When he turned around, the three little girls saw the other person's face clearly, and their faces all paused.

This person! Exactly the same as in the photo!!

The three little girls exclaimed excitedly.

Teacher Huang said in surprise:"If it weren't in Manyuan Village, I would have thought I saw a star in our circle."

"Yes! This gentleman is so handsome. The female viewers in the live broadcast room must be very excited, right?"

Teacher He guessed with a smile while being surprised.

Zhang Zifeng was stunned. She thought of the song just now and combined it with the handsome face in front of her.

He is handsome, has temperament, and is talented.

What kind of god is this!

Even though she is in the entertainment industry, she is not surprised by handsome male stars.

When she saw the handsome man in front of her, her mind couldn't help but sway for a while.

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded:

"Oh my god! How can there be such a handsome guy in the world!"

"I'm telling you! With a voice like that, you can't sing badly!"

"It's over, I've fallen���

"No more words, the tickets have been bought, I’ll go and propose now!"

"It's a heart-pounding feeling!"

"I’ve already thought of a name for our baby!"

"Shut up, he's mine!"

"Stop dreaming!!!"

"Excuse me...Can I call you husband?"......

Director Lao Wang, who was sitting in the monitoring room of the Mushroom House, was stunned when he saw the crazy surge in data.

Even when Teacher Huang and Teacher He appeared, they didn't cause such a climax! In the four years of making this program, there has never been such an explosive data!

At this moment, the three little girls rushed to Ye Fang and hugged his legs, looking at him with bright eyes, aggrieved, and tearful eyes.




This scene made Mr. Huang and others stunned.

What was going on?

Now they suddenly remembered that they were accompanying the three little ones to find their father, but they never thought that the father of the three little ones...Are they the same person?

This news is really explosive.

Although the three little ones have many similarities in appearance, they are different from each other. They are definitely not triplets. Their temperaments and styles are incompatible.

But their eyebrows do look a bit like the handsome man in front of them!

Zhang Zifeng just felt her heart throbbing. This sudden change made her eyes widen and her eyes wandered between the three little ones and Ye Fang.

He...He has a child?

And three more?

That heartbeat was instantly strangled in the cradle!

The female viewers in the live broadcast room were even more heartbroken and couldn't accept it.

Is it fake? It can't be true?

All the women asked the same question.

Ye Fang lowered his head slightly, looking down at the three little girls beside him, but there was a hint of doubt on his face.

He had never seen these three little girls before. He was unmarried, so how could he have three children this big?

Looking at the three cute little lolis reminded him of Yu Ge.

When he proposed to her the year he graduated from college, the two fantasized about the future.

Yu Ge looked at the diamond ring on her finger, smiled happily and sweetly and said:

"Do you like girls or boys?"

"I like girls." Ye Fang looked at her tenderly and said with a smile

"I like girls, too!" Yu Ge looked at Ye Fang in surprise, marveling at their tacit understanding.

Then she leaned on his shoulder and smiled sweetly,"Shall we have a daughter in the future? Dress her up cute~"

He ruffled her long hair gently and nodded,"Okay."

Memories flashed by, and he lowered his eyes to look at the three little ones. They were all equally pretty and cute, equally lovable, just like he had imagined, as beautiful as Yu Ge's child. His heart softened, and he squatted down, with a warm smile on his handsome face:

"Three little friends, did you recognize the wrong person? I am not your father."

Guan Tiantian pouted and shed tears:"No, you are Tiantian's father!"

Yang Anan's eyes were also red, and she finally looked a little tender like a girl:"You are my father! Don't you want me anymore?"

Yaoyao dropped her beloved LV bag in her hand, hugged Ye Fang's legs and cried delicately:"Other children have fathers, but I don't, wuwuwu"......

Inside the Guan Family Courtyard:

Grandpa Guan’s face turned pale, he witnessed this scene with his own eyes, turned around, looked at Guan Youlan, who was watching her nose with her eyes, watching her heart with her nose, and was shouting in her heart that something was wrong.

She felt very guilty!!

Guan Youlan’s girlfriends and their children would occasionally play in the Guan Family’s old house, and the Guan Family had all seen it.

They were all cute and well-behaved children, and Grandpa Guan had always loved them.

But at this moment, they were actually hugging the same person and calling him daddy.

This scene was really weird!

The Guan Family was full of doubts, Grandpa Guan realized something, but couldn’t believe it.

"Youlan, what's going on?"

Grandpa Guan could no longer control his anger. His deep voice was full of energy and anger, making the younger generations tremble with fear.

"Sister-in-law...Explain it quickly!"

Guan Tong'er didn't believe that her aunt would do such an outrageous thing. It must be a misunderstanding!

But if grandpa is really angry, the consequences will be very serious!

Guan Youlan trembled slightly. She knew that at this moment, she could no longer hide the matter. She could only bite the bullet and close her eyes and answered

"Their father is indeed a person."

Instantly, the whole living room fell into silence.


Grandpa Guan looked ashen, and suddenly sat down on the chair with a dull sound.

""Father!" Guan Youlan's brother was shocked and hurried over to support Grandpa Guan.

Guan Tong'er couldn't believe it:"Aunt, is this true?"

Guan Youlan's pretty face turned pale, and she took a step forward. Her outstretched white wrist froze in mid-air, and her steps stopped.

Crystal tears fell, and she explained in a trembling voice:"Father, it's not what you think."

At this moment, she decided to tell the truth.

At that time, she knew that she was going to be a victim of marriage, and her heart was dead, and she was in a very bad mood.

So she made an appointment with her best friends to have a drink.

That night, she realized that her best friends had the same troubles as her.

Some of them had a thriving career and didn't want to get married, but hoped to have a child.

Some lived a life of blood on the edge of a knife, and could die at any time and anywhere, hoping to leave a bloodline for themselves.

Some families urged them to get married, and they didn't want to marry someone they didn't love.

So, they took advantage of their drunkenness and made a bold decision.

Borrowing sperm to have a child!

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