As expected, he has the same handsome features as in the photo, tall and handsome.

But in those black and white phoenix eyes, there is a depth that is not in the photo, which makes it difficult to see his heart.

What is not visible in the photo is the elegance and gentle temperament that emanates from him.

If this man's appearance were placed in the entertainment industry, he would also be among the top.

But he lives in this quiet mountain village far away from the city.

What kind of person is he?

Redina, who came with a mission, had a probing look in her beautiful eyes. She wanted to understand this man, but found that she could not see through anything. There was a faint smile on his face, not too much, not too little. His temperament was as gentle as jade, which made people naturally want to get closer.

I can't guess!

Redina withdrew her probing heart and showed a faint smile on her face:

"Thank you."

Ye Fang just smiled and nodded, naturally carrying the suitcase in one hand, turned around and walked towards the mushroom house.

Looking at Ye Fang's arms that were bulging with muscles due to the effort, Redina secretly sighed in her heart.

Sister Mi said that the other person's body was strong, and it was true.

Only people with strong bodies can have such strong genes!

Every seed can bloom and bear fruit...

Zhang Zifeng was unable to help just now and had to let the customer do it. He blushed and said to Ye Fang with some embarrassment:

"Thank you Mr. Ye, I didn't expect it to be so heavy...."

The box looked small, but she couldn't lift it....

Ye Fang turned around and saw Zhang Zifeng's embarrassed red face. He vaguely remembered the time when Yu Ge confessed to him in his senior year of high school. He also lowered his head in embarrassment, his face as cute as a red apple.

After a trance, he returned to reality, with a lost smile on the corner of his mouth.

He patted Zhang Zifeng's little head:"It's just a small matter, don't be embarrassed."

The faint warmth on Zhang Zifeng's head made her feel at ease.

Realizing that she was indeed too nervous, Zhang Zifeng took a few deep breaths to adapt herself quickly.

She was originally introverted, but Ye Fang's small gesture and words soothed her discomfort.

Mr. Ye is so gentle...

Thinking of Ye Fang's lonely back when he sang the song"No One Knows", Zhang Zifeng felt a little confused.

Who did Mr. Ye think of when he sang that song?

Without thinking too much, the three of them returned to the mushroom house, and Yang Anan jumped into Ye Fang's arms like a little monkey.

""Dad, you are so awesome! You lifted it up in no time!"

Yang Anan flattered Ye Fang. When her eyes fell on the girl standing beside Ye Fang, who was looking at her with a smile, the smile on her cute face disappeared instantly.

Her face turned pale and she opened her mouth to shout something. Suddenly, Redin walked over with a smile and pinched Yang Anan's soft face.

"Oh, this kid is so cute and pretty."

Redina kneaded her white face like she was seeing Yang Anan for the first time.

What does it mean?...

Yang Anan looked confused. Why didn't Redi recognize her?...

"Can I hold her?" Redina looked at Ye Fang, her eyes shining with urgency.

Ye Fang smiled and nodded, and put Yang Anan, who had suddenly become quiet in his arms, into Redina's arms.

"No!!"Yang Anan shouted in her heart, Redina sister is mom's spy, mom must have found her! She must take her back!

She finally found her dad, now she just wants to be with him!

Yang Anan wanted to struggle, but Redina was quick-witted. She watched Yang Anan grow up, how could she not understand her character?

After holding her firmly, she lowered her eyes and whispered in Yang Anan's ear:

"If you want to stay in Manyuan Village, just be obedient. Don't worry, I'm not taking you back."

Yang Anan instantly quieted down, blinking her eyes, and couldn't figure out why in her little head.

But as long as she wasn't taken home, she was willing to cooperate. Even though she was beyond ordinary people in hacking, she was a five-year-old child after all, with simple thoughts.

Seeing Yang Anan in her arms so well-behaved, Redina smiled with satisfaction again. She kneaded Yang Anan's glutinous rice dumpling face hard. The little guy who usually didn't let her touch him was so well-behaved today.

It can be seen how much she wanted to stay with this blood father!

Yang Anan could only endure it obediently, and her little mood was extremely depressed.

Redina's sister took advantage of her!

"I came just in time. This is Mr. Ye, our neighbor. Let's have dinner together later."

Teacher He came over and greeted Redina with a smile. Teacher Huang stood in the kitchen picking vegetables and said with a smile:

"Redina likes children very much, when will you get married and have one?"

Teacher Huang was just joking, but Redina's beautiful face turned red when she heard it. She is still a young girl who has never been in love.

Seeing Redina's red face, the audience in the live broadcast room laughed:

"My goddess Redina is shy!"

"Hahahaha, don't say, from this perspective, Redina and Mr. Ye are quite a match!"

"What the hell are you talking about upstairs! Mr. Ye is mine!"

"Why does An An feel so well-behaved in Redina's arms!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"No! My goddess can't get married!"

"The boss and Mimi haven't even gotten married yet, so there's no need for Redi to be in a hurry!".......

"I'm not in a hurry, let's work on my career first."Redina coughed twice and explained with a red face.

Her goal is to become a strong woman like Sister Mi and become a top actress!

So getting married is not in her plan at all!

But on second thought, even a strong woman like Sister Mi borrowed sperm to give birth to An An.

I remember Sister Mi said that she didn't want to depend on any man in her life, but she still hoped to be a complete woman and have a child of her own.

Perhaps women are born emotional and need family affection....

What's more, An An's biological father is such a handsome and elegant man....

Redina's mind was wandering, and she subconsciously looked at Ye Fang beside her.

If she wanted to have a beautiful and lovely child like An An someday, the other half of the gene provider must be someone as handsome as Mr. Ye....

Yang Anan was in Redina's arms, watching Redina's sister's eyes drifting towards her father, and she suddenly sounded the alarm.

Could it be that...Could it be that Redina's sister has a crush on Dad?

No, no!

"I, I want to poop! Sister Redina, take me there!"

Yang Anan hurriedly shouted in a soft voice, frowning her little eyebrows, looking like she couldn't hold it back.

"Cough cough cough cough!" Redina was lost in thought when she was interrupted by Yang Anan's weird reason and almost choked on her saliva. Everyone present except Zifeng was a grown man, and Zifeng had no experience in taking care of children, so no one except Redina could help.

Teacher He said embarrassedly:"Xiaodi, please take care of Anan."

"good..."Redina carried An An into the bathroom of the mushroom house.

As soon as she entered the bathroom and made sure that there were no cameras, she had a stern face.

"An An, since when did you need help going to the toilet?"

"You can take care of everything on your own at home!"

Yang Anan pouted and said angrily,"Sister Redina, don't take my dad away!"

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