Ye Fang's words were so detailed that even viewers who didn't know how to cook could understand.

Redina nodded repeatedly, but secretly wondered in her heart, could he achieve the effect he said?

Ye Fang washed all the shallots, garlic, onions, basil, coriander, chili peppers, lemongrass roots, and lemons.

Then he pulled out a long and thin knife from the knife collection, skillfully used his strength, lifted his wrist lightly, and easily cut the ingredients.


The sound was very rhythmic, the knife flashed, and the speed was frightening!

This little show of skill amazed Mr. Huang, the young chef.

He originally thought that Mr. Ye just wanted to explain to him the uniqueness of Bao Shao.

Even if people with average cooking skills can learn cooking methods after watching it a few times, the basic skills of cooking such as knife skills need to be practiced to have a qualitative leap.

Mr. Ye's knife skills are so good that even Mr. Huang, who is a skilled cook, is ashamed of himself!

At this moment, Mr. Huang's mentality has completely changed!

Maybe Mr. Ye will give him a huge surprise.

The sound of cutting vegetables attracted the people who were outside. The three playful children turned their heads and saw the movement in the kitchen, their eyes widened.

Redina, who was puzzled, saw this scene and paused.

Ye Fang had a serious face and a calm expression, and his hands moved so fast that it was difficult to see his movements.

In less than ten seconds, the ingredients under the knife were processed and put into the bowl, and then the next ingredient was changed.

The rhythmic sound of cutting vegetables continued.

After a few seconds, the next ingredient was changed.

The speed of preparation was so amazing that even Teacher Huang, who was good at knife skills, was secretly surprised. This is incomparable!

"Mr. Ye's knife skills are really good"

"You must have practiced for quite some time, right?"

Teacher Huang asked in amazement.

‘I've been cooking for several years and I've learned it."Ye Fang smiled and answered.

He had nothing to be modest about. Cooking was indeed what he was good at.

As a reborn person, his brain had to accommodate the memories of two different worlds, which had been constantly stimulated since childhood.

His brain development was countless times beyond that of ordinary people.

As a result, he had a god-like learning ability. As long as he put a little thought into something, he could learn it without much effort.

As for cooking, he had been cooking for five years, and his cooking skills were comparable to those of the world's top chefs who had devoted themselves to it for more than fifty years.

Such a level of knife skills was not uncommon.

Fortunately, Mr. Huang was not an idiot in cooking. He could even remember the steps for processing the ingredients. If it were Redina, she would not understand it at all. She was shocked!

"Amazing...."Redina forgot to wash the vegetables. The water kept flowing, and her hands were already frozen. Zhang

Zifeng blinked his eyes and was stunned....So handsome!

The three little ones blinked their round eyes in surprise, and Yang Anan was so excited.

"Great! Dad can cook! Great!"

This undoubtedly gave Ye Fang a point in Redina's heart. Oh no, it was a lot of points! While

Ye Fang was cutting vegetables, his mind had already drifted to five years ago.

"Ye Fang, you have such a strong learning ability. From now on, you will be responsible for cooking and I will be responsible for eating. You learn all the delicacies in the world, so that I can eat all over the world without leaving home!"

After Yu Ge tasted the tiramisu that Ye Fang made for her, her eyes suddenly lit up.

As a foodie, eating is her favorite.

Others' dream is to travel around the world, but her dream is to eat all over the world!

And for Yu Ge's little hobby, Ye Fang rolled up his sleeves and learned cooking.

Who would have known that a top billionaire with a net worth of hundreds of billions would give up his hands to cook for a woman?

In five years, Yu Ge was no longer around, but Ye Fang's cooking skills became more and more sophisticated, and next to every meal he cooked, he would put an extra set of bowls and chopsticks.

"This is the four-joy meatballs you like to eat"

"Your favorite green pepper pork"

"Today I learned how to make the Dai ethnic group's way of wrapping roasted chicken feet tendons. You will like it."

Every day in Manyuan Village, he cooked different dishes, smiling, and habitually talked to the empty chair opposite.

But every time he looked up, he could not see the quiet and gentle face in his memory, and the faint smile on the corner of his mouth turned bitter.

Yuge, you are gone after all....

Who can I cook these dishes for?

Ye Fang regained his composure and came back to his senses.

If Mr. Huang knew that he was preparing the ingredients at an astonishing speed while his mind was still wandering, he would probably be so shocked that his eyes would pop out. The comments in the live broadcast room were about to fly out of the screen!

"Wow, this is godly knife skills!"

"Cowhide, cowhide!"

"This knife work is amazing!!"

"It is said that men who can cook are the most handsome. A man who can cook and is handsome must be a god, right?"

"Oh God, please let me marry a man like Mr. Ye!"

"This hand is so beautiful!"

"Mr. Ye, I want to be your girlfriend. Could you please not be so strict about the gender of the partner?"

"Awooooooooooo! The guy above you is such a talent!".........

The ingredients were quickly prepared, and Ye Fang continued to explain with a smile:"The next step is to marinate the chicken feet tendons. Teacher Huang should know how to do it, right?"

"I can, but I want to watch Mr. Ye do it, enjoy it!"Teacher Huang nodded with a smile.

These words touched the hearts of the audience in the live broadcast room, and there was a barrage of praise.

Ye Fang didn't care. It was not difficult to marinate, so he put the ingredients into a large bowl, squeezed in the juice of a slice of lemon, and then put the prepared chicken feet tendon in.

Add a little salt, sesame oil and oyster sauce.

These steps are very simple, but when Ye Fang did it, it gave people a sense of visual feast.

Redina couldn't take her eyes away, and Zhang Zifeng couldn't wash the vegetables properly. From time to time, his eyes sneaked over��

Do you think they want to learn how to cook?


They are just admiring Ye Fang's beautiful hands!

"Leave it for fifteen minutes." Ye Fang smiled and taught the rest of the steps to Teacher Huang.

""Okay, okay, Ye Fang, your cooking skills are really good!"

Although the finished product has not yet been made, judging from the level of preparation, it is enough to make Chef Huang feel ashamed and praise him repeatedly.

"Teacher Huang's cooking skills are not bad either." Ye Fang smiled modestly, which made Teacher Huang smile brightly.

""Alas, alas, alas! I can't say that my cooking skills are good in front of you, but when I was young, I was also a handsome boy like you!"

Teacher Huang began to brag about himself. Teacher He, who was admiring Ye Fang's cooking skills, laughed and pointed out

"Come on, you were just fair when you were young, how can you compare to how handsome Mr. Ye is!"

"Stop being narcissistic!"

Teacher Huang, who was ruthlessly exposed, looked very embarrassed.

This made everyone laugh, and the atmosphere in the mushroom house became very harmonious.

At this moment, at the entrance of Manyuan Village, a petite girl wearing a mask and sunglasses looked at the fork in the road in confusion.

"Wow, wow, how do I get here?"

"An An, save me!"

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