When he returned to the stage, the audience in the live broadcast room became lively.

A small incident turned out to be a good thing, causing a surge in orders.

After Tang Yanran returned, the process was carried out in an orderly manner, as if the small incident just now was not an accident.

"How is it, is Aunt Tang's hand seriously injured?"Wen Yaoyao asked Tang Qianqian with concern when she saw her.

The other three children also gathered around, and they were all very concerned about Tang Yanran's hand. They just didn't know what their father's chest was made of, how could he have hit Aunt Tang's hand like this?

"The doctor said it was a minor crack and would heal slowly."

Tang Qianqian replied, looking at the splint on her mother's hand, she felt very distressed.

Ye Fang, who was standing aside, looked a little embarrassed.

He did not expect that in order to save Tang Yanran, he would end up hurting her hand.

Although the minor crack was not serious, it would take a hundred days to heal the broken bones, which would affect her work.

However, looking at Tang Yanran on the stage, who looked natural and as if she had never been injured, Ye Fang had to admire her. She was very strong.

As soon as Ye Fang came out, the assistants surrounded him and said excitedly:

"Mr. Ye, I just saw your painting, it's amazing!"

"Thank you." Ye Fang smiled and nodded in response.

The assistant's face suddenly turned red, and he lowered his eyes and whispered:

"Mr. Ye,...Do you have a girlfriend?"

She had asked Mr. Tang indirectly when she was in the hospital just now, and Mr. Tang immediately denied that he had no relationship with Mr. Ye.

The assistant probably thought that the child was just shouting because Mr. Ye was handsome, and she felt relieved instantly.


Instantly, the four little ones who were still talking about Tang Yanran's injury and comforting Tang Qianqian not to worry too much, were alarmed!!

Four pairs of eyes instantly stared at the assistant who was talking to Ye Fang.

There was something wrong with this assistant!!!

Especially when they saw her shy look with red cheeks, they became even more alert.


Before Ye Fang could answer, the four little ones ran over in an instant.

"Dad, I want to go to the toilet."Guan Tiantian hugged Ye Fang's legs aggrievedly.

"Yes, Dad, come and accompany Tiantian!" Wen Yaoyao nodded repeatedly、

"Ah? Didn't Tiantian just go..."The assistant was confused. She had just taken Guan Tiantian to the bathroom, so why did she need to go to the bathroom again?

Before she could finish, Guan Tiantian had already grabbed her father's hand and ran to the bathroom.

The assistant was left standing there in bewilderment.

Later, she realized that she hadn't even said what she wanted from Mr. Ye's contact information!......

An hour later, the live broadcast of selling goods finally ended.

Tang Yanran stood up and stretched her buttocks after sitting for several hours. Her waist and buttocks were really sore.

Here, media reporters suddenly surrounded Tang Yanran:"Mr. Tang, who is that Mr. Ye just now?"

Tang Yanran subconsciously replied immediately:"He is not my boyfriend, don't report it randomly."

The media reporters looked at Tang Yanran with confusion.

They didn't ask if Mr. Ye was her boyfriend!

Tang Yanran realized that she had said the wrong thing, and her heart skipped a beat. Why did she say that?

It was impossible to take back this sentence, with so many cameras facing her.

Tang Yanran could not show her inner panic, but just smiled faintly and explained:

"Because my singleness is always the subject of gossip, I will answer you in advance."

I see!"

The reporters nodded one after another, and a female reporter smiled and said:

"Yes! Ms. Tang is so beautiful and a strong woman. I heard that she has a daughter, but she has always been single. It is normal for everyone to be curious!"

Although Tang Yanran is not a female star, she is also a celebrity in the makeup industry.

It is normal for people to pay attention to her personal issues.

And Tang Yanran's scandals pop up on the Internet from time to time, but there is not even a photo of her, and it is all nonsense.

Tang Yanran's even made everyone laugh. Tang Yanran also smiled awkwardly, secretly relieved in her heart, and finally got the topic rounded.

The next second, a five-year-old little Lolita ran over and jumped into Tang Yanran's arms.

Tang Yanran saw Tang Qianqian running over, and subconsciously squatted down and picked her up.

Everyone guessed that this was Tang Yanran's daughter.

The next second, Tang Qianqian said in a baby voice:

""Mom, let's go eat with Dad. We are all hungry."

This sentence instantly froze the atmosphere at the scene. Tang Yanran's smile froze, and everyone's eyes were puzzled.

Mom and Dad...

If I'm not mistaken, the father that Mr. Tang's daughter mentioned is Mr. Ye standing in the backstage corner, right

?....What's going on?

Everyone's eyes lit up instantly, and they sensed something fishy.

Tang Yanran looked at everyone's suspicious eyes, with an awkward smile on her face. She was overwhelmed by her daughter.

"Xiaoxue, let me handle it."

He could only call his assistant Xiaoxue through the Bluetooth headset.

Xiaoxue immediately ran over and stopped the questioning on the grounds that Mr. Tang still had work to do.

When Tang Yanran was holding Tang Qianqian and breaking through the siege, cold sweat was pouring out of her forehead.

Ye Fang looked at Tang Yanran's slightly pale face and asked,"Ms. Tang has a strong ability to endure pain."

Tang Yanran knew that he saw through her poor acting skills, and forced a smile.

"Mr. Ye, what do you want to eat? You have helped me so much, I have to treat you to a good meal."

"The company will hold a celebration banquet later. Mr. Ye, you are a great contributor and you must come!"

The chief director also said with a smile.

He was very grateful for Ye Fang's help for today's success.

At this moment, he completely changed his original view that Ye Fang was just a male model.

He is a master of Chinese painting!

Apart from anything else, the new series of products had found many product designers before to design the meaning of the products.

There has never been a particularly satisfactory plan.

The Mystery of the Blue Sea is only generally good, but I always feel that something is missing.

Today, Mr. Ye's story about the mermaid, the mermaid turned into foam for love, and made sacrifices to merge with the sea.

All of these express the meaning of the new series.

Now the orders are still growing, all thanks to this story.

I believe that many girls, after hearing this sad love story, will not be able to resist placing an order.

Tang Yanran also asked the packaging designer to rush to make a new packaging overnight around the mermaid and foam.

I believe that the Mystery of the Blue Sea will sell even better.

This step from a niche to the masses was quite successful!!

Ye Fang smiled and nodded,"You can eat, the children are hungry, I won't go to the celebration banquet, I'm not good at such occasions."

He politely declined


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