At this moment, all the cameras were pointed outside, and no one knew what the two were talking about in the bedroom.

Teacher Huang was watching the two people talking from a distance in the kitchen and smiled,"Mr. Lu really likes Ye Fang!"

"Lu Bo likes to collect Chinese paintings the most, probably because his wife is also a Chinese painting enthusiast"

"Really?" Hearing what Director Lao Wang said, Teacher Huang smiled and said,"Mr. Lu and Ye Fang are quite similar."

"Looks alike?" Director Lao Wang paused and looked over subconsciously. After a closer look, he found that the two looked somewhat similar.

He remembered what his father said, that Uncle Lu lost his wife because of something, and he should have had a son.

But for some reason, his wife died and he never saw his son.

What a pity!

But looking at Ye Fang and Uncle Lu again at this moment, some vague information came to his mind, and Director Lao Wang felt something strange.

He tried hard to grasp the information in his mind, but he couldn't.

He was thinking in his heart, and Teacher Huang's next sentence rang out:"They are all infatuated people!"

"You're talking about this!" Director Lao Wang, who had just been inexplicably nervous, paused, then shook his head and laughed.

"Then what else can we say?" Teacher Huang asked with a smile.

"Nothing," Director Lao Wang also smiled and put aside the unclear information in his mind.

The audience in the live broadcast room also praised:

"Yes! Mr. Lu and Mr. Ye are both infatuated people!"

"Judging from what Director Lao Wang said, Mr. Lu’s wife is no longer around?"

"What a pity!"

"I feel sorry for Mr. Ye when I think of his deceased girlfriend!"

"Oh, why can’t I meet such a good man?"

"I hope Mr. Ye can find happiness again! But he is also very happy to have a few children to accompany him!"

"It’s true what Mr. Huang said in the club. The two of them look quite alike!".......

In the bedroom.

Qianqian fell asleep peacefully on the bed as never before.

Ye Fang was very calm when he heard what Mr. Lu said, because this was something that could not be determined, and the probability was too low.

Ye Fang's soul traveled through time, but it is better to say that it was reborn than to say that it was traveling through time.

In this body, he experienced a complete life of more than 20 years from birth to growing up.

The loneliness in childhood and the sadness of not having a family are all real.

Ye Fang is more rational, more talented, smarter, and calmer than his peers.

But he is still a person, a person who understands the seven emotions and six desires.

When he was a child, he was envious of those children who were loved by their parents, but because he knew that envy was useless and the established reality could not be changed, he seemed much quieter than the children in other orphanages.

He would not complain about the injustice of the world, nor would he blame the cruelty of the parents who abandoned him, but being abandoned, becoming an orphan, and growing up alone, these are all real feelings, and they will not become indifferent because there is another world in his mind.

Looking for his parents, Ye Fang never thought that he could live well alone.

The only thing that made him miserable in the past twenty years was probably the death of Yu Ge.

So when Mr. Lu said this, deep down in Ye Fang's heart, he didn't quite believe it.

But there were also subtle fluctuations that slowly impacted his state of mind.

"Mr. Lu, there are many children in the orphanage in Nanjiang, and the probability of such a coincidence is very low."

Ye Fang smiled faintly and said rationally in a low voice

"I know." Mr. Lu smiled helplessly and nodded, carefully looking at Ye Fang's facial features, face, and eyes.

He added:"But I believe that blood cannot be hidden."

"I wonder if Mr. Ye has ever experienced the inexplicable feeling in your heart when you meet your blood relatives?"

"Can't describe it with words, but you can just feel it..."

Hearing this, Ye Fang's eyes subconsciously looked at Qianqian who was sleeping peacefully.

When you see a blood relative, you will feel an inexplicable feeling in your heart.

It cannot be described in words, but it can be clearly felt.

He has felt it. Before meeting the five little ones, he did not believe it, but after meeting the five little ones one after another, he felt it. He felt it very, very clearly.

He could not describe it either, probably called it a bond.

This bond is invisible, but when he held the five little ones in his arms, he felt it deeply.

It was extremely, clearly, deeply, and clearly felt.

So when Mr. Lu said it, Ye Fang was silent for a long time.

His wisdom, reason, and clear logic could not be used to refute these words.

The bedroom was quiet for a long time, and only Qianqian's steady breathing sounded particularly clear.

After a long silence, Ye Fang slowly said:"Can you tell me about you and your wife?"

He did not completely believe Mr. Lu's guess. After all, he had no evidence, but he really wanted to hear Mr. Lu's story.

""Okay." Mr. Lu was involuntarily nervous just now. Seeing that Ye Fang did not refute immediately, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He began to fall into memories and narrated:

"My first wife, Jun'er, and I met in Nanjiang. I won't repeat the beginning."

"Later, we got married after three years of love, but Jun'er was unable to conceive for five years after marriage. Even though I promised her that I would not have children in this life and I was willing to spend the rest of my life with her, she still told me that she hoped to continue the incense for my Lu family."

"The Lu family has been a single-line family for three generations, and I have no brothers. If I can't have children, the family line will be cut off in my generation."

"Later, I took her to many places to seek medical treatment, and finally, in the sixth year of marriage, she became pregnant.、"

"My husband and I are very happy and have prepared carefully for the birth of our child."

"But I didn't expect...Because my Lu family's heirloom jade encountered a disaster、"

At this point, Mr. Lu's smile froze, revealing a look of pain.

"There was a mysterious collector who wanted to buy the heirloom jade, but I refused him repeatedly....But unexpectedly, because of the disaster"

"I was chased by someone and managed to evade him, but I didn't expect that the other party actually caught Jun'er who was recuperating in Nanjiang...."

Mr. Lu paused suddenly, tears dripping down, his body trembling in pain.

It is conceivable how painful it was for him to recall this incident.

Even decades later, he could not calm down when he mentioned it again.

Ye Fang had already guessed the ending.

Mr. Lu took a deep breath and sighed,"When I arrived in Nanjiang, I only saw Jun'er who died of dystocia in the hospital....But I didn't see my child"

"This is the most painful thing in my heart, even my old friends don't know、"

"So far, I have not been able to find my son..."

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