Wen Yaoyao, Yang Anan, and Liu Youyou all gathered around worriedly when they heard that Guan Youlan still had a fear of crowds.

"Aunt Guan, are you okay?"

"Aunt Guan, are you okay?".....

Facing the concern of four children who were not her own, Guan Youlan felt soft in her heart.

It is said that daughters are caring little cotton-padded jackets.

This is the warmth brought by five caring little cotton-padded jackets!

Guan Youlan's fair face showed a faint smile:

"Auntie, it's okay. I was really ill just now....."

Hearing this, everyone's heart was lifted, and Guan Tiantian's face was even more tense.

Mom hasn't had an attack for three years, but there were too many people just now, and it was too confined.

At that time, if Mom had an attack...

Guan Tiantian couldn't imagine the bad consequences, but fortunately her mother was still standing in front of her safely.

Ye Fang also listened carefully to what Guan Youlan hadn't finished saying.

"But I heard the sweet sound of the piano, and suddenly my body seemed to have strength, supporting me to find the way"

"When I saw Tiantian, the suffocating feeling disappeared instantly."

Guan Youlan said it in a magical way, with a sense of fantasy.

But Ye Fang and the tourist, who also had a child, could understand it.

Maybe the onset of the disease was accompanied by the anxiety of losing the child, but when the mother saw that the child was intact, she naturally relaxed.

Once relaxed, the fear also dissipated!

This statement has no scientific basis, but parents have had the same feeling.

"I'm glad you're okay." Ye Fang looked at Guan Youlan and nodded with a smile.

""Yeah, I'm glad that mom is okay!" Guan Tiantian threw herself into her mother's arms again and said:

"Maybe the music that Dad wrote is so powerful that Mom is not afraid anymore!"

Guan Tiantian can't understand the adults' hearts and put the credit on that song.

Now, Dad has given her that song!

Guan Tiantian is very happy in her heart.

"Maybe, Mr. Ye's music is very good!" Guan Youlan also looked at Ye Fang and said:

"I want to thank Mr. Ye on behalf of Tiantian. That piece of music is too valuable. She is too young to accept it!"

Tiantian is still a child, so she naturally cannot understand the meaning of a piano piece that can be passed down from generation to generation. But Guan Youlan, as a parent, has taught her since she was a child that she should not accept gifts from others casually, let alone such valuable ones.

She thanked and then refused on behalf of her daughter, which was the most correct way for a mother to educate her daughter.

Guan Tiantian's happy face froze, and she blinked her big eyes innocently. She felt lost in an instant.

She liked that piece of music very much, but her mother said she couldn't accept it....

Guan Tiantian felt very aggrieved, but she also knew what her mother meant. She didn't say much, but looked at her father pitifully with eyes that were about to cry.

Ye Fang also understood Guan Youlan's point of view, but there was one thing....

"Tiantian is also my daughter, this song is not expensive to give to her"

"Just to let Tiantian practice piano better."

This piano piece Ye Fang just hopes that Guan Tiantian can practice more with it and improve her piano level.

That's all.

"Just to improve piano skills?"The tourist next to him was stunned.

He thought this piano piece was already great, better than the works of masters he had heard.

But Mr. Ye said it was just to improve piano skills.

What is the meaning of this sentence?...

Mr. Ye has any better piano music?.....

This is probably a fairy.....

The tourists once again felt how ordinary and insignificant they were.

Liu Xiaoxue, who had been standing on the side for a long time, was shocked beyond words.

As far as she knew, Mr. Ye had only been learning piano for five years, and later he stopped practicing because he felt he could not improve....

Such a powerful piano piece was written just for practice.

If Mr. Ye had not stayed in the secluded Manyuan Village for the past five years, he would have devoted himself to the development of the Chinese piano world.

Oh no, even if it was not devoted, he just paid a little attention.....

With a top pianist like Mr. Ye,

China's piano world will probably be among the best in the world!

Thinking of this possibility, Liu Xiaoxue's admiration for Ye Fang was endless.

However, Mr. Ye didn't care about these things, and it was unlikely to see him lead the Chinese piano world.....

Liu Xiaoxue couldn't help but look at the soft and small Guan Tiantian.

This is the future of China's piano world!

Liu Xiaoxue felt lucky and happy to be able to witness her birth in her lifetime.

The look in her eyes when she looked at Guan Tiantian gradually turned into starry eyes.

"this..."Ye Fang's words made Guan Youlan feel very uncomfortable, and she didn't know what to say for a moment.

She regarded the song as a treasure, but he thought it was not worth mentioning.

Come to think of it, Tiantian called"Dad" every day, and Mr. Ye really loved and cared about Tiantian, so why should she care about those empty formalities.

It was already a trouble for Mr. Ye to take care of Tiantian.

Thinking about those things that she owed him....

Why bother?

Thinking of this, Guan Youlan put away her own set of theories and said with a smile:

"I think too much. Tiantian needs to study hard in the future and not let Mr. Ye down."


Guan Tiantian heard Guan Youlan's change of tone, and her aggrieved face instantly turned into surprise. She happily agreed.

This made Miss Wen Yaoyao very envious!

They also want such a gift!!!

As for why Tang Qianqian is not envious? Because she has already received it!

Daddy drew a picture for her and gave it to Grandpa Lu!

Qianqian is not greedy!

At the invitation of the amusement park leader, several people had a meal together. Ye Fang allowed the other party to use the name of him and Tiantian to promote the amusement park.

After all, Tiantian was lost today, and he forced himself to use the advertisement. broadcast, mobilizing everyone to look for the child.

Compensation must be made for disrupting the order of the amusement park.

It was just publicity, and Ye Fang didn't mind.

But Ye Fang underestimated the publicity efforts of him and Guan Tiantian.

This amusement park has been declining due to urban planning and age.

But because of the publicity of the father and daughter, the musical prodigy and the anonymous god.

Countless Internet celebrities came to check in, and successfully boosted business.

The amusement park business has once again reached a new climax, which can be regarded as a revival!

This is all a later story.

After dinner, Ye Fang drove the children away from the amusement park. It was getting dark.

"Miss Guan, where are you going next?"

It was almost night, and Guan Youlan should go back.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'm going home." Guan Youlan replied

"Then I'll take you there." Ye Fang said politely with a gentlemanly smile.

"OK, thank you." After the piano music incident just now, Guan Youlan acted a little more casual.

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