In the starry sky, more than a dozen shining meteors flew by one after another.

Just when everyone's attention was on Ye Fang and Lan Qingyang, Guan Tiantian was the first to notice it, and her exclamation attracted everyone's attention.

Guan Tonger immediately took out his mobile phone and took a photo!

This is a meteor that only appears once in ten years. It's lucky to be able to see it so clearly!

Don't you have to take a photo to linger?

Zhang Zifeng's chubby little face was also full of excitement, and he enjoyed the meteor shower with everyone.

The audience in the live broadcast room was even more excited:

"Here it comes, it’s finally here!"

"So beautiful!"

"As expected, Mr. Ye’s home has the clearest view."

"This is so beautiful!"

"I am so happy to see such a beautiful meteor."

"This is the real meteor shower! You'll be lucky to see it once in your lifetime!"

"Hahaha, Tong'er is so cute. He even thought of taking pictures with his mobile phone!"

"Record the video quickly!!!"........

The sky gradually changes from deep blue to black with stars, and streaks of white light pass by

"Qingyang, come with me."Lan Qingyang was staring at the meteor shower that suddenly appeared in a daze, and his brother-in-law's voice rang in his ears. Lan Qingyang turned around and saw that his brother-in-law had put down Guan Tiantian in his arms and walked a few steps to the backyard. He immediately followed him.

The photographer responsible for taking pictures of Lan Qingyang and Ye Fang had to sacrifice the opportunity to enjoy the meteor shower and follow them to take pictures.

This is their job.

Ye Fang didn't care about the photographer who followed him. He just wanted to take Lan Qingyang to the backyard, an important place.

Lan Qingyang also wanted to borrow a place to talk to his brother-in-law alone. There were too many doubts in his heart that needed to be answered.

So the two walked towards the backyard one after the other. The others were busy watching the meteors and didn't notice.

This road was not easy to walk. Lan Qingyang almost got caught in the mud and dead trees because of the poor vision. She tripped over a branch.

She walked a hundred meters forward, left the sunflower yard, and walked all the way to the back mountain of the yard.

Just when Lan Qingyang wanted to ask her brother-in-law why he brought her here, she stopped in her tracks at the scene in front of her.

In the distance, the stars were shining brightly, and a meteor shower of various colors suddenly streaked across the sky, and then a small hill stood on the top of the mountain.

It was a very inconspicuous little mound, very small, and on the side facing the starry sky, there was a small black stone slab.

Lan Qingyang couldn't see clearly, but her brother-in-law had already stopped in front of the hill.

Lan Qingyang already had a guess in her heart, and she quickly followed.

When she got closer, she realized that it was not a stone slab, but a tombstone with words engraved on it.

Lan Qingyang couldn't see clearly, so she squinted her eyes and used the starlight to see the words clearly.

""The Tomb of Lan Yuge."

Five characters written in a flourish of brush

"This is...."Lan Qingyang opened his eyes wide and turned to look at Ye Fang blankly, seeking an answer.

"This is your sister's cenotaph, so I can come and pay my respects to her every year. I want to take you to see her."

""Tonight is a meteor shower that only happens once every ten years. I hope I can watch it with her."

Ye Fang said slowly.

His eyes were fixed on the small stone tablet and the gray photo with a bright smile on it.

This was a photo of Lan Yuge, which Ye Fang had carved carefully by himself. It was the most beautiful Lan Yuge in his memory.

Lan Qingyang was speechless for a moment, but his heart was trembling.

Because of the long-term suffering from illness, her sister was already emaciated when she died.

According to her sister's instructions before her death, she and her parents cremated her sister. She didn't want to leave an ugly body behind after she passed away.

Her sister was a person who loved beauty.

Every Qingming Festival, death anniversary, and New Year, Lan Qingyang would fly back to sweep her sister's grave even if she was abroad.

So she was always wondering why her brother-in-law loved her sister so much, but he never visited her sister's tombstone once?

Now I understand the reason.

My brother-in-law specially built a cenotaph for my sister behind the sunflower yard so that he can visit the grave at any time.

But what is in this cenotaph? My sister's clothes or hair accessories when she was alive?

My brother-in-law hopes that my sister's soul can stay here, right?

Lan Qingyang thought so, and felt sad.

My brother-in-law disappeared in the past five years. Lan Qingyang even guessed that my brother-in-law may have moved on from my sister's death. He may even have fallen in love again, got married, and had children.

He didn't want to show up because he was afraid that the people and things in the past would embarrass him, right?

But unexpectedly, my brother-in-law not only did not leave, but trapped himself in this sunflower yard where my sister's breath was everywhere.

Sunflowers are my sister's favorite flowers, and the furnishings in the yard are exactly the same as those in grandma's house....

Even a cenotaph was set up....

My brother-in-law still loves my sister deeply, no matter whether my sister is the school beauty with excellent character and academic performance, or the patient destroyed by cancer, or the one who has died....

My brother-in-law's love is still deep and unfathomable, and has never changed.

On the contrary, my own speculations seem very excessive.

Lan Qingyang felt very guilty.

The audience in the live broadcast room exclaimed:

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Ye actually built a cenotaph!"

"Is this Miss Xia in the photo? She is so beautiful!"

"Now I finally understand why Mr. Ye is so unforgettable! The woman in this photo is so beautiful"

"His eyes instantly turned red, Mr. Ye had a deep affection for Miss Xia!"

"I feel sad. Why is God so unfair to you, Mr. Ye?"

"It's painful for two people in love to be separated by life and death!"

"Reminds me of Liang Zhu!".......

Ye Fang originally wanted to come alone when the meteor shower was blooming.

Unexpectedly, he met Lan Qingyang by chance, so he brought her along.

Looking at her sister's portrait, thinking of the regret that they could not be together, Lan Qingyang's eyes instantly became red.

If it was herself who had cancer instead of her sister, how happy would they be?

Now she is living a glorious life,���There are so many things that are beyond our control.

Lan Qingyang felt sad and aggrieved, but was also touched by what her brother-in-law had done for her.

Tears instantly fell from her eyes.

"Yu Ge, I brought Qing Yang to see you. I didn't expect to meet her in Manyuan Village. Look how tall Qing Yang has grown."

Ye Fang patted Lan Qing Yang's head. He was as tall as Yu Ge. He was no longer the little kid in his memory.

Ye Fang's tone was extremely gentle, and his eyes were as tender as gazing at a lover.

Hearing this, Lan Qing Yang's nose was sour, his heart ached, and his tears fell even harder. They fell on the small mound with a click.

Lan Qing Yang immediately squatted down and looked at his sister's tombstone, his voice trembling:

"Sister, I met my brother-in-law and I feel relieved knowing that he is doing well."

"Be happy in heaven and don't worry about me....I had a great time..."

Lan Qingyang said something that was contrary to reality. She just hoped that her sister, who had been so worried about her during her lifetime, would not miss her in heaven.

She had grown up and did not want to bring trouble to the person she loved most.

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