'"By the way, brother-in-law, I haven't asked yet...What happened to those five kids?"

"Are they really your children, brother-in-law?"

The five children looked exactly the same and seemed to be about five years old, but according to the time calculation, her brother-in-law was still in the hospital with her sister five years ago.

She absolutely did not believe that her brother-in-law would betray her sister while her sister was still alive!

Speaking of this, Ye Fang also knew that he should explain it to Lan Qingyang.

He glanced at the cameraman and found that the other party had turned off the camera because he wanted to respect their privacy.

Ye Fang took out his mobile phone, fiddled with it a few times casually, and blocked Lan Qingyang's headset.

The staff in the monitoring room was stunned:"Huh? Why is there no sound in Lan Qingyang's headset? Is it broken?"

"Oh, the director is too stingy. The equipment is old and he is reluctant to buy new ones!"

The director, Lao Wang, who was watching the meteors outside, sneezed and rubbed his nose. He didn't know that the employees were talking about him behind his back.

"They are all my biological daughters. Ye Fang answered.

"how come..."Lan Qingyang opened her beautiful eyes, frowned, and looked at her brother-in-law:"Brother-in-law,..."

She didn't want to doubt it, but her brother-in-law admitted it himself!

Ye Fang was calm and slowly explained the reasons, but omitted the identities of the mothers of the children that he already knew.

Although he believed that Lan Qingyang would not tell this matter casually, he had no right to reveal the identities of others to others to avoid causing trouble to the mothers of the children.

After hearing this, Lan Qingyang's youthful and beautiful face was full of disbelief.

"Brother-in-law, you mean...You lost a bet with your roommates a few years ago, so you donated that..."

"Then your...Selected by seven people and used...Gave birth to seven five-year-old daughters"

"This is too..."

It was too outrageous, and no one could believe that it was true.

But my brother-in-law firmly believed that the five children were his biological daughters.

She didn't know whether to say that my brother-in-law was simple or that he was too easy to deceive?

Anyway, Lan Qingyang would not believe it easily, but the five children did look a bit like my brother-in-law.

No, what if my brother-in-law was deceived and became someone's father for nothing?

Lan Qingyang didn't want my brother-in-law to be cheated after my sister left.

After all, my brother-in-law is so outstanding that there are countless women who want to marry him. In the past, those crazy sisters in Peking Opera wanted to strip themselves naked and send themselves to my brother-in-law's bed!

Fortunately, my sister was so beautiful at that time that those who were dressed up didn't dare to be moved.

But now my brother-in-law is a bachelor and has been deceived. It's hard to explain!

However, my brother-in-law refused to reveal the mother of his seven daughters, and Lan Qingyang did not ask.

It's not just my brother-in-law who knows, aren't there five other children!

Thinking of this, Lan Qingyang smiled and said,"As long as my brother-in-law is happy, those five children are still very cute."

But if they are not yours, that's not certain.....

She didn't say this.

"Keep this a secret, and don't disclose it when the mothers don't want to disclose it."

Ye Fang reminded him again, and Lan Qingyang nodded in understanding.

"Okay, let's go back then." Ye Fang stood up, patted the dust off his trouser legs, and walked forward.


Lan Qingyang also stood up and quickly chased after him. Seeing the bloodshot eyes of his brother-in-law, Lan Qingyang felt very distressed.

After walking away, Lan Qingyang suddenly turned back and looked at the small stone tablet on the top of the mountain.

"Sister, I will be fine in the future!".......

The cameraman turned on the camera again after seeing the two people leave the back mountain.

The audience in the live broadcast room were confused:

"Why did the sound suddenly disappear just now?"

"Was it the guest’s headset that broke just now?"

"The photographer is so considerate! He knows how to respect privacy!"

"The photographer of the Mushroom House is so warm-hearted, I love it"

"Finally there are pictures and sounds!"

"The meteor shower is so beautiful~~~"........

The meteor shower was completely over. When Mr. Huang saw the two people coming out, he knew that they had talked in private for a while, so he smiled and greeted them:

"Come over and play games, Peng Peng lost miserably."

It turned out that Peng Peng and Mr. Huang were playing a small game, and the loser would be hit on the head. His forehead was already red.

Peng Peng cried out in pain:"Brother Ye, come and help me!!!"

The call of"Brother Ye" came naturally, which made Ye Fang look a little stunned, a little uncomfortable.

