"So Mr. Lu guessed that I was your missing son?"

Ye Fang looked at Mr. Lu and asked.

"Yes."He nodded slowly, with a little light in his weathered eyes, like a light suddenly lit in the darkness.

That was hope, the hope of finally seeing a glimmer of light after decades of wandering in the endless ocean.

"I know this is ridiculous. If Mr. Ye doesn't mind, can I do a genetic test?"

Mr. Lu's tone was pleading. He was 80% sure of his guess, but it still needed scientific confirmation.

Ye Fang was silent for a moment and nodded:"Okay."

The mood was indescribable, still calm. Mr. Lu could make his own decision privately, but he still asked for his consent.

Ye Fang thought there was no need to resist this.

After consulting a professional, Ye Fang pulled out eight hair follicles, wrapped them in a tissue and handed them to Mr. Lu.

Looking at the tissue in his hand, Mr. Lu didn't say much, just said:"Thank you."

Genetic identification takes one or two days, and he has contacted someone to come to Manyuan Village to get the hair immediately.

After dealing with the paternity test, Mr. Lu looked at Qianqian who was sleeping soundly, hesitated for a moment, and asked

"Can I ask..."Why did Qianqian call you dad?"

From the reactions of others, it can be seen that they did not regard the two as father and daughter, but Tang Qianqian traveled through mountains and rivers. Although she was five years old and got lost, she was not destined to contact her family, just to see Mr. Ye.

From Qianqian's sleeping state at this moment, we can see how tired she was on the road these two days.

Even if she was so tired, she had to see the person...

When they first met, Mr. Lu clearly felt that they were not strangers.

Ye Fang also protected Qianqian very much and was willing to give her a valuable painting for free.....

Mr. Lu likes Qianqian very much, and her talent is somewhat similar to that of his first wife, so Mr. Lu still wants to ask about their relationship.

"Qianqian is my daughter."Ye Fang said without hesitation.

It's not that he didn't have a sense of vigilance, nor that he could tell the truth to everyone.

After all, this involved another family, Tang Qianqian's biological mother.

But Ye Fang also knew that Mr. Lu really cared about Qianqian and had good intentions.

Ye Fang believed in his own judgment of people, so he didn't shy away and admitted it directly.

Qianqian is Mr. Ye's daughter. If Mr. Ye is really his son who has been missing for many years, then he can also be considered his granddaughter?

Mr. Lu liked Qianqian in the first place, and when he learned of this possibility, he showed joy on his face.

Laughter rang out outside, and Mr. Lu thought of his other four children, and his mood became complicated again.

"The other four kids..."Mr. Lu paused, looked at the four little ones playing outside the mushroom house, and asked again.

The four children also called him dad.

"They are all my daughters." Ye Fang had a warm smile on his face. Hearing the children's cheerful laughter, his mood became very bright.

"this..."Mr. Lu was a little confused.

From what he knew, the five children had different surnames and did not seem to be from the same family.

Even if they were born to the same mother, the five babies would be...The probability of this happening is very low.

If quintuplets were born, it would probably make the headlines.

He had never heard of it.

The five children were not born from the same mother, but they were all the same age and had the same father....

What was the reason?

Mr. Lu found it hard to digest and understand for a while.

But if he was asked to believe that Mr. Ye was a scumbag who sowed seeds at random, he would never believe it.

Judging from the fatherly love he showed to his children in his words and deeds, he loved all five children equally.

A scumbag only knows how to deceive people, how could he really fall in love?

Ye Fang looked at Mr. Lu, who was hesitant and very messy, and smiled,"Don't get me wrong, old man.""

"They are all my children by blood, but I don't know their mother."

"I can't go into details because it involves privacy issues."

Ye Fang explained in a gentle tone. Mr. Lu naturally understood that it was about privacy.

However, thinking that the four children who were as cute and well-behaved as Qianqian might be his granddaughters, Mr. Lu was both happy and worried.

How should he tell Jun'er that they had spent a lot of energy to have a child back then.

But when it came to the grandchildren, there were five!

"I see." Mr. Lu nodded and said he would not ask any more questions.

"Then let's go out."

Staying too long could easily cause misunderstandings, so the two walked out of the bedroom.......

""Redina?" Ye Fang walked out of the bedroom behind Mr. Lu and suddenly found someone standing at the door.

Redina's beautiful face full of exotic style was full of embarrassment.

"Uh, I was just passing by,"

Redina smiled awkwardly, and then walked away quickly.

How should she explain that she was going to the bathroom and happened to pass by the bedroom and wanted to see if Qianqian was asleep.

Then, just by coincidence, she heard the conversation between Mr. Ye and the other person.

This amount of information is really too much.

Mr. Ye is very likely the child of Mr. Lu who has been missing for many years.

And Mr. Lu has an enemy who made him lose his wife?

Redina had the illusion that she was in a TV series about the grudges of wealthy families.

If she hadn't been sure that she was in the Mushroom House....

She was really a little dazed.

She happened to run into two people coming out, so she could only flee awkwardly.

Looking at Redina's panicked back, Ye Fang walked out with a calm expression.

Outside, the table was already filled with delicious food, and the night had fallen, with stars hanging far away in the sky.

Everyone sat down and ate together.

Teacher Huang laughed and said,"Uncle Lu, these dishes are for you to enjoy, do you think they suit your taste?"

"It's really a delicious dish with good color, aroma and taste." Mr. Lu praised it generously.

""It's good that you like it. Lao Wang told me that you will stay in the Mushroom House for a few days. Let's try the food made by Ye Fang tomorrow. It's really delicious."

Teacher Huang praised Ye Fang's cooking skills.

Peng Peng couldn't help drooling when he thought about it, and nodded repeatedly.

"Well, it would be the best to have such an opportunity."Mr. Lu looked at Ye Fang with expectation in his eyes.

In the comfortable environment with stars and cool breeze, everyone had a good dinner.

After dinner, Zhang Zifeng and Guan Tonger took the initiative to undertake the work of washing dishes.

Ye Fang suddenly stood up:"Teacher Huang, Teacher He, I have to go back."

"Leaving so early?" Teacher Huang looked at Ye Fang and asked hurriedly,

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