Ye Fang looked at the three little ones who were hugging their wrists tightly, and nodded with a smile:"Okay, I'll bother you then."

Seeing that Ye Fang was about to leave, the three little ones let go of his hands obediently, followed Ye Fang, and walked to the mushroom house next door with Teacher Huang and others.

The female audience in the live broadcast room was very happy:

"I thought I wouldn’t see Mr. Ye again later, I’m so excited!"

"Wow! Teacher Huang is so good!"

"I really hope Mr. Ye can stay in the Mushroom House! That way I can see him every day!"

"Why do the three little ones like Mr. Ye so much?"

"If possible, I also want to be hugged by Mr. Ye, shy~~"

"Please stop upstairs! You made me vomit~!"

"Teacher Huang is indeed an old fox! The three little ones had no choice but to follow him to the Mushroom House, hahaha!"

"Where are the children's parents? Hurry up!"......

The Mushroom House and Ye Fang's house are separated by a flower path specially arranged by the program team.

Various small flowers are planted on both sides of this flower path, which looks warm and comfortable.

When Guan Tiantian saw the flower path, her big black eyes lit up, and she couldn't help but let go of Ye Fang's hand, wanting to run forward, running on the flower path.

But as soon as her little hand was released, she felt empty again, and she was busy clenching it again, unwilling to let go.

But her big eyes were full of reluctance, looking at those flowers, but she could only walk obediently beside Ye Fang.

Yang Anan is like a little boy, not interested in flowers, only his father in his eyes.

Wen Yaoyao saw through all of Guan Tiantian's little movements, covered her mouth and smiled,"Tiantian, let go and play with the flowers."

As the oldest sister born in the month, Wen Yaoyao has always been courteous to her younger sisters, but she is also a little jealous in her heart.

Guan Tiantian pouted and turned her head:"You want to take advantage of my release and occupy Dad's left hand! Don't try to trick me!"

"You have become smarter."Wen Yaoyao was slightly stunned, looking surprised.

It seemed as if Guan Tiantian was very stupid before.

"You! You said I was stupid!"Guan Tiantian puffed up her cheeks and stamped her feet in anger.

"I didn't say that." Wen Yaoyao looked proud and arrogant.

Looking at the interaction of the three little ones, Zhang Zifeng just felt that it was very cute and smiled secretly:

"You guys have such a good relationship."

"No way!"

"certainly not!"

"Who is good with her?"

The three little ones rejected it at the same time, then looked at each other, snorted and turned their heads away.

Although they came together to find their father, they are not good sisters.

They are competitors!

Guan Tiantian's clear eyes were shining, looking at Ye Fang's face, she was determined to win!

They have an agreement between them!

Whoever can make their father like themselves, or like their mother, can truly become their father's daughter!

Although they are only five years old, they know that their father can't live with so many children like them.

Therefore, they must work harder to win their father's love!

Even, they have to make their father like their mother!.....

Soon they reached the mushroom house.

Teacher Huang was very satisfied with the spacious kitchen. He asked Ye Fang to cool off in the pavilion, and then he and Teacher He and others cleaned up.

Prepare to make a sumptuous dinner.

Ye Fang stood in front of the fence of the mushroom house, looking at the scenery of Manyuan Village. It must be said that the mushroom house is well located and has a good angle.

The mountains and rivers in the distance are hidden in the lingering smoke, like a fairyland.

From far to near are large tracts of fields and a few scattered farmhouses in Manyuan Village.

You can also see Ye Fang's house surrounded by a garden of sunflowers.

The photographer's lens followed Ye Fang's gaze and the audience in the live broadcast room exclaimed that it was too beautiful.

This is the life they yearn for!

Suddenly, a beautiful figure stopped at the end of the flower path. It was too far away to see her face clearly.

But it can be seen that she is a beautiful woman with a slim figure and outstanding temperament.

Teacher He, who was washing vegetables in the kitchen, saw this figure and turned to look at Director Lao Wang in confusion:

"Is there a guest coming?"

Teacher Huang took a look and shook his head in confusion:"No call!"

Logically, the guests should arrive tomorrow, and they still need to clean and tidy up the Mushroom House on the first day.

But on the first day, there are guests coming?

Director Lao Wang was stared at by two pairs of eyes, and smiled embarrassedly:"This guest also came suddenly, you should entertain him well."

After that, he retreated into the monitoring room to avoid Teacher Huang's storm.

There was no way, the visitor is a guest, they can't just drive people out, right?

What's more, the other party is a girl?

There was no way, Teacher Huang called to Zhang Zifeng:"Zifeng, you go to greet the guests!"

""Okay!" Zhang Zifeng answered cheerfully, and ran over to meet the guest happily, especially when she saw that the other party was a girl.

She thought she would sleep alone tonight.

Now there was someone to accompany her~

She trotted over, and the camera moved forward. The other party was a beautiful woman with a very good figure dragging a suitcase.

"Hello, I'm here to pick you up."Zhang Zifeng, who is introverted, said in a low voice with a red and chubby face.

The other party was wandering around, and when he heard the voice, he turned around and revealed his beautiful face.、

"Oh, it's little sister Zifeng! Luckily you came to pick me up, I was lost!"

"Sister Redina!" Zhang Zifeng's eyes lit up, and he shouted excitedly, and gave Redina a big hug.

Redina returned the hug with a bright smile:"I finally meet your lovely little sister."

The audience in the live broadcast room was also very excited:

"Ahhhh! It's my goddess Redina!"

"Goddess Redina is here!!!!"

"I am really so beautiful!"

"This figure is really amazing!"

"Redina is the most beautiful woman in the world!"........

The audience in the live broadcast room was even more excited. They didn't expect that the first guest was their favorite Redina.

Zhang Zifeng also liked Redina very much. Redina herself was breathtakingly beautiful!

She remembered the purpose of her visit and took the suitcase from Redina with her thin wrist:"Let me help you carry it!"

"You can't drag it..."Redina was shocked. Before she could finish her words, Zhang Zifeng tried his best but couldn't drag her away even a little bit.

This was a bit embarrassing.

Zhang Zifeng smiled embarrassedly, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"My suitcase is a bit heavy..."Redina smiled casually and was about to take the suitcase back when she saw a slender hand with distinct joints taking the suitcase.

"Let me help you. Your girls' suitcases may not look big, but they are quite heavy."

A deep, magnetic voice said with a smile.

The lake in Redina's heart trembled slightly. She looked up subconsciously and saw a handsome face with a perfect smile.

This person....

It was the man in the photo that Sister Mi sent her!

Is he An An's biological father?

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