Yang Anan and Guan Tiantian slept on the bed obediently. Guan Tiantian held a small doll in her hand.

This was a gift from sister Zifeng, and she slept with it.

Yang Anan took up most of the bed and patted the bed to her father:"Dad, come on,~~"

The warm light was projected on the cheeks of the two children, and it looked warm and cute at this moment.

Ye Fang felt warm in his heart, and walked over with a smile, lying between the two children. The two little princesses pressed their little faces against Ye Fang's body, one on the left and one on the right.

" Go to sleep." Ye Fang said softly in a low voice.

""Dad, I want to hear a bedtime story." Guan Tiantian said in a delicate voice.

Mommy would tell her a story every night before bed. Although her storytelling skills were average, it would make Guan Tiantian fall into a sweet dream of all kinds of lovely worlds.

Yang Anan pouted and said,"Tiantian, are you a three or four-year-old kid? You still want to hear a bedtime story!"

Yang Anan had long been accustomed to sleeping alone and could fall asleep as soon as she touched the bed. Her mother never told her any bedtime stories.

With such a living habit, she developed a tomboyish personality and felt that it was childish for children to want to hear bedtime stories.

"I want to listen to my dad!"Guan Tiantian snorted and said unconvinced

""Okay, then tell me one." Ye Fang smiled and interrupted the little dispute between the two children.

As a father, he was unable to accompany the children. This was a rare opportunity. If the children wanted to hear a bedtime story

, he would be happy to tell them. It just so happened that there were many bedtime stories in another world in his mind, and he could tell them to the two children for days and nights.

Guan Tiantian clapped her hands happily, and her big eyes gave Yang Anan a proud look.

Yang Anan hummed, and secretly looked forward to his father's bedtime story in his heart.

"Let me tell you a story about an ugly duckling."

"The ugly duckling? I haven't even heard of it!"Guan Tiantian blinked her big eyes. She loved reading storybooks, but she had never heard of the story of the ugly duckling.

She couldn't help but look forward to it.

Ye Fang cleared his throat and began to tell the story with deep emotion.

"On a beautiful summer day, a group of ducks were walking on the green pasture with their cute ducklings.

At this moment, a mother duck was sitting in her nest, patiently waiting for her ducklings to jump out of the egg shells."

The opening chapter attracted Guan Tiantian deeply, and she listened attentively.

Yang Anan had no interest in fairy tales or anything like that, because in her eyes, those stories were boring.

They were nothing more than teaching them what they needed to do to be obedient children.

She was very well-behaved and didn't need to be taught!

But Dad's story sounded different from those boring stories she had read before.

It was very attractive, and she naturally began to listen carefully.

The lotus-like little hands supported her little head, and as her father told the story in a wonderful voice, an ugly little duck appeared in front of her eyes.

"The next day, when it opened its eyes, it found a group of wild ducks surrounding it.

The wild ducks warned it,"You are too ugly, I hope you don't come here again." The ugly duck was about to leave when a big hunting dog suddenly jumped beside it."

Hearing this, Guan Tiantian couldn't help but exclaimed,"The ugly duck is so pitiful! They bullied her!"

Even Yang Anan's little face was anxious, and she could imagine the pitiful appearance of the ugly duck when she was bullied.

Although the ugly duck is not good-looking, it can't be bullied for this reason!

It can't decide its appearance!

Yang Anan felt sorry for the ugly duck.

Ye Fang stroked Guan Tiantian's cheek:"Continue to listen to Dad, okay?"

""Yes!" Guan Tiantian nodded obediently, looking forward to a turnaround in her heart, hoping that the ugly duckling would not be bullied all the time.

"At this time, many swans swam around it and kissed it with their mouths, as if saying to it:"You will become a beautiful swan in the end!"

However, it said in its heart:"When I was a duckling,

I never dreamed that I would have so much joy and happiness.""

Hearing this, Guan Tiantian's eyes lit up and she said in surprise:"The ugly duckling grew up to be a beautiful swan!"

"How great!"

This is the most interesting story she has ever heard, and the one she looks forward to the most with a happy ending.

