

In the past few years, Qianqian has grown up gradually. She can also let go and create her own career. Just when she started, her mother began to hint that she should find a father for her child.

Tang Yanran couldn't understand it.

At the beginning, she told her mother that she would never marry and borrow sperm to have a child.

Her mother also agreed with both hands, but after a few years, she had a daughter and a career, and her mother seemed to have changed her mind.

Is this still the mother who raised her alone?

Now she started to hint to herself again. Tang Yanran was both bored and couldn't understand

"Mother! Qianqian is my daughter! I gave birth to her after ten months of pregnancy! What does she have to do with him?"

"Without his good genes, could you have given birth to a beautiful and talented daughter like Qianqian?"Mother Tang rolled her eyes at Tang Yanran, looked at Ye Fang, and smiled like an aunt again.

"Look at him. He could have ignored it, but he was willing to draw a picture himself to thank Mr. Lu. This shows how much he cares about Qianqian."

"For this reason, you can consider it and Mr. Ye..."

Tang's mother is a mother-in-law who likes her son-in-law more and more.

But Tang Yanran felt more and more uncomfortable the more she listened. She stood up immediately, shaking with anger.

"Mom, stop talking!"

"Hey! You kid, you don't understand your mother's good intentions!"

"I have come a long way as a single mother, and it was all made with blood and tears."

"If there is a calm and reliable man who happens to be Qianqian's biological father, why would you resist?"

"How many women don’t love a man like this?"

"I don't want you to follow in my footsteps and regret your lonely life when you grow old like me....But it's too late!"

Tang's mother sighed, and her words moved Tang Yanran. She felt sorry for her mother, but she was definitely not soft-hearted and obedient.

"Don't worry, mother. I won't regret it."

Her voice was soft but firm.

Tang's mother didn't continue. She knew how stubborn Yanran was.

However, that didn't mean she gave up. By the time her silly daughter came to her senses, Mr.

Ye would have been snatched away by someone else.

���, you still have to consider your daughter in advance!.........

"Old sir?"

A low voice woke up Mr. Lu who was immersed in the painting.

"Ah!" Mr. Lu came back to his senses with a happy smile on his face:"I am very satisfied! Mr. Ye is indeed the mysterious painter I like!"

"I will definitely collect this painting!"

"Just the scene in this painting...It reminds me of many things...."

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