Putting away her bitter feelings, Redina glanced at the sleeping Ye Fang again. His handsome features were still there, and his sleeping face looked even better. She suddenly felt reluctant to leave the Mushroom House.

She had been in the Mushroom House for four full days. According to the schedule of other flying guests, she should have left long ago.

After all, the guests of the Mushroom House are now scheduled for a few months later.

Why? Because of Ye Fang's appearance, many singers who don't like to participate in variety shows have taken the initiative to sign up.

Director Lao Wang turned down many singers according to Mr. Huang's request, but some of them were inconvenient to turn down, so he agreed.

The beds in the Mushroom House are limited.

Therefore, even if the program team did not urge her, Redina knew that she should leave.

Before coming to the Mushroom House, she was looking forward to completing the task early, leaving early, and going on a beautiful vacation.

But now, after staying for four days, she has to leave, and she is reluctant to leave.

I don't know when I will see Mr. Ye next time?

After standing for a long time, Redina turned around, poured herself a glass of water, and went back to her room to continue sleeping.

The next morning, Ye Fang opened his eyes to the sound of cocks crowing in Manyuan Village.

He actually fell asleep on the computer desk last night.

After moving his sore neck and stretching, Ye Fang got up and suddenly found that the thin blanket covering his back had fallen off.

Looking at the thin blanket, he was stunned.

He didn't have the habit of sleeping in the computer room, so naturally he wouldn't prepare a blanket here.

Someone covered him with it last night.

Seeing the pattern of the blanket, Ye Fang remembered that it was placed in the closet of the guest room.

There are three bedrooms upstairs, one master bedroom and two guest rooms.

Because there are too many clothes, the closet in the guest room is used to store sheets, blankets and other supplies.

Is it Redina?

Ye Fang didn't think much about it, picked up the blanket and put it on the computer chair, and walked out.

In the master bedroom, the two little cuties were still asleep. Redina's door was closed, so she should not have woken up yet.

After Ye Fang took a shower to wake himself up, he changed out of his pajamas and walked out of the bathroom.

Then he went to wake up the two children.

"Good morning, Dad." Guan Tiantian still held the doll in her little hands, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and said in a gentle and polite voice.

"Good morning, Tiantian, it's time to get up."Ye Fang pinched her chubby little face and said with a smile

"Hmm~" Guan Tiantian began to put on her clothes in a daze, but her eyes closed again.

Then...The movements of the little hands gradually slowed down, and then stopped. The little head pecked at the rice, and fell asleep again.

""Puff." Ye Fang was amused by the child's cute appearance.

His own daughter broke the rules so cutely.

"Tiantian!" Yang Anan saw his father's smile, and crawled behind Guan Tiantian, and suddenly shouted at a very loud volume.

"Ah!" Guan Tiantian was so frightened that her body trembled and she almost jumped out of the bed. She woke up instantly!

She patted her chest, not knowing what was going on. She just had a bitter face:"Wow, I'm scared to death."、"

"Hahahaha, who told you to be so sleepy!"Yang Anan made a face and quickly put on her clothes.

Guan Tiantian realized that it was Yang Anan who scared her, and she was furious.

She also quickly put on her skirt and ran out after Yang Anan.

"Stinky An'an, bad An'an, you only know how to bully me, woo woo woo."

When she couldn't catch him, she rubbed her eyes and pretended to cry.

"Why are you crying? You are so old!"Yang An'an stopped and felt a headache when he thought about Guan Tiantian's crying habit.

He wondered if he had really gone too far.

He turned around and walked over, wanting to comfort her, but the words he said were slightly reproachful.

"Humph! I got you!"Who knew that as soon as she got close, Guan Tiantian, who was crying in the last second, would grab her arm with her chubby little hands in the next second.

"Good! You and Youyou have learned bad things!" Yang Anan widened her eyes. She didn't expect that she would be deceived by Guan Tiantian.

The noise of the two children woke up Redina from her sleep.

She opened the door with a sleepy face and said with a wry smile:"You are too noisy, Anan, you can't bully Tiantian."

"I didn't!" Yang Anan looked innocent and angry. Now it was Tiantian who lied to her~!

Ye Fang followed the children's footsteps and walked out, watching the scene with a smile.

"Go wash up quickly, we are going to the Mushroom House."

When Redina saw Ye Fang coming out, she was sober and urged the two children with her beautiful eyes.

She pulled the two children to the bathroom and urged them to brush their teeth and wash their faces, glancing to the side.

Ye Fang picked up the pillows that the two children had thrown on the ground during the fight and put them back in place.

After that, the two children washed up, and the four of them set off for the Mushroom House.

The two little ones were still fighting in the morning, but now they were back to being friends again, holding hands and running towards the Mushroom House first.

Redina couldn't keep up, so she could only shout,"Slow down."

Ye Fang closed the yard door, then stepped forward to catch up, and saw that the two little ones were almost running to the Mushroom House, with a smile on his face.

""Thank you for last night." Suddenly, a deep voice sounded beside her.

Redina's heart skipped a beat. She knew what Mr. Ye was talking about.

He thanked her for covering him with a blanket.

But how did Mr. Ye know that? Sure enough, people with high IQs can guess everything.

Redina could only blush and pretend to smile naturally:"It's okay, get up and get some water. I just happened to see you sleeping on the computer desk, so I covered you with a blanket."

"The nights in Manyuan Village are still quite cold."

After saying this, I felt that this might cause misunderstanding....

Thinking of Mr. Ye's deep love for Miss Lan.

If Mr. Ye misunderstood or noticed, he would definitely reject me seriously.

Redina added:"Mr. Ye should not sleep on the computer desk in the future, so as not to suffer from cervical spondylosis."

"Okay, thank you."Ye Fang smiled and thanked her again.

Redina was speechless for a moment.

She said a long string of words, but the other party only said three words, which seemed to make her...

I feel guilty as a thief!

It's so embarrassing!

"very hungry...Let's go see what Mr. Huang has prepared for us."

Redina took the lead and walked towards the mushroom house at a speed second only to a trot.

Ye Fang followed suit.

The four of them reappeared in the live broadcast room, and the audience in the live broadcast room was very excited.

"Ahhhh! I saw Mr. Ye again"

"Xiaodi, tell me quickly, what happened last night and why your cheeks are so red!"

"The two little ones have such a good relationship!"

"Mr. Ye wore a different style of clothes today, so handsome~"

"Why is Redina walking so fast? She must be very hungry!"

"What kind of divine beauty is this?"........

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