She really went too far in borrowing sperm to have a child.

If it wasn't a marriage arranged by her family, she wouldn't want to marry someone she didn't like.

Plus, after getting drunk with her bestie, they talked to each other and finally made this bold decision together.

With her weak character, she would never dare to do it.

Back then, a bestie contacted a private agency, and the other party provided the highest quality tadpoles.

And the information of these providers was also provided to them for selection.

After all, they had to choose the one who would be the half gene provider for their future children.

Their requirements were naturally not simple. Whether it was IQ, appearance, character, or academic qualifications, they had to be the best.

And these providers were selected from the top of each country.

No matter which one, they were not bad!

But Guan Youlan didn't like foreigners. From a bunch of the highest-level tadpole providers, she chose a Chinese with black hair and black eyes at a glance.

Appearance was what she valued!

And her bestie Yang Mier took a look at the other party's information and liked him at first sight.

The other party turned out to be the top scorer in the national college entrance examination that year, and all the top universities were vying for him.

This can prove that the other party's IQ is extremely high, and Yang Mier is a strong woman, so she naturally hopes that her children can inherit her career in the future and take her career to a higher level.

IQ is absolutely indispensable.

When another girlfriend saw a certain information of the other party, her eyes suddenly lit up and she also chose him!

"Graduated from Kyoto Academy of Drama, majoring in directing..."

This meets her pursuit!

This person's information is almost perfect and impeccable, and every point meets their requirements.

So much so that the seven people finally chose him to be the gene provider for their future children!

In addition, the other party is Chinese, which meets their requirements even more.

Mixed-race children are cute, but they still hope to have a Chinese bloodline with black hair and black eyes.

But everyone is not a plastic girlfriend, and there is no such thing as compromise. Finally, under the advice of Yang Mier, they made a bold decision.

Seven people all used the tadpoles of the same person.

But such an operation does not mean that it will be successful in one go.

Whoever successfully conceives can give birth to a child, and those who fail can only choose others.

Taking advantage of the anesthesia of alcohol, the seven people readily agreed. In addition, it is a private institution, so such an operation is also carried out secretly.

After ten months of pregnancy, Guan Youlan successfully gave birth to the baby in her belly and escaped the marriage.

She gave birth to a cute baby with high appearance value. When she was showing off to her girlfriends, she found out...

They all gave birth to a daughter in the same month.

All seven succeeded!

This completely shocked the seven goddesses. The gene of this provider is too strong!

But looking at their own cute babies, they still kept the matter secret.

After all, the bloodline of the seven babies comes from the same person. The seven children are getting more and more similar as they grow older.

And Yang Mier's daughter, Yang Anan, became a top hacker at the age of five. She is on the list of hackers around the world.

Guan Tiantian is even more gifted in music and is proficient in many musical instruments.

Yaoyao is only five years old, but she can already help her mother handle the affairs of the group independently. She already has several companies under her name, and the annual value-added is still rising.....

Each of these children has amazing traits.

The seven girlfriends knew that it was because they inherited the strong genes of that man.

Guan Youlan originally thought that she would keep this secret until the moment she stepped into the coffin.

But this time, seven children disappeared at the same time, and only three have been found in Manyuan Village so far, just to find their biological father.

She had to reveal this secret to her father and family completely.

Old Man Guan fell into silence.

The living room was very quiet, no one spoke, and no one woke up.

Seven women chose the same man's seed and gave birth to seven daughters.

These seven children are unrelated, but the blood of the same father really flows in their blood.

But Guan Youlan's behavior is indeed not against ethics, but she did give birth to the same person's child with other people....

Guan Tong'er's expression was full of complexity, and she frowned her delicate eyebrows, not knowing what to say.

My little aunt is really full of wonderful ideas!

"Father, this is my fault, but I have never violated any moral principles or ethics. Please don't be angry...."

Guan Youlan's beautiful eyes were misty, she pleaded and explained aggrievedly.

This made Grandpa Guan feel distressed.

Even if he was angry now, it would not help. Now that things have come to this, it was all his fault that he had forced a marriage for his daughter.

Everything now was his own fault!

Grandpa Guan sighed and turned to look at Guan Tong'er beside him:"Tongtong, do you know about the show"Wanting"?"

"Huh?" Guan Tong'er came back to his senses and nodded in confusion,"I understand. They invited me to be a guest before."

"Okay, then Grandpa will ask you for a favor, go to Manyuan Village and bring Tiantian back."

If it was just an ordinary runaway, Grandpa Guan could have sent someone to forcibly bring Tiantian back.

But now that Tiantian is with the Xiangwang program group, things have become complicated.

But fortunately, there is a popular young actress Guan Tong'er in the family, and she can just use her status in the entertainment industry to bring the child back from the program openly!

Guan Tong'er's delicate face was stunned, and she understood her grandfather's intention, and nodded hurriedly:

"Don't worry, Grandpa, leave it to me!"

After all, Tiantian is her favorite sister and the heir of her grandfather's folk art heritage.

In addition, her aunt cried so sadly, Guan Tong'er hoped that she could bring Tiantian back smoothly.

But at the same time, she also had a little selfishness of her own.

Looking at the handsome young man in the camera, Guan Tong'er developed a strong interest in him.

I wonder what kind of person he is?

Can he make her aunt and her powerful girlfriends fall in love with him at first sight and become the half-gene provider for her child?

Guan Tong'er decided to meet Tiantian's biological father.

If this matter is leaked, I don't know what kind of storm it will cause in the entertainment industry!

With the heart of watching the excitement, Guan Tong'er asked the editor to contact the program team for her and booked a flight to Xishuangbanna the next day.

As a longed-for flying guest, go to Manyuan Village!......

At the same time, Manyuan Village

"Three little friends, did you recognize the wrong person? I am not your father."

Ye Fang recognized at a glance that the three children were not children from Manyuan Village. He knew everyone in the village.

His words also dispelled the doubts of Teacher Huang and others.

It seems that the three children recognized the wrong person!

"Children, you have mistaken me for your father! This is not your father! Teacher Huang walked over and said to him shyly.

She gently lifted the child up and moved gently, fearing to hurt the child.

"No! You are!!"

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