The chief director wanted to persuade him again, but Tang Yanran knew Mr. Ye's temper.

His songs were popular all over the country, but he had always been anonymous, which showed that Mr. Ye was not being polite, and he was really not good at such occasions where fame and fortune were intertwined.

He smiled and interrupted,"Okay, arrange a big meal for the children."

The chief director glanced at Mr. Tang in confusion, not understanding what Mr. Tang was thinking.

If an artist like Mr. Ye could be made friends, it would be beneficial to the company.

However, judging from the word"Dad" that Mr. Tang's daughter had just said, the relationship between the two is definitely not simple.

As an"outsider", it was not good to say much, so he chose to keep silent.

However, the chief director and the young assistant were very happy with today's fruitful harvest, and they arranged a celebration banquet.

Tang Yanran booked a five-star hotel, and the chief director and the young assistant were also present.

"For this meal, I want to thank Mr. Ye for giving a new story to Mystery of the Blue Sea and increasing the number of pre-orders several times."

Tang Yanran raised her glass, the red wine in the glass swayed, and the luster was charming.

Her face was full of gratitude and smile, and she was in a very good mood today.

Not only did she change her opinion of Ye Fang, but she was more grateful.

At first, because of Qianqian, she was full of jealousy.

The child she gave birth to after ten months of pregnancy had to run to this father who had paid a seed.

But now that she thinks about it carefully, she has not been with her daughter since she was a child, and she has always been brought up by her grandmother. From Mr. Ye's perspective, a daughter suddenly fell from the sky. He himself had no obligation to raise her, but he was willing to take care of her with a good temper.

Tang Yanran saw how good Ye Fang was to Tang Qianqian.

Another point is that Mr. Ye was willing to help him, obviously because of Tang Qianqian.

A man who does not pay attention to fame and fortune is not short of money. She doesn't care about getting any benefits, so why should she help herself? Why should she go against her own style and appear in the live broadcast room?

Is it because of her personal charm?

No, no, no!

Tang Yanran admitted that she was very beautiful, but she was not naive.

It's not like in fairy tales and romance dramas, where good-looking people's lives will really be blessed.

At most, she can get some small conveniences, and not all men in the world will fall in love with her at first sight.

What's more, the other party is Ye Fang, a lovesick man who couldn't forget his girlfriend for five years.

It can only be because of Qianqian, because she is Qianqian's mother.

The thanks are sincere.

Ye Fang was not polite, but smiled and raised his hand, raised his glass, and clinked glasses with Tang Yanran, as a token of acceptance of her gratitude.

Tang Yanran smiled even more, She took a sip of the wine in the glass, put the glass down, and asked everyone to start eating.

The little assistant Xiaoxue kept stealing glances at Ye Fang.

This is the last chance!

She really wanted to know what the relationship was between these children, including Mr. Tang's daughter, and Mr. Ye? They should know each other as godfathers, right? After all, Mr. Ye is so handsome and elegant, and he is very popular.

But with so many people around, she couldn't ask directly. Thinking of the misunderstanding just now, the little assistant decided to ask indirectly.

Mustering up her courage, she smiled awkwardly and said,"Something almost happened just now. Qianqian always called Mr. Ye dad.""

"Those who don’t know would think that Mr. Tang and Mr. Ye are husband and wife.

This laughter made Tang Yanran stand up instantly:"No, they are not husband and wife."

This reaction made everyone who were eating quietly stunned.

The chief director smiled awkwardly:"Mr. Tang, don’t react so much, we all know, there is no misunderstanding"

"Um..."Tang Yanran realized her own gaffe again, and today was not the first time.

She sat back quietly, her cheeks flushed, and stole a glance at Mr. Ye.

The other party looked indifferent and showed no emotion.

This man is really unique.

Isn't he a little flustered?

Look at herself again?

Tang Yanran felt so ashamed!

