Lan Qingyang looked at the smiling face in the photo, which was as beautiful as before.

Bright eyes, white teeth, a bright smile, and a sincere smile in the eyes.

It was breathtakingly beautiful, but deeply engraved in the heart.

Ye Fang also slowly squatted down, raised his thick palm, and gently stroked the photo on the tombstone, as if gently stroking the black hair of his lover.

His eyes were gentle and full of love.

During these three days, the five daughters appeared one after another and came into contact with Teacher Huang and others, which brought great changes to Ye Fang's five years of lonely life.

And what changed was not only his life, but also his heart.

He felt the tenderness and cuteness of his daughters, and their need for him....

He no longer wanted to confine himself to the small yard, he began to open his heart and accept other existences.

Family and friendship gradually made him feel relieved.

But relief does not mean forgetting, Lan Yu Ge's place in his heart can never be replaced!

Her voice, appearance and smile are still deeply engraved in Ye Fang's mind.

The cenotaph was set up by Ye Fang on the first day he came to Manyuan Village, and he also bought this piece of back mountain.

Yu Ge likes the starry sky, and this place is high in terrain and has a wide view, which is most suitable for appreciating the starry sky.

And in the cenotaph, there is a pair of his earrings.

At that time, Yu Ge was already at the end of her life, her face was pale without a trace of blood, but she also pulled him to secretly avoid the sight of the nurses' station, and ran out to go shopping and date.

She looked even thinner in the crowd, but there was already a bright smile on her face.

"Do you think this pair of earrings is pretty?"Lan Yuge passed by a roadside stall. It was a part-time job for college students, selling some cheap and good earrings.

Even though Ye Fang was not short of money and always gave Lan Yuge the best things, she would still buy these cheap and beautiful little things from time to time.

She said that her family had a hard life when she was a child, and she didn't want to waste a penny.

It was not a pity to throw away earrings worth more than ten yuan.

She picked up a pair of pearl earrings and asked him with a smile.

""It looks good. You will look good in anything you wear." Ye Fang smiled and nodded. In his eyes, Lan Yuge has always been the most beautiful.

But his eyes were a little moist.

Yuge always considers others. If he hadn't seen her smiling but slightly frowning brows, Ye Fang would really doubt that dialysis did not bring her any pain.

But the patients on the same floor all had painful and sad faces, and there were even suicides.

It's just that Yuge's heart is strong enough, her acting skills are good enough, and she doesn't want him to worry. How can there be so many beautiful things in the world? It's just that someone is carrying the burden for you....

The pair of pearl earrings were the last jewelry she bought.

Ye Fang fled the hospital after watching her being covered with a white cloth and sent to be cremated.

He couldn't bear to watch, wait for the person he loved most to be cremated into ashes, and then watch everyone come to mourn for him.

The pair of earrings was also the only thing that Yu Ge left for him after she forgot them in his clothes pocket.

He used them to build a cenotaph as a consolation.

Ye Fang and Lan Qingyang didn't say anything else. Suddenly, a child's scream was vaguely heard in the yard.


"So beautiful!"

""Where's Dad?"

Ye Fang and Lan Qingyang looked up at the sky at the same time, and saw a shocking scene in the sky.

After the dozen meteor showers just passed, they thought it was over, but unexpectedly, dozens, nearly a hundred white lights suddenly appeared.

Lighting up the entire sky!

It also lit up the faces of everyone looking up at it.

Lan Qingyang raised his tearful little face and looked at this incredible scene.

Shocking, beautiful, but it appeared and disappeared.

The audience in the live broadcast room was even more stunned!

"What a beauty!"

"This scene is really spectacular!"

"I just thought the meteor shower was over, but this is the real meteor shower!"

"So beautiful!"

"I can't see anything here, I envy the people in the live broadcast room 1"

"I don't have any wool here, I'm so envious!"

"I quickly took a screenshot, it’s so beautiful!"


Countless meteors illuminated Ye Fang's handsome face.

Beautiful things always make people happy and surprised.

The shining stars and the constantly shooting meteors, combined with the dark mountains and waters in the distance, were magnificent.

Looking at the meteors, he couldn't help but lower his head and smiled at Lan Yuge's photo.

"We have said before that we would watch a meteor shower together, and now it has finally come true."

"Do you like it?"

His voice trembled imperceptibly, and he still had a smile on his lips, but tears wet his eyes.

After enduring for a long time, he finally couldn't help it.

Two lines of tears slid down Ye Fang's cheeks, and he smiled but cried at the same time.

It is said that men don't shed tears easily, but they just haven't reached the point of being sad.

Ye Fang's heart is much calmer than his peers. After all, one soul has experienced two worlds.

But the falling of the meteor shower also touched his heart, lighting up Lan Yuge's voice and smile, and he couldn't help it.

This flash of meteor, and Yuge in his heart The beauty has passed away, but time is constantly flowing. Ye Fang knew that he had to face the future, because God sent him five little angels. For these five children, Ye Fang had to cheer up and be a good father. Lan

Qingyang was stunned, but tears kept falling.


This scene made people feel surprised and want to cry.

The photographer moved the camera away, not wanting to capture the scene.

After more than a minute, the meteor shower was completely over, and the sky returned to silence and darkness.

Ye Fang raised his hand, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and patted Lan Qingyang's shoulder.

"do not Cry"

"Okay, brother-in-law."

Lan Qingyang retracted her gaze, wiped away her tears, smiled and nodded.

She didn't want her mood to affect her brother-in-law who had finally calmed down.

After all, the one who suffered the most was her brother-in-law who hadn't gotten over it for five years!

Blinking her red eyes, Lan Qingyang smiled and said,"Brother-in-law, it's great to meet you."

"It’s great to see my sister!"

She looked back at the tombstone with a smile on her face.

After crying just now, her emotions became much more stable, and the things that were pent up in her heart were also poured out.

"Oh, brother-in-law, I haven't asked yet...."What's going on with those five kids?"

Lan Qingyang asked cautiously.

After all, even if my brother-in-law really got married and had children, it would be normal.

After all, my sister had been dead for so long.

But the five children all looked different....What is happening? ?

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