But he felt that it was just the right name, so he walked over with a smile and rolled up his sleeves:"Okay, I'll try."

Ye Fang got started, and he could play most of the small games in one go. The veteran player Mr. Huang was quickly defeated.

In the small courtyard, there was Mr. Huang's annoyed voice and Peng Peng's proud laughter.

Lan Qingyang looked at this harmonious scene under the warm light, a little dazed.

In the memory, the brother-in-law always had only his sister in his eyes.

Even if he had a few true friends, when they were together, they always gave others an inexplicable feeling of alienation.

This shows that the only one who could really enter the brother-in-law's heart and occupy a certain position was his sister from beginning to end.

But now the brother-in-law has a smile on his face that reflects his inner heart. He is in a really good mood.

Five little lolis surrounded him, very sick....

The stone in his heart fell silently. Seeing that his brother-in-law was happy here, Lan Qingyang also relaxed a lot.

So he joined the game,

"Let me do it, let me do it, Teacher Huang, I will avenge you!"

Lan Qingyang said lively

"Okay, I'm going to hit Peng Peng's forehead hard!" Teacher Huang said with a smile.

Mr. Lu looked at this scene with a smile and began to like this kind of life.

He couldn't help but thank his old friend in his heart. If it weren't for his suggestion, he wouldn't have met Ye Fang.

And these five lovely granddaughters.

Tomorrow we can get the genetic test, and all the answers will be revealed. Mr. Lu also became a little nervous.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, everyone was yawning with sleepiness.

"Go back and rest, go to bed early and get up early!"Teacher Huang stood up and said with a beer belly

"Let's go back and have a rest!"Teacher He also nodded and greeted the little ones.

"I want to sleep with Daddy!" Guan Tiantian suddenly hugged Ye Fang's thigh and said firmly

"this..."Guan Tong'er wanted to stop him, but Ye Fang smiled and said,"Let Tiantian stay. I have plenty of rooms here.""

"All right.."

Guan Tong'er couldn't resist Guan Tiantian's request, after all, she was his biological sister whom he had loved since childhood.

Yang An'an rolled his eyes and said,"I want to sleep with Dad too!"

""An An!" Redina called softly, this child is getting more and more demanding!

Sister Mi just asked herself to keep an eye on An An to prevent the child from saying something wrong on the show, but this child actually wants to stay overnight in the sunflower yard.

Although An An is Mr. Ye's biological daughter, they are father and daughter after all, and there are many inconveniences.

Redina wanted to stop her, but Teacher Huang suddenly said,"That's fine!"

Redina and Guan Tong'er both looked at Teacher Huang, hesitant to speak.

No one knew that Redina came for An An. Teacher Huang believed that An An was Ye Fang's biological daughter, and there was nothing wrong with a daughter wanting to sleep with her father.

Seeing that the child wanted to be intimate with her father, she just made it happen.

Anyway, after the recording of the show is over, the two children will have to follow Mr. Ye!

Ye Fang didn't care, he smiled and nodded,"Okay, then stay."

It must be very happy to have two daughters sleeping together.

Seeing that Redina was hesitant to speak, Teacher Huang suddenly said:"But it is not convenient for Mr. Ye to take care of her, Xiaodi, why don't you stay too?"

Teacher Huang felt that he was quite considerate.

Seeing that Redina seemed to have something to say, he naturally thought that she wanted to stay here as well.

After all, in the show, Redina's eyes were focused on Ye Fang most of the time. As a person who had experienced it, he saw it very accurately!

He determined that Redina had a good impression of Ye Fang!

But if Redina was allowed to stay alone, it would definitely not work for a single man and a single woman.

If it was an excuse to take care of two children, wouldn't it be natural and would not cause misunderstandings from the audience?

Redina herself was stunned and stared at Teacher Huang blankly.

Teacher Huang saw this look as gratitude and shyness, and he was very proud of it.

Miss Lan had passed away for five years. Although this relationship was beautiful and rare, Ye Fang was still alive and life had to go on.

How inconvenient is it for a grown man to take care of two daughters?

If he could have another girlfriend, especially a girl as warm-hearted as Redina who was a good match for him, wouldn't it be a perfect thing?

Teacher Huang praised his wit and gave Redina a thank-you look.

"That's it, let's all go back."

Teacher Huang turned around and left without waiting for Ye Fang and Redina to agree.

Teacher He and Peng Peng followed.

