"Xiao Di can cook?"

Teacher Huang looked at Redina in confusion. This girl, who seemed to have never done any cooking, actually took the initiative to help.

Redina smiled faintly and said,"I can't cook, but isn't it the guest's job to help?"

Teacher He smiled and nodded,"Xiao Di is such a warm-hearted girl!"

"Whoever can marry her will be blessed!"

After saying this, Redina felt embarrassed and blushed slightly, then she took out a new apron and put it on.

Ye Fang and Redina wore the same apron, and when they stood together, they actually looked like a newlywed couple cooking.

The parties themselves didn't think there was anything wrong, but Teacher Huang and others stood by and watched. They were a pair of beautiful girls with similar age, so they naturally felt like a good match.

Teacher Huang tilted his head and smiled at Teacher He beside him:"Do you think they are a good match?"

"Indeed, a handsome man and a beautiful woman!"Teacher He smiled and nodded. This combination is very pleasing to the eye.

The comments in the live broadcast room were even more excited:

"Wow! They look so good together!"

"Xiaodi is so virtuous and takes the initiative to help!"

"I always feel that Xiaodi looks at Mr. Ye in a very different way!"

"Let go of my Mr. Ye, he is mine!"

"Xiaodi can’t fall in love!"

"What kind of divine beauty is this?"

"To be honest, Mr. Ye and Xiaodi are really a good match!"

"Teacher Huang wants to be a matchmaker!"


Fatty was only interested in testing Mr. Ye's ability to live, and didn't care about the eyes of others. He stared at Ye Fang's every move seriously.

Yang Anan was nervous and looked at him.

Yaoyao and Guan Tiantian came over immediately and asked nervously:

"An An, why is Sister Pang Di here? Did we get discovered?"

Guan Tiantian's frightened expression made Yang An An look helpless:"We got discovered."

"Ah!" Guan Tiantian covered her mouth with her chubby hands in panic, and her round eyes widened.

"But, Sister Pang Di doesn't mean to take you away right away, right?"

Yao Yao was relatively calm, and with a turn of her big eyes, she had read the key from the expressions of Pang Di and Yang An An.

"Yes!" Yang Anan nodded her head and said,"But sister Pang Di said that she wanted to test Dad's ability to live....."

"I hope Dad can pass...."Yang Anan's little face was full of worry.

Yaoyao and Guan Tiantian also looked towards the kitchen, and worries emerged in their hearts.

If Yang Anan was taken away, it would not be long before they were taken away.

After all, their mothers were good girlfriends, and if one person knew, then all mothers knew.

It can't be hidden.

Here, Teacher Huang listened carefully to Ye Fang's explanation of the ingenuity of Bao Shao, only to find that there were still many ingredients that had not been prepared.

Ye Fang made a list, and Teacher Huang and Teacher He went to prepare the ingredients.

"Well, we still need banana leaves. Which kid is willing to help?"

Ye Fang counted the materials carefully and looked at the four kids who were holding their faces with their hands. Their eyes were shining brightly as they looked at him.

As for why there were four kids, of course there was also Zhang Zifeng who was among the three kids.

"Me!" Yang Anan immediately stood up and raised her hand, like a kid in class who was about to answer the teacher's question.

"I'll go too!"Guan Tiantian refuses to admit defeat!

She wants to work hard to get her daddy's love!

"I'll help too." Zhang Zifeng's cheeks were flushed pink, she raised her hand slightly and whispered.

She just watched Mr. Ye cooking, and she was a little dazed.

At this moment, when she met Mr. Ye's eyes, she realized that her behavior was very bad.

Using the excuse of picking banana leaves, she escaped!

"Okay, I'll leave it to you guys." Ye Fang nodded with a smile, and glanced at Yaoyao who was standing still in surprise.

After Yang Anan and Guan Tiantian left happily, Ye Fang looked at Yaoyao with a smile and some doubts.

"Yaoyao, why don’t you go?"

"Picking banana leaves is too easy, I don't want to go."Yaoyao said in a baby voice, with a little bit of tsundere in her words.

Her hands are used to type on the keyboard and handle affairs, and picking banana leaves is left to the silly Tiantian and the female man Anan!

She wants to maintain the elegance and reserve of a girl.

For some reason, Ye Fang saw a vague business aura in Yaoyao.

I don't know how a five-year-old child can have a sense of maturity?

However, tsundere is really cute.

Ye Fang shook his head and smiled. After a while, Teacher Huang and Teacher He brought the ingredients over.

At this time, Yang Anan, Guan Tiantian, and Zhang Zifeng also brought back the banana leaves with a smile.

"Dad, look at Tiantian's banana leaf, it's the most beautiful!"The beauty-loving Guan Tiantian held a small, clean, beautiful banana leaf in her hand and brought it to Ye Fang as if asking for praise.

"Well, Tiantian's banana leaves are really beautiful." Ye Fang praised, making Guan Tiantian's tail lift to the sky.

She raised her little face and proudly showed off to Yang Anan.

See, Dad likes my banana leaves!

Yang Anan was not to be outdone, holding up his own banana leaves:"Mine is the biggest! Look, Dad!"

Ye Fang took a look, smiled and nodded:"Well, Anan's is more suitable for making steamed buns,"

""Hehe~" Yang Anan's smile was so proud that she instantly surpassed Guan Tiantian.

The secret competition between the two children made Yaoyao look disgusted:"Huh, two childish ghosts!"

Zhang Zifeng was more introverted, and just quietly put the banana leaf in front of Ye Fang:"Mr. Ye, can I have mine?"

His voice was as soft as a mosquito, and he was very embarrassed.

"Yes, it's suitable."Ye Fang smiled and nodded, and Zhang Zifeng felt happy and a little excited. However, the audience in the live broadcast room was amused by the infighting between the two children:

"Hahaha, these three little lolis are so cute"

"Yaoyao looks like a tsundere character!"

"Hahahaha, Tiantian feels so aggrieved that she is about to cry!"

"An An is like a tomboy, it makes me laugh to death"

"Mr. Ye is so gentle!"

"Looking forward to Mr. Ye’s roasted chicken tendons!".......

All the materials were ready, and Teacher Huang put on an apron and began to discuss with Ye Fang.

""Bao Shao" is a cooking method of the Dai ethnic group.

Fresh banana leaves are used as cooking tools.

The ingredients are wrapped tightly and then slowly roasted on charcoal fire.

It takes longer than ordinary barbecue and tastes better.

The Bao Shao method not only retains the original flavor of the ingredients, but also allows the seasoning to be better integrated into the ingredients. It tastes soft, tender and juicy, and has the aroma of banana leaves, which makes people never tired of eating it."

Ye Fang, like a food anchor, used a low, magnetic voice to slowly introduce the origin and characteristics of Bao Shao, which is different from ordinary cooking methods.

What he said was easy to understand, and people like Mr. Huang who are proficient in cooking can understand it instantly.

And the cooking novice Pang Di standing next to him was also able to listen carefully.

It's so good, can it be done well?

Pang Di was puzzled, but saw a flash of knife light, and then his beautiful eyes widened.

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