"You! You are!!"

Yang Anan refused to let go. She knew very well that her father didn't know them and didn't know they existed.

But she dared to plan to find her father with other children. She had her own plan!

Yang Anan jumped up like a little monkey, holding Ye Fang's neck with her white jade lotus root hands.

"You are my father!"

""Dad, I have hacked Uncle Ma's system. I know your secret, you are not allowed to deny it!"

She whispered the second sentence in Ye Fang's ear.

Ye Fang's eyes suddenly tightened, and he was shocked.

No one else knew this identity except Big Brother Ma and Little Brother Ma.

In fact, he was a time traveler.

He realized that he was a time traveler when he was eighteen years old.

When he was a child, he often had some strange thoughts in his mind, which allowed him to achieve his own wild ideas in various fields.

In the year he became an adult, his brain developed completely, and the memory of his previous life came back completely.

It turned out that his previous life was a world called Earth.

And that world has a colorful culture, Films, TV series, music works, etc.

There are even many amazing cases of commercial success.

And that year, Ye Fang met Yu Ge, and the two fell in love. He wanted to give Yu Ge a better future, so he relied on the knowledge in his memory to assist Big Brother Ma in creating the Ali Group and helped Little Brother Ma build the Penguin Group.

Within a few years, his net worth has increased to hundreds of billions.

But even the core senior management of the group does not know about this identity.

How did this five-year-old girl know?

If she accidentally let it slip, Ye Fang's current peaceful life would be completely broken, and even cause trouble.

He turned his eyes and smiled awkwardly at Teacher Huang who was holding Yang Anan:

"I think they are cute, and it's okay if they want to call me dad."

After saying that, he looked down at Yang Anan, Guan Tiantian, and Yaoyao, three little girls, who were holding their heads high and their eyes shining.

He felt warm inexplicably.

Maybe, having three such beautiful children is not a bad thing.

But for now, he needs a chance to find out why Yang Anan knows his secret.

"this..."Teacher Huang was confused.

Sanxiao was just brought by them, and now he was pestering others. But if the other party didn't mind, he couldn't say anything.

Teacher Huang let go of his hand and smiled embarrassedly:

"These three kids said they were looking for their dad, but somehow they mistook you for them."

"I haven’t asked yet, what’s your name?"

"My last name is Ye, and my single character is Fang."Ye Fang smiled elegantly and answered. Zhang

Zifeng saw that the three little girls were not Mr. Ye's daughters, and her heart began to beat again. She walked over and asked curiously,

"Mr. Ye, what was the name of that song just now?

It sounds so sad.


Ye Fang looked up at the sky and the white clouds, his voice was low and mixed with other emotions.

It was a very faint emotion that made it hard for others to understand.

"Uninhabited island?"Zhang Zifeng tilted his head, still unable to understand the meaning of this name.、

"No one knows the island..."Ye Fang murmured slowly and softly.

Yang Anan looked at the sadness in Ye Fang's eyes, raised her hand, and gently touched his eyes.

""Dad, don't be sad." Yang Anan said in a soft voice.

Ye Fang was slightly stunned, and retracted his gaze to the little girl in his arms.

Looking at her slightly frowning eyebrows, it seemed that she could feel his mood behind her.

At this moment, a feeling that cannot be described in words flowed in Ye Fang's heart.

It's amazing.

It's obviously the first time he has seen this child, but he feels familiar.

It's like...It really makes me feel like I'm a father.

Ye Fang seems gentle on the surface, but in fact he is very distant in his heart.

Since childhood, he is different from ordinary people, so he has always been the one being watched and even isolated.

Such a childhood made him never rely on or trust anyone.

Except Lan Yuge.

And the second time he felt this feeling, it actually came from a strange child?

Ye Fang smiled:"I'm fine, what's your name?"

"My name is Yang Anan!" Yang Anan's tender face showed a smile, and her mood became better when she saw her father smiling.

Not willing to be outdone, Guan Tiantian jumped up and said,"Daddy, I want a hug too."

Ye Fang bent down, and with his free right hand, he picked up Guan Tiantian, who was not light at all, and hugged her.

There was still a tear in the corner of Guan Tiantian's eye, and she pouted and rushed to introduce herself,"My name is Guan Tiantian! Daddy, please remember my name!"

Compared with the two little lolis who were still a little childish, Yaoyao seemed much more calm.

She did not scramble for a hug, but the envy in her big black eyes could not be concealed.

""Dad, my name is Wen Yao."

The three children introduced themselves one after another, but their surnames were all different.

These three children are really not sisters! But they look so similar....

Teacher Huang and Teacher He were full of doubts, but they did not ask too many questions. They were just touched by the warm smiles of the three children....Ye Fang is really like their biological father whom they haven't seen for a long time.

"Tiantian, Yaoyao, and An'an are all very well behaved."

Ye Fang smiled and nodded, and he liked the three little ones even more.

It was a pity that he and Yu Ge could not have a child. If he could have a daughter, she would be as cute as them, right?

The three children became particularly quiet after seeing Ye Fang, and they all stayed in his arms or beside him.

Ye Fang invited Teacher Huang and others to go into the house to rest, but as time passed, Teacher Huang felt that he could not disturb them any more. Looking at the three little ones sticking to Ye Fang,

"Three little friends, we should leave now."

After all, they are children brought by us, and it is impossible to let them stay in Ye Fang's house. They should be taken to the Mushroom House.

Then find the parents of the three little ones through the live broadcast room.

When Guan Tiantian heard it, she hugged Ye Fang's arm and refused to let go:"No! I want to stay with my dad!"

Yang Anan didn't speak, but her little lotus hands were also holding tightly, showing her attitude.

Wen Yaoyao said in a baby voice, like a little adult:"Teacher Huang, we have found Dad, you can leave with peace of mind~"

After that, the little head leaned on Ye Fang's shoulder, and her delicate and pretty face was full of enjoyment.

"this..."Teacher Huang paused. Why did he feel that he couldn't take these three children with him?

He turned around and looked at Teacher He beside him. They both had the same annoyed look.

It was impossible to get the children to leave with him. He could only think of other countermeasures.

After exchanging glances, the two finally paused on Ye Fang.

Teacher Huang looked at Ye Fang, coughed and smiled,"Mr. Ye, these three children must follow you. Otherwise, would you mind going to the Mushroom House as guests and having a meal together?"

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