Mr. Lu also valued Redina, a girl, and left with a smile.

Just when Ye Fang and Lan Qingyang left, Teacher Huang mentioned Mr. Ye's love story.

He lamented that Ye Fang and himself were both infatuated.

The world is unfair!

He only hopes that his son will not be lonely like him for the rest of his life, but he also understands why the child has not been able to get out of it for five years.

True love is hard to find!

Thinking of how he felt when he learned that his wife had just passed away, Mr. Lu felt very uncomfortable.

However, from the perspective of a father, he still hopes that Ye Fang will meet someone who is willing to love him and accompany him.

Zhang Zifeng and Guan Tong'er were both stunned. They didn't know why they suddenly became Sister Xiaodi and stayed in the Sunflower Courtyard?

Zhang Zifeng hesitated to speak. She also wanted to stay....

But she was too embarrassed to say it, and she couldn't say it, so she could only leave obediently with the group, feeling disappointed.

Guan Tong'er was depressed. She, her own sister, didn't stay to take care of the two children, so why did Xiao Di stay?...

Could it be...

Did Teacher Huang do it on purpose?

Lan Qingyang followed him. Although she called Ye Fangyi���Brother-in-law, but after all, it doesn't matter now. She is a guest of the Mushroom House and has to go back.

But when she was leaving, her eyes were fixed on Redina.

Even a fool could see what Teacher Huang meant!

This is to match the two people, but after two years in the circle, she has a very good impression of Redina.

No scandals, hard work, no airs as a senior.

Brother-in-law has been single for so long...It's time to fall in love!

Hope it works!

Everyone left, leaving only Wen Yaoyao and the other two looking at Guan Tiantian and Yang Anan with envy and hatred.

Sure enough, how important is the support of family!

It was reflected at this moment.

But they could only watch, envy, and let themselves be led away.

Wen Yaoyao:"I don't want to leave, I want to stay too!"

Tang Qianqian:"Why can they do that?"

Liu Youyou:"Hate it, I'm so envious!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was still surprised after the live broadcast room was closed.

"Oh my god, Redina is staying in the Sunflower Courtyard?"

"Why do I feel like Teacher Huang is trying to bring two people together?"

"To be honest, Mr. Huang's good intentions may be in vain! Mr. Ye is not really easy to fall in love, right?"

"I’m so envious and jealous. I also want to sleep with Mr. Ye, but I’m shy!"

"Get out of here, you upstairs! I'm afraid it's Qiao Biluo!"


"To be honest, the two of them are quite a good match."

"The two little cuties slept with their dad for the first time, but unfortunately I couldn’t see it!"

"Are you a pervert? Watching others sleep!"........

The live broadcast room was very lively and everyone was talking about it, but there was some silence.

Redina looked embarrassed. Why did everyone leave suddenly? ? ? She was left alone here, at a loss.

"Well, I'll take the two kids to take a bath!" Redina's face turned red, and she immediately took the two kids to the bathroom on the first floor.

Ye Fang didn't think it was a big deal.���, and went to the bathroom on the second floor to wash up

"Sister Xiaodi, why does your face look like a monkey’s butt?"

The manly Yang Anan said something shocking, which made Redina panic:"No way, it’s the hot water that scalded me!""

"Oh, is that so?" Yang Anan nodded, and then asked:"Why didn't I get burned red?"

"You little bitch, you talk too much!" Angry and embarrassed, Redina aimed the shower head at Yang Anan's head, and the hot water made her shut her mouth obediently.

Guan Tiantian blinked her big watery eyes and said secretly:"Sister Xiaodi is so scary!..."

After taking a shower, Guan Tiantian and Yang Anan changed into Ye Fang's clothes and wore them as skirts.

Redina still wore her original clothes.

"You sleep in this room." Ye Fang pointed to the guest room where new sheets had been placed.

"OK..."Redina nodded submissively, then turned back to Yang Anan and said,"Don't be naughty and disturb Mr. Ye's rest.""

"Got it~" Yang Anan nodded, as if Redina was an aunt who loved to nag.

""Silly girl!" Redina really wanted to give her a slap on the face.

This child is good in everything except her personality like a boy.

Look at Tiantian, how delicate and cute she is. If she gives birth to a daughter in the future, she must not let her have a character like An An. ps"

Because full attendance requires 4,000 words, and it's past twelve o'clock, so the second chapter is put at the end of this chapter!

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