Guan Tiantian is still young, and her logic is not as clear as that of adults, but she is born with a talent for music. Although she doesn't understand the meaning of the lyrics, she can still share the same feelings.

This song makes people want to cry.

Uncle sings so beautifully...

Yang Anan and Yaoyao also frowned.

For some reason, they, like Guan Tiantian, seemed to have a natural affinity for the song that came from their blood and bones.

As a result, the two children who did not like sentimental songs had red eyes, and they felt sorry for this stranger whom they had never met.

Zhang Zifeng did not understand love. She was still a young girl in her teens. She did not quite understand the emotions in the lyrics, but she could not help but be moved by his singing.

Teacher Huang and Teacher He, two elders who had experienced ups and downs and looked down on life, also had moving light in their eyes.

The audience in the live broadcast room were reminded of their past memories and recounted the past in the barrage:

"Don’t knit a scarf for your boyfriend anymore, he thinks it’s ugly and he won’t wear it, knit it for your dad, he’ll be happy for a long time. It’s a pity that my dad is no longer here.."

"When you meet, welcome them warmly. When you break up, accept it calmly. What's the big deal?"

"I don't want to be in a relationship because I'm tired. We'll be separated in the end anyway and I don't want to feel sad anymore."

"Do you know what an accident is? It means that I never thought I would meet you, but I did. I never thought I would love you, but I did.."

"I really regret not holding her hand that time. If the clouds were letters from the sky, could I tell her what was in my heart?"

"I still miss her, but she's married."

"I love you, but I don't like you anymore...".......

He sang again:

"The sky is endless, it is the reflection of the ocean.

The blue is endless. Where is you, my you?

If you get lost, you must (remember) put your thoughts into the drifting bottle

(Remember) Send it to me quickly and don't let anyone worry."

The song slowly stretched out, and then slowly ended quietly. At the end, it seemed as if a sigh was given.

It took a long time for everyone to come back to their senses from the song.

Zhang Zifeng stared at the back of the person playing the piano to his heart's content, and suddenly felt distressed in his heart.

He looked so lonely....

Did this song remind him of something sad?

Zhang Zifeng really wanted to listen to it again, but he was afraid that singing it again would make this tall, lonely figure sad again....It didn't look very good.

But he liked this song very much, but wondered why he had never heard it before.

The comments in the live broadcast room were quiet until a few moments after the song ended, when they completely exploded!

"It sounds so good!"

"What's the name of this song? I want to use it as my cell phone ringtone!"

"Has anyone heard of it? Please recommend it to me."

"Seriously speaking, this person sings more professionally than top singers. There are so many masters among the people!"

"It's so heartbreaking to listen to. If it plays on loop, I will cry like a dog, right?"

"Hahahaha! I just recorded it!"

"Love it, even though I didn't see his face, I was still conquered by his singing"

"Wow! Project team, let me see my face!".......

Teacher Huang and Teacher He came back to their senses, and they had only one question in their minds.

Why haven't they heard such a good song?

Maybe it's a popular song at the moment, but they are too old to keep up with the young people?

When they were asking Zhang Zifeng and Peng Peng, they learned that they had never heard of this song either.

Peng Peng, who has always been a simple and honest man at heart, also burst into tears and liked this song very much.

He searched for the lyrics on Baidu on his mobile phone, but the result was a blank, and there was no entry about this song.

Everyone was now in a state of confusion.

Is this the first time this song has appeared on the Internet?

The first time on the entire Internet?

"Wow! Could this song be the original work of this person?"

"No way! This song doesn't sound like it could be written by someone outside the industry!"

"Not necessarily! The experts are among the common people!"

"I don’t know whether the song is good or not, but he really sings it well!".......

The comments in the live broadcast room were also full of surprise, but they couldn't figure out what was going on.

At this moment, the song was over, and Mr. Huang and others who had come to their senses realized that they were standing outside someone's door eavesdropping.

Should they go up and say hello?

But it seems that eavesdropping is not a face-saving thing!

As he was hesitating, a deep voice slowly opened his mouth and said,"Is it nice?"

Were you discovered?

Zhang Zifeng's cheeks flushed slightly, and he felt a panic of accidentally prying into someone's mind, and he was at a loss for a moment.

Mr. Huang seemed calmer. Since he was discovered, he simply admitted it and greeted him with a smile:

"I just passed by and heard your singing and stopped to listen involuntarily, but we definitely didn't mean to spy, please forgive me. '

The tall figure closed the piano lid, stood up, and slowly turned around.

There was a kind smile on his face:"It's okay, it's hard to find a soulmate."

What kind of face is that?

The face is extremely handsome, with perfect facial features without any flaws, a high nose bridge, gentle eyebrows, and a just right smile on the corner of his mouth.

He is very handsome, different from the feminine beauty of the young handsome men in the entertainment industry, but a kind of resolute, yet gentle handsomeness.

Especially the deep phoenix eyes, which make people unforgettable after seeing them once. The smile is faint, but it seems that the smile does not reach the bottom of the eyes, making it difficult to guess his heart.

This made the photographers stunned, and Teacher Huang and Teacher He paused, marveling at his appearance.

Zhang Zifeng opened his black eyes wide, with a face with a little baby fat, and was lost in thought.

His eyes, like his singing voice, make people feel dazed.

Before everyone recovered from his appearance, three childish voices rang out in succession.




Three cute little girls pushed open the gate and rushed in excitedly. They hugged his calves.

They were so happy as if they had found their real father. Guan Tiantian had just finished crying and her tears were falling.

Yao, who was always cold and quiet,���, but hugged his knees, with a look of grievance on his face.

Yang Anan's eyes were red, she was sniffing and tears were falling.

This scene made everyone confused.

What was going on?

A song, a moving voice, almost made them forget the purpose of coming here in the first place.

Help the three little ones find their father!

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