She was worried at the beginning, but suddenly felt enlightened at the end.

Yang Anan was surprised and said,"It turns out that the ugly duckling can also become a white swan." Ye

Fang smiled and nodded and said,"Yes, the ugly duckling will also become a white swan one day. She went through a difficult winter and transformed into a swan."

"Well, the ugly duckling is very strong!" Guan Tiantian nodded her head vigorously, and suddenly realized:"I will become a beautiful swan in the future~"

""Pfft." Yang Anan had some insights, but Guan Tiantian's interpretation made her laugh.

"What are you laughing at!"Guan Tiantian stared at him with her round eyes wide open.

This was clearly a mockery of her!

"Nothing! Go to sleep!" Yang Anan was afraid that Guan Tiantian would ask her the reason. As a sister, she couldn't just say,"You are so childish~" or something like that, right?

Just go to sleep!

Daddy definitely doesn't like quarrelsome children.

It's better to be obedient.

Guan Tiantian's cheeks were puffed up with anger. Ye Fang smiled softly and said,"Tiantian already looks very good."

"Hehe~" Guan Tiantian stuck out her tongue and yawned at her father's praise.

""Go to sleep." Ye Fang covered the two children with a quilt and coaxed them gently.

After a while, the two children fell asleep immediately.

Ye Fang stared at the innocent sleeping faces of the children for a long time, then slowly got up, walked past the two children, and walked out of the room.

He still had things to do. He walked into the workroom.

There was a long computer desk here, and a bunch of professional recording equipment were placed next to the computer desk.

It was his recording studio, where he usually processed those songs.

Turn on the computer, enter the password, and there were several documents on the desktop.

Opening one of the documents, Ye Fang tapped the keyboard and started typing.

In fact, in addition to being an original singer, he is also an online writer.

In Feiyue He has written many books on Feiyue Chinese website under many pen names. Why does he use different pen names?

Because these online articles are from his previous life. He used the money earned from online articles to donate to poor areas all over China and built many primary schools.

He has never used the money of the Big and Small Ma Group because he has cut off contact with them.

But the shares still exist and are constantly increasing in value.

The online articles written by Ye Fang are at the top of the list on Feiyue Chinese website, and the royalties he earns throughout the year can exceed hundreds of millions.

But after writing other people's online articles, Ye Fang has accumulated the writing level of online articles invisibly.

Ye Fang's brain is very powerful, so as long as he invests enough time in anything he does, it is half done.

Even though what he wrote in the past one or two years were other people's stories from his memory, in the process of constantly working as a coder, Ye Fang naturally understood the essence of these popular online articles. He was even able to use his own thinking to polish these stories more finely, and the reading level would only be higher than the original works in his previous life.

This is also the reason why these books are still very popular even though they have changed to a different world.

The profits generated by these online articles are also very considerable.

Ye Fang did not keep a copy of the money. He sent it anonymously to various charities that he had analyzed most realistically through an account that he deliberately hid.

The 100th Hope Primary School was just established some time ago, and it was sent under the anonymous account""Fang Yu" was named after the primary school.

This hidden rich man named"Fang Yu" who has no information on the Internet has become a very famous super philanthropist in the charity world.

However, no one has seen his true face. They are just amazed that this is a person who is really keen on charity, not some business person who is just trying to gain reputation.

Recently, Ye Fang decided to use the story of himself and Yu Ge as a blueprint, slightly fictionalize it, and write a completely original online article.

He also thought of the name"You are a rainbow in my life". It is very simple and a bit rustic.

But this is the most real importance of Yu Ge to him.

He has uploaded tens of thousands of words, and the data is as good as ever, but this time he changed his pen name again

"Fang Yu is the abbreviation of his and Lan Yuge's names, which can be regarded as a commemoration of her.

He continued to type, wanting to write down all the touching fragments in his mind........

At three o'clock in the middle of the night, Redina woke up with a dry mouth.

She was not used to the environment in Manyuan Village, so her throat would be dry and uncomfortable every night, and she had to get up to drink some water.

