The audience in the live broadcast room was already excited before they could see his face clearly.

"Here comes the beautiful guest!"

"Excited! Who is the guest this time?"

"Move the camera faster so I can see clearly who it is!"

"This figure looks familiar, but I don’t recognize the other one!"

"Another pretty looking girl!"


"Two beautiful ladies!"


Everyone in the Mushroom House also noticed the two figures walking in, and turned their heads to look.

Among the five little ones, Guan Tiantian and Liu Youyou's eyes suddenly lit up!

It seemed that just by seeing each other's figures, they could guess who it was!

"There are two beauties this time!" Teacher He said with a kind smile, with a little surprise in his eyes.

He only recognized one of them, but he couldn't help feeling surprised when he saw the other person.

She had rarely appeared in the public eye since a few years ago, so how could she come to the Mushroom House?

This show surprised him!

Teacher Huang squinted his eyes and looked carefully, and Peng Peng stretched his neck and tried to see clearly, after all, the figure was a beautiful guest!

Finally, the camera clearly captured the beautiful faces of the two.

The goddess on the left has fair skin and a figure that is just right, unlike the current thin actresses.

She is wearing a simple brand-name sportswear, and her long black curly hair is tied high into a ponytail and sways with her walking movements. She is wearing a pair of limited edition sneakers on her feet, which exudes vitality.

But she exudes intellectuality and cold beauty all over her body. Her facial features are extremely delicate, especially the slightly upturned tail of her eyes, which exudes a cold and beautiful beauty. Almond-shaped phoenix eyes.

She has a beautiful and delicate face, but she also has a kind of majestic and cold temperament.

The two different feelings are blended into one in her, creating a unique style.

This is probably the reason why she became famous at a young age.

The audience recognized her at a glance as Liu Tianxian, the top star who was once popular all over China.

However, she suddenly disappeared six years ago. At that time, she was only in her early twenties.

People of the same age at that time had just graduated from college, while Liu Tianxian was already at the top level.

But why she suddenly retired at the peak of her career is something that no one can understand.

There are rumors online that she was pregnant before marriage and chose to retire in order to give birth to the child.

However, these few words have not been confirmed and are drowned in the ocean of online comments.

Today, Liu Tianxian appeared in the Mushroom House without any warning, which shocked the audience in the live broadcast room and her fans.

"Oh my god! Why is Liu Tianxian here?"

"Am I seeing things? Liu Tianxian has come to the Mushroom House!!!‘

"I haven’t seen Liu Tianxian for several years. It’s amazing!"

"Awesome! The Mushroom House is so powerful that even Liu Tianxian can come"

"I saw my idol, so happy"

"The goddess is still so beautiful"

"I was shocked the first moment I appeared!"

"I am really beautiful!"

"Is Liu Tianxian going to make a comeback!!!"......

Compared to the explosion of audiences in the live broadcast room and the level of attention paid to Liu Tianxian, the woman standing next to Liu Tianxian seemed much more low-key.

She wore a simple beige dress, her long black hair was tied in a low ponytail behind her head, and a few strands of hair naturally fell on both sides of her cheeks.

Her temperament was as gentle as water, with a faint smile on her face, and she was still a little uncomfortable.

She knew that there was a camera filming her at the moment, but she tried hard to keep herself calm.

Fortunately, she came with her best friend Liu Tianxian, otherwise, she really couldn't stay calm.

As a pure amateur, Guan Youlan seldom stepped out of the house, and now she has to face the camera.

Seeing that her best friend Liu Tianxian has retired for many years, but is still confident and calm, Guan Youlan is a little envious in her heart.

However, she has no ambition to become a star or gain exposure, and she just envies the confidence that Liu Tianxian exudes.

"Just say hello later, don't be nervous."

Liu Tianxian saw Guan Youlan's discomfort, took her soft little hand, and encouraged her in a low voice.

The two have been good friends for many years. Guan Youlan has a weak personality, so Liu Tianxian naturally wants to take care of her more.

These are subconscious actions between besties, but in the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room, they are colored with a layer of filter.

"Oh my! This picture, love love love"

"Sorry guys, I got it wrong."

"Suddenly I feel that the goddess is so warm and easy to attack?"......

There are always all kinds of people and all kinds of hobbies on the Internet.

Liu Tianxian held Guan Youlan's hand so that she could walk calmly with her to the Mushroom House.

Looking at the Mushroom House in front of her and the small courtyard full of sunflowers beside her, Liu Tianxian's cold eyes were tinged with a hint of softness.

In the past five years, the world only revolved around children.

She had almost forgotten that she was once the focus of the world's attention.

At this moment, facing the camera, her self-confidence and pride that were almost dissipated came to her heart again.

It turned out that she was not really determined to retire and raise children. She also wanted to have her own career and life.

From a distance, the figure of the little guy Liu Youyou was already seen.

However, after not seeing you for more than ten days, Youyou seemed to have changed a lot.

Liu Tianxian was full of thoughts for a while.

From a distance, the youngest labor force in the Mushroom House, Ye Fang and Peng Peng, took the initiative to step forward and help the two female guests with the boxes.

When Ye Fang saw that one of the people was Guan Youlan, there was a hint of surprise on his handsome face.

Are you here for Tiantian?

Worried that he can't take good care of the child?

Ye Fang didn't think much about it, but smiled and went over to help Guan Youlan carry the box.

Guests are guests, and as a member of the Mushroom House, he must fulfill his hospitality as a host.

Liu Tianxian's eyes had already fallen on Ye Fang.

He is indeed tall, handsome, and has an extraordinary temperament. Seeing this, Liu Tianxian had to admit that Youyou looks more like Mr. Ye.

But Ye Fang brushed past her and walked to the side of her bestie.

Liu Tianxian was slightly stunned, and she was surprised in her heart....

The man's eyes never stayed on her for a second.

As a top female star in China, she was once famous for her beauty. Wherever she went, she was the focus of attention. The media always described her as"beautiful".

But Mr. Ye never looked at her more.

Was it because she had retired for many years and her charm was not as strong as before?

""Let me help you." Ye Fang helped Guan Youlan pick up the suitcase naturally, but he didn't say much or look at her.

He just treated Guan Youlan as a guest.

Mr. Ye was really polite to her!

Guan Youlan thought silently in her heart, showing an embarrassed smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye."

Liu Tianxian listened to the conversation between the two and couldn't help but look at her best friend Guan Youlan.

She just felt that something was wrong with her!

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