Guan Family Courtyard.

Looking at the courtyard in front of him, Ye Fang was a little surprised.

He had heard that the Guan family had a good background, but he didn't expect that they lived in a courtyard.

It is rumored that such a courtyard is worth nearly 1 billion.

But Ye Fang was just surprised. After all, the wealth he possessed was not only that.

At this time, there were many people standing in front of the courtyard. They should be here to pick up Guan Youlan.

Guan Youlan was shocked when she saw the people standing in front of the door. She didn't bother to say goodbye to Ye Fang. She hurriedly opened the car door and got out of the car.

""Father, why did you come out?" Guan Youlan's voice was filled with surprise and timidity. The person she feared most in the whole family was Grandpa Guan.

Guan Tiantian, who was sitting in the car, was so scared when she heard her mother call her"Father" that her little body trembled.

Wen Yaoyao, who was beside her, noticed that something was wrong with Guan Tiantian. As a sister, she understood why Guan Tiantian was afraid.

Grandpa Guan was intimidating even without getting angry. Just standing there without saying anything could also make people feel scared.

When these children came to the Guan family's courtyard to play, what they feared most was meeting Grandpa Guan.

If they really met him, they would all stop playing and stand where they were. , not daring to look at each other, and whispered"Grandpa Guan".

Although Grandpa Guan treated them kindly, he seldom smiled, and these children were nervous and scared.

Even though these children were smarter than ordinary people, the aura emanating from Mr. Guan was the result of experience and the suppression of an elder.

The children were afraid from the bottom of their hearts.

And Guan Tiantian ran away without telling her family a few days ago. It was the only time she rebelled in her five-year-old life. She was full of guilt when she saw Guan Youlan, and now that she saw Grandpa Guan, the person she feared the most, she was really scared.

Wen Yaoyao hurriedly held Guan Tiantian's chubby little hand.

""Tiantian, don't panic, don't be afraid, Daddy is here!"

Wen Yaoyao whispered in Guan Tiantian's ear to comfort her, but she was actually unsure.

What if Grandpa Guan forced Tiantian to go back?

Grandpa Guan's angry look was scary to imagine!

But Wen Yaoyao felt that with her father around, her fear of Grandpa Guan was diluted a lot.

Guan Tiantian's trembling was reduced a lot.

That's right! Daddy is here!

Guan Tiantian silently cheered herself up, hoping that her grandfather would not see her.

Here, Guan Youlan hurriedly came over.

She just went out to relax as usual, but her father was standing in front of the door waiting for her to come back.

This made Guang Youlan feel She was in a panic. Did her father know that Tiantian had returned to Kyoto?

Guan Youlan was unsure.

Ye Fang was about to drive away, but when he heard Guan Youlan addressing the old man standing in front of the courtyard gate, he paused.

Is this Mr. Guan, Tiantian's grandfather? He was majestic without being angry, with white hair and beard, but there was a brightness in his cloudy eyes.

He was wearing a black Tang suit, and even though he was over 70 years old, his figure was still straight and very strong.

He was an extraordinary old gentleman.

Since he was an elder, Ye Fang did not leave first, but remained in the car.

He waited for Mr. Guan and Guan Youlan to go in before leaving.

This is respect for the elders.

""You came back just now, where have you been?" Mr. Guan looked at Guan Youlan and asked.

Guan Youlan replied with a guilty conscience:"I met a friend....Met Mr. Ye and Tiantian..."

Guan Youlan didn't dare to lie, her father would definitely be able to see through it at a glance, so she just told the truth.、

""Yes." Unexpectedly, Mr. Guan only responded lightly, and Guan Youlan breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that her father was not angry about this.....

But her father's next words made Guan Youlan stand there in a daze.

"Mr. Ye sent you back? The guest has already arrived at the door, how can we let him wait?"

"It's dinner time now. I've asked the kitchen to prepare the food. Please come in and have a meal, Mr. Ye."

After saying that, Mr. Guan walked towards Ye Fang's car with steady steps under Guan Youlan's suspicious gaze.

Seeing this, Ye Fang mistakenly thought that Mr. Guan was going to call Tiantian away, so he got out of the car slowly and stood outside the car.

""Mr. Guan."

Ye Fang was the first to greet him. Before he could finish what he was about to say, Mr. Guan had already spoken.

"Mr. Ye, it's time for dinner. Please take Youlan back and have dinner before leaving."

Ye Fang paused and looked at Guan Youlan who came over and stood behind Mr. Guan.

Guan Youlan ignored etiquette and waved her hands to show that she knew nothing.

Ye Fang wanted to refuse, but heard Mr. Guan say:

"My little granddaughter is disobedient and has been sneaking out for a week. Now that she is back, she must meet me."

Hearing this, Ye Fang couldn't refuse anymore.

After all, Guan Tiantian was raised by Mr. Guan, and he is also Tiantian's guardian. As a father sent from heaven, he can't stop them from meeting, right?

This is against the rules and etiquette!

Ye Fang glanced at Guan Tiantian who was shivering in the back seat, and nodded and said,"Sorry for bothering you."

Guan Tiantian's chubby face turned pale, and her mood instantly fell to the bottom.

It's over. She's going to meet grandpa, she's so scared!

Why can't her father stop her!

There's no other way. Guan Tiantian felt the gaze of her grandfather and could only get out of the car obediently.

Wen Yaoyao and the other two got out of the car together, followed Ye Fang, and walked into the Guan family courtyard together.

There were some porcelains placed in every corner of the courtyard. Ye Fang took a rough look. They were all priceless antiques.

If these things were placed in front of those antique collectors, they would be treasures that they could not get.

But in the Guan family, they were just objects placed everywhere.

They were even used to grow flowers and fish.

It was very luxurious....

But Grandpa Guan didn't seem to care. These were nothing to the Guan family.

In the restaurant, a variety of delicacies were already placed on the square wooden table, steaming, and the cook was already waiting on the side.

Also sitting at the table was Guan Tong'er, whom Ye Fang had met once, and Guan Tong'er's parents, who were also Guan Youlan's brother and sister-in-law.

When Ye Fang walked into the restaurant, everyone's eyes looked over.

Guan Tong'er secretly blinked and mouthed,"Long time no see, Mr. Ye!"

Guan Tong'er's father, Guan Liuqi, looked at Ye Fang carefully with an inquiring look.

These looks made Ye Fang feel uncomfortable.

"Mr. Ye, please take a seat. These are all home-cooked dishes. You're welcome."

Rarely, Mr. Guan smiled a little and said to Ye Fang.

Grandpa Guan smiled?

Wen Yaoyao widened her eyes. This was one of the few smiles she had ever seen.

But she had a bad feeling about her father.

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