At this time, everyone should be asleep, right?

When Redina walked out of the bedroom, she saw that the light of an open door was still on. She curiously leaned over and found that it was the light of the computer.

Mr. Ye had fallen asleep at the computer desk.

What was Mr. Ye doing staying up late?

Redina guessed in her heart, and suddenly her cheeks flushed as she thought of something.

Speaking of which, Mr. Ye has been single for five years, and she never cared about it. Now she suddenly thought of it....

Mr. Ye is a man after all. He may not find another girlfriend for Miss Lan, but he also has needs....

I don't have a girlfriend, so maybe I can only rely on the five-fingered girl.

At this time, I fell asleep at the computer desk again. I might be watching that kind of...

Redina felt embarrassed instantly, but Mr. Ye was sleeping on his stomach without a blanket on him....

You will catch a cold.

She hesitated for a moment, then returned to her bedroom, took out the thin blanket from the closet, and tiptoed to the computer room. She gently covered Ye Fang with the blanket, but closed her eyes, trying not to see the computer.

However, the more she did this, the more curious she became. She couldn't help but narrow her eyes, wanting to see what kind of video Mr. Ye would watch....

There is a document on the computer screen, with nothing on it except text.

The desktop is very clean, and the wallpaper that comes with the system is used.

There is no color at all....

"Well..."Redina opened her eyes completely and was speechless about her own guess....That's enough.

But she exhaled softly, feeling a little relieved that Mr. Ye was not watching a color video.

However, what does this document say?

She couldn't help but take a look at it, and as she looked at it, her pupils suddenly shrank.

This is....

Isn't this the manuscript of the new book"You are a Rainbow in My Life" that Feiyue Chinese Network is promoting?

She has had a lot of free time in the Mushroom House recently, so she became addicted to reading novels. This novel is about modern love, which suits her taste very well.

But she never expected to see the manuscript of this online article on Mr. Ye's computer.

In other words, this book was actually written by Mr. Ye?

Mr. Ye is so amazing!

Redina's beautiful eyes lit up.

It is both a coincidence and a surprise to find that the person next to you is the author of your favorite online article.

But Mr. Ye never mentioned it?

On the right side of the computer is a web page interface of the author's background, which seems to be the place to upload novel chapters.


Redina thought she had seen it wrong and rubbed her eyes.

There was more than one book in the background! There were actually several books!

Some of them were of a type she was not interested in, but they were particularly popular. They were works by online writers.



"how come...Are they all works by Mr. Ye? ?"

Several representative works of online writers were actually written by the same person. Redina was shocked.

She thought it was a surprise, but it turned out to be a tremor.

If the loyal fans of these online novels knew this explosive news, they would definitely be furious.

Imagine that Redina shuddered. After all, the fans of these online novels are different. Sometimes they even argue about who is the leader of Feiyue. They are the kind that are incompatible with each other.

If you know that they are all the same person, you will be stunned and doubt your life.

I really accidentally found out about an incredible thing!

However, Redina knew that it was not good to see the manuscript in advance, but she couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Suddenly, she remembered the pen name"Fang Yu" in"You are a Rainbow in My Life""...

Isn't this...Is it the abbreviation of Mr. Ye and Miss Lan?

Thinking back to some of the plots in this novel, it seems...It was so consistent with the story of Mr. Ye and Miss Lan that she knew.

In other words, this book was actually about the two of them? ?

It was just that the names of the characters were changed.

This discovery made Redina's excitement drop to the freezing point.

There were complex emotions flowing in her eyes.

She didn't know whether she envied...Still feeling bad?

Redina actually discovered that she had developed a crush on Ye Fang in just three or four days.

Although it was not to the extent of marrying no one but him, it was enough to make her feel sad and uncomfortable.

The feeling of secret love is always like this.

A little hurt, feeling stuffy and uncomfortable.

Redina was depressed about why she had to come out in the middle of the night to get some water to drink?

Although she was very happy to discover another side of Mr. Ye, this side made her unhappy.

The feeling of secret love is very complicated!

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