She took a deep breath and continued to eat, while Xiaoxue felt happy in her heart.

Mr. Tang and Mr. Ye are not in that kind of relationship, so she has a chance! She shyly stole a glance at Mr. Ye, but found that he was feeding Tang Qianqian food

"Eat slowly, don't rush、"Ye Fang reminded gently, looking at Tang Qianqian with eyes full of love.

Tang Yanran shook her head and said,"Qianqian, eat by yourself, don't always let Mr. Ye feed you.""

"Qianqian wanted her mother to feed her, but she never did."

Speaking of this, Tang Qianqian's cute eyes were a little wet, and she felt very aggrieved.

After Tang Yanran gave birth to the child, she was busy with her career and really couldn't take care of Tang Qianqian.

This was the thing she owed the most to the child. As soon as Tang Qianqian opened her mouth, her eyes were filled with apology.

"Sorry, it's my mother's problem."

"So, Qianqian wants dad to feed me~" Tang Qianqian was very innocent and simple, and did not blame her mother at all.

She hugged her mother's neck with her little hands, rubbed her forehead with her nose, and explained、

"It's okay, I'll do it."Ye Fang smiled and nodded, he didn't mind spoiling the child like this.

As a father, he had not taken care of the child in the past five years, nor had he fulfilled any responsibility in her growth.

Now the child needs him, even though some parents believe that they should cultivate their children to be independent.

But in Ye Fang's view, as long as it doesn't cause trouble to others, it is not against morality and character.

Just a little trouble to yourself is not a trouble. It's okay to spoil your own daughter!

As long as it doesn't affect others, there is no right or wrong.

Tang Yanran looked at Ye Fang who continued to feed Tang Qianqian, the man who had only been a father for a few days, but exuded fatherly love.

At this moment, Tang Yanran's eyes moved, and the corners of her mouth inadvertently raised a smile.

This scene, in the eyes of others, looks like a family of three.

It's just that they are more respectful to each other than an ordinary family of three.

Xiaoxue's eyes almost fell to the ground.

Mr. Tang, are you sure you and Mr. Ye are not husband and wife?

This is also....Too much affection?

At this moment, Xiaoxue didn't know what to say.

But as a small assistant, she dared not touch Mr. Tang's man! Although Mr. Tang did not admit it, what if Mr. Tang had a good impression of him, what if it was a relationship that could not be announced to the public?

If she accidentally upset Mr. Tang, she might lose her job.

Slip away.

For the sake of work, she chose to remain single!

Such a god-like man is not suitable for a small employee like her!

And Wen Yaoyao, Yang Anan and the other four little ones were very anxious when they saw this scene.

They wanted to separate the three of them immediately. The scene of this family of three hurt their little hearts so much.

They said they would stop it!

But the reality hit them like this.

Plans cannot keep up with changes!

Wen Yaoyao secretly clenched her fists. No, she must find a way to let mom and dad meet!


Let me explain. I haven't updated for five days because my grandma passed away and my parents and I were busy dealing with the funeral.

My grandma has been paralyzed for three years due to the sequelae of a stroke.

This year, she had a sudden cerebral infarction and has been going back and forth between the hospital and home several times.

In the early morning of the 16th, the hospital issued a critical illness notice, requiring discharge or admission to the ICU.

The ICU needs to cut off the trachea, etc., and various instruments need to be inserted into the body.

When I heard the news, my heart ached, because, in the past three years, especially this year, my grandma has been suffering and in pain.

Finally, my parents decided not to harm grandma's health and let her pass away in a dignified manner. She had no vital signs in the afternoon, and then we were busy dealing with the funeral and so on.

After three days and two nights, I also had a rhinitis attack and a severe cold.

Today I feel better and have started to resume updating.

As an only child, I feel the responsibility and obligation for the first time.

I hope grandma has a good journey, and I will also work hard to live a healthy and happy life.

I am sorry to make readers wait for